Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1109: Dragon Lion Beast!

Not only that!

It seems that because of the long battle with Tang Yi, it seems that because of the use of several animal skills and the use of such things as the field, the dragon, lion and beast consumed a great deal of power. Too. dt

Seeing the appearance of the dragon, lion and beast, Tang Yi was immediately overjoyed, and became more and more excited, and his hand movements became more sloppy.

Victory is in sight!

Sure enough, no matter what BOSS, as long as you grind slowly, you will eventually be able to grind to death.

Even the strongest BOSS is no exception, such as this extremely powerful dragon and lion beast.

No matter how strong the defense is, isn't Tang Yi almost breaking the defense at the moment?

Although it is not broken yet, how long can the dragon, lion, and beast persist with time? ?

Tang Yi can continue to buy potions in the system store and continue to restore the state, but can the dragon, lion and beast?

Obviously not.

After a period of time, when the strength of the dragon and lion beast is exhausted and the defense power reaches a certain limit, it is the death period of the dragon and lion beast.

Thinking of a large number of rewards and a large number of experience values ​​coming soon, Tang Yi became more and more excited, and his hand movements became faster and faster.

He carried thousands of incarnations of giant swords, and constantly attacked the dragon and lion beast. If it was the dragon and lion beast in the heyday, Tang Yi wanted to strike the dragon and lion beast, it still has certain difficulty.

However, the state of the dragon, lion and beast was greatly reduced and entered a state of exhaustion. Tang Yi wanted to strike the dragon and lion. That was much simpler. He almost attacked four or five times. He could fight hard with four or five times. Once the dragon and lion beast are able to leave a deep mark on the body of the dragon and lion beast.

Now the situation is more and more biased to Tang Yi's side.

At the beginning, the dragon, lion and beast can still fight hard with Tang Yi a few times, but as time goes by, it can't fight slowly, and enters a state of passive beating and continuous dodge.

But what's the use of flash, its speed is not comparable to Tang Yi, Tang Yi's state is still in full bloom at the moment, and the dragon, lion and beast are no longer good, how can he run past Tang Yi?

So, finally it became Tang Yi chasing after the dragon, lion and beast.

And still the one that can't fight back!

This made the dragon, lion and beast suffocated even more.

It is a dazzling dragon and lion, but it is the absolute overlord of the Skywalking Valley. However, it is chased and beaten by a human being at this moment.

But what's the use of holding back?

Of course it is useless!

Can suffocation not be beaten?

Of course not.

Therefore, in addition to holding back, the dragon, lion and beast can only bear the torture of Tang Yi silently.

If it could speak at the moment, it might have asked Tang Yi for mercy.

Nonsense, being beaten up like this, even if there is a dignified monster, they all ask for forgiveness.

After all, don’t beg for mercy, and it’s only death that greets it in the end.

Unfortunately, the dragon, lion and beast cannot speak.

Not all advanced monsters can speak.

Although the more advanced the monster is, the higher the wisdom, but if you want to speak out, you have to meet certain conditions.

If certain conditions are met, some monsters and even beasts can be transformed into human form and change into human form.

Of course, these require specific conditions.

Therefore, the dragon, the lion and the beast can not beg for mercy, and even if they want to fight back, the situation is really stifling.

In this way, under the attack of Tang Yi, under the tactics of Tang Yimo's BOSS, the status of the dragon and lion beast is getting worse and worse, and the injury left by the attack of Tang Yi on the body of the dragon and lion is also more and more obvious.

From the beginning, there was only a shallow trace, and later, at any time, a wound could be left on the body of the dragon, lion, and the change became more obvious.

Everything is developing in a good direction. The BOSS of the Dragon, Lion and Beast will be killed by Tang Yi.


Is BOSS really that easy to kill?

The reason why BOSS is BOSS is of course not so easy to kill.

What's more, it is the overlord of the Skywalking Valley, not to mention the black gold BOSS!

After Tang Yi chased the dragon and lion for nearly ten hours, after the dragon and lion were covered with wounds, and the brown fluff became bloody, the dragon and lion finally broke out.

It can't help it!

It felt that Tang Yi would continue to fight like this, and sooner or later it would die, so, in the end, it no longer tolerated, and decided to fight with Tang Yi.


The dragon, lion and beast roared, turned over, and emerged from the suppression of Tang Yi. Then, the blood-stained fluff was erected again, and the whole body exuded as strong as the beginning of the heyday. momentum! !

"The dragon and lion beast broke out! The final counterattack before the death of the big boss!"

Seeing the appearance of the dragon, lion and beast, Tang Yi immediately thought of this possibility, and suddenly he became more careful.

After all, the dragon and lion beast in this state is the most dangerous. It is very likely that it will burn with his jade, or what powerful animal skills will erupt, and kill him with a single blow.

These things have to be guarded against.

So, after seeing the outbreak of the Dragon and Lion Beast, Tang Yi immediately stopped his hand movements, and his body retreated a hundred meters, carefully guarding against it~lightnovelpub.net~ and the Dragon and Lion Beast saw Tang Yi retreat Going out for a hundred meters, he did not chase Tang Yi, but continued to erupt, the fluff of his body became more straight, and the powerful momentum became stronger and stronger, as if it were in substance.


The powerful momentum screamed like a gust of wind, blowing the flowers and trees around, and several large trees were blown uprooted.

After a few breaths, there was a slight **** smell in the air, and in the dragon and lion's substantive momentum, a **** red began to appear.

This blood red was originally just a little bit, the size of a finger is not obvious in the huge momentum.

However, with the passage of time, with the continuous outbreak of the dragon and lion beast, this blood red became thicker and thicker, and the volume became larger and larger, as if the smoke spread, occupying the entire ocean of the dragon and lion beast.

The momentum of the dragon, lion and beast turned into a blood-red trend in an instant!

It looks scary!

"What's going on? What happened?"

Seeing the blood-red demeanor of the Dragon and Lion Beast and smelling the faint **** smell of the air, Tang Yi was puzzled and wondered what the Dragon and Lion Beast did.

What Tang Yi did not know was.

Believing in the earth's network game, BOSS has a anger value. If you push the BOSS too quickly, let the anger value of the BOSS break through the critical point to a certain level, and the BOSS will run wild or mutate!

Of course, at this moment, the dragon, lion, and beast are certainly not mutations. The mutation is that the body will change, rather than let the momentum change.

Therefore, the state of the dragon, lion and beast at this moment is not a mutation but a runaway!

Because Tang Yi was forced into a desperate situation, the anger value of the dragon, lion and beast broke through the critical point and entered a state of rampage!
