Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1208: As long as you don’t bother me, please


However, it was just when Ren Hongwen exploded his martial arts to Tang Yi.

"Hand of Soul Eater!"

Tang Yi gently raised his right hand and stretched in the direction of Ren Hongwen rushing.

Same action, same martial arts, same indifferent!

And the ending...


A huge suction surged violently from Tang Yi's hands.

The original Ren Hongwen was about to hit Tang Yi. At the moment, Tang Yi’s hands gushed out suction, which immediately accelerated Ren Hongwen’s speed, letting Ren Hongwen reach Tang Yi’s eyes in an instant. A catch, caught Tang Yi.

The martial arts of the two sides, so intimate contact between the moments, launched a collision!


The moment when Ren Hongwen's grab and Tang Yi's right hand collided, a trembling shock erupted, as if the sky was falling apart.

This sound, let alone the street outside the courtyard, I am afraid that the entire Longyun City can hear it.

Of course, even if no sound can be heard, the powerful momentum that erupted here at this moment, as well as the powerful power fluctuations, will also be sensed by the strongmen of Longyun City.

At this moment, upon hearing this loud noise and sensing this violent wave of power, there have been many strong players of the level of God of War in the Dragon Cloud City who have rushed towards the Tianxing Beyond.

And inside the Xingbei Courtyard.

Hearing this loud noise, the disciples of Tianxing College turned and ran away, wanting to stay away from the living room and avoid being affected.

In their view, with such a huge noise, the martial arts power that broke out from both sides must be terrible.

With this level of collision, the entire street, no, the entire area is estimated to be over.

However, they left the living room and flew up one after another. When they flew more than ten meters away, nothing happened except the loud noise just now!

The doubtful people turned their heads and found out that not only was this area safe and sound, the entire street, the entire courtyard, and even the entire living room were safe and sound, and nothing seemed to happen, and nothing happened.

Seeing this scene, the crowd at Tianxing College stopped suddenly one by one, and no longer fled, but turned around and looked up.

However, when they saw the situation in the living room, all of them suddenly froze.

I saw that in the living room, a mask put Tang Yi and Ren Hongwen inside. The martial arts power that had been exploded by both parties was blocked by this mask, and it didn't explode and affected the living room.

The reason why this area is okay, the whole street is okay, the courtyard and the living room are okay, it is all because the mask masks the martial arts power of both sides and blocks all the aftermath.

And inside the mask, Ren Hongwen's catch was still on Tang Yi's right hand, both sides kept this posture without moving.

Even after a few seconds, the two still maintained this posture.


Although the two maintained their postures, their expressions and their movements were different.

Ren Hongwen's body was trembling, his face was terrified, and he also stared at Tang Yi with an incredible look.

And Tang Yi?

Tang Yi stood upright, slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and showed a bright smile, his expression was unsurprised, and he seemed very calm.

In Tang Yi's body, a red and blue flame was also burning, which was exactly the same flame that came out of his arm when Ren Hongwen used his martial arts.

Obviously, the flames on Tang Yi should have been contaminated by Ren Hongwen's martial arts.

Moreover, the fire was very large, and Tang Yi was wrapped in it by the red and blue flames.

If it is an ordinary person, so burned by flames, I am afraid that it has already turned into a pile of fly ash, and can't die anymore.

However, the magic is that Tang Yi is wrapped in red and blue flames, but there is nothing at all. The smile is still laughing, the calmness is still calm, as if the red and blue flames do not exist.

Actually the whole area is fine!

The whole street is fine!

The entire courtyard is fine!

Even the entire living room is fine!

Even Ren Hongwen and Tang Yi are fine!

Burned by red and blue flames, can it be safe and sound?

Seeing this scene, everyone stared at the curious eyes and returned to the living room.

After returning to the living room, although Ren Hongwen and Tang Yi were still, everyone did not disturb Tang Yi and Ren Hongwen. No one spoke at the scene, so they waited so quietly, so curious and shocked. Watching quietly.

"How... how is it possible! How could you withstand the power of my angry flame claws! How could you be burned by angry flames with nothing?"

After a moment, Ren Hongwen turned around and said incredulously towards Tang Yi.

"There is nothing impossible in the world. If there is, it is that you are not strong enough." Tang Yi replied lightly.

"There is nothing impossible in the world. If there is, is it that I am not strong enough?"

Ren Hongwen whispered the words of Tang Yi in a low voice, and then he lowered his head slightly, as if deciding what to consider.

A moment later, he raised his head and said to Tang Yi: "I am not strong enough, brother Tang Yi, I admit defeat~lightnovelpub.net~According to the promise, even if you are late this time, even, You will be solely responsible for the matter of going to the Tianwu Kingdom for the martial arts meeting this time. You will be our leader from today."

"No need to."

Tang Yi loosened his hand and released Ren Hongwen.

Suddenly Ren Hongwen stepped back weakly and regained control of his body.

The previous posture was not actually what Ren Hongwen wanted to maintain, but that he had to maintain it.

Because he couldn't move the whole person. Like the disciples of Tianxing College who had played with Tang Yi before, he was firmly absorbed by Tang Yi.

Moreover, he also felt the fear that the disciples of Tianxing College felt before!

Feel the great power contained in the little palm of Tang Yi!

He now knew Tang Yi's strength.

I finally knew what it meant for the disciples of Tianxing College to let him experience it once.

I finally know why the disciples of the previous Tianxing College would admit defeat!

After all, under such terrible pressure and under such terrible power, can you not admit defeat?

Must be recognized!

After releasing Ren Hongwen, Tang Yi shook slightly.


With a soft sound, the red and blue flames covering Tang Yi disappeared suddenly.

The temperature in the air suddenly dropped quickly and returned to normal temperature.

Although the red and blue flames were fierce, they did not affect Tang Yi at all.

At the same time, the reticle that wrapped the two of them also shook slightly, dissipated in the air, and everything returned to its original state.

After all this was done, Tang Yi continued to say to Ren Hongwen: "You don't need to give me the position of the team leader. You just need to stay in front of you. As long as you don't trouble me, everything will be discussed.

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