Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1162: Murder more?


After the repair, Tang Yi's mental power panel changed again.

Player: Tang Yi

Sea of ​​Consciousness: Starlight

Mental Strength Level: 86 (86th floor)

Experience: 0/10000000000

Mental Power Techniques: Gathering God (Top)

Training efficiency: 1000000/D (experience value/day)

* Players can turn on auto-cultivation mental power function, which requires 10,000 God of War value per day.


It is good to practice to increase the spiritual experience value by 100,000 points a day, which is N times higher than the previous spiritual experience value of 1 point.

In the future, Tang Yi can do anything and practice, so that even if there is no divine level promotion pills, Tang Yi's mental power level can be quickly promoted. Of course, this'soon' is relative to the previous one.

In addition, starting automatic cultivation requires 10,000 God of War values ​​per day. At present, Tang Yi cannot afford to spend, so he does not intend to start automatic cultivation. Tang Yi plans to wait for the future to become wealthy, and the God of War is worth more, and then plan to open After all, this automatic cultivation function can automatically cultivate mental strength without spending time, and can automatically increase the mental strength level. This is a matter of worry and effort.


After a good tidy up, after finishing all the tidy things up, Tang Yi stopped for a while in Honghuang City, and then walked out of the city.


While walking towards the outside of the city, Tang Yi suddenly found that two groups of people were following him, sneaky, seemingly not good intentions, and the strength of the two groups was not weak, almost all of the war emperor level Strength!

"Ha ha."

Tang Yi sneered. He originally wanted to leave Honghuang City directly with the technique of flying. After discovering this, he suddenly changed his mind and changed to walking. He slowly left Honghuang City slowly, and the people behind him also slowly Caught up with him and looked really conspiracy.

"Is it because the level of the panacea I have refined is too high, which has caused these people to covet?"

Seeing that these people really followed, Tang Yi thought while walking outside.

If others are not conspiring, they will certainly not follow suit.

When Tang Yigang came to Honghuang City, he didn't provoke anyone, let alone grumble with anyone, and thought no one would come to seek revenge.

So close to it, then there is only one purpose, that is, what he has caused others to covet.

What covets?

Tang Yi hasn't exposed anything, the only thing exposed is the 20-level Pill Elixir Spirit Level Promotion Pills.

Tang Yi guessed that the people who followed him probably saw that the pill with a high level of mental strength was promoted, and the eyes were red, which raised the greed, and wanted the medicine to be his own, so he followed.

In addition, these people think that Tang Yi is just an alchemist, he has no power to restrain the chickens, and it is not difficult to snatch, so he will do such a shameful thing.

In general, these two waves of people just think that Tang Yi is bullying and carries heavy treasures on his body.

Think about it a little, Tang Yi figured out the purpose of these people.

But also, who does not want the twenty-level god-level elixir?

Not to mention the 20th grade, even if it is the 14th grade and the 15th grade, someone will break the scalp to **** it, let alone the 20th grade medicine.

In addition, Tang Yi appeared as a genius alchemist, but did not expose the force. A person without force, carrying a treasure such as the 20-pin elixir, can not be coveted, can it not make people jealous?

The value is huge, and it is easy to grab. Who would not want to do such a small-risk transaction with high returns?

There are few people attracting two waves...

"Dare to hit the abacus on my head, but dare to covet my things, I really do not know what to do."

After figuring out the purpose of these people, Tang Yi sneered, and then speeded up out of the city.

Of course, who is Tang Yi? Is he such a bully?

of course not!

‘People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people, if people offend me, I destroy his nine races! ’

This has always been Tang Yi's life guidelines!

At this moment, others dare to hit his mind on him, and dare to covet his immortality, it is really dead!

Want a panacea? You have to change your life!

After Tang Yi discovered that someone was following him, he didn't immediately pull out the follower, but continued to move forward quietly, going out of the city, where it was remote.

After all, you can't kill people in the city?

Moreover, in the city, this kind of murderous and over-the-top thing, others do not dare to take such a decent shot.

And if others don't shoot, then Tang Yi is not good at killing? What's wrong with others, what excuse to kill?

Of course, go to a remote place, wait for someone else's shot, after having an excuse, then kill again! !

Therefore, Tang Yicai went to a remote place, after all, to create opportunities for others?

After a while, Tang Yi left the city and walked farther and farther away, so that he could hardly meet anyone.

The two waves of people behind Tang Yi saw Tang Yi going to such a remote place~lightnovelpub.net~ was also stunned for a moment, they did not expect Tang Yi to take the road to leave Honghuang City, but chose a remote village Wild trail.

However, I didn’t expect it. Tang Yi took a remote country road, which was exactly what they wanted. After all, it’s so small to walk in the country. Only in this way can we start to realize that people don’t even know it?

When Tang Yi walked another way, about hundreds of miles away from Honghuang City, a wave of people finally couldn't bear it and chose to shoot.

"Oh, uh~"

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... A total of sixteen men in black flew to Tang Yi in a quick manner, blocking Tang Yi's path.

"Ah. You, who are you and what do you want to do?"

Tang Yi knew long ago that there would be people killing more and more goods. He already knew that these people could not wait any longer and would immediately shoot, but he still pretended to be surprised.

While another wave of people still lurking was wearing gray clothes and covered with a gray veil. They saw that there was still a wave of people in black trying to misbehave Tang Yi in an attempt to kill others. They were also stunned.

"The deputy master, there are others who are coveting Master Tang Yi's medicine, what should we do?"

Among the gangs of gray men still lurking, a gray man said to the gray man who appeared to be the leader.

Wen Yan, the gray man with a collar-like look, glanced at the black men who blocked Tang Yi’s way, and pondered for a while, and said: "The mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow **** are behind. The dog bites the dog, and then we do the final cardinal."

Hearing the leader's words, all the gray-clothed people nodded and lurked carefully.

Tang Yi's location.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the leader of the man in black suddenly smiled coldly and said, "We? Ha ha, we are the one who killed you!"

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