Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1213: Holy Order, Western United Ship!


Seeing the reminder, the other disciples who participated in the martial arts meeting came to the bow of the ship, their faces inexplicable.

However, when they saw the huge warships galloping in the distance, they all reacted immediately, and everyone opened their eyes and was shocked.

"This is... this is Fei Yun Tian Pi!"

"Oh my god, Fei Yun Tian Pi actually found us."

"I heard that people who were targeted by Feiyuntian Pirates rarely escaped. Now Feiyun Tianpio finds us, then..."

"It's over, it's in trouble now."

"Actually Fei Yun Tian Pi, why are our luck so bad."

"What should I do now?"


Everyone said that the disciples of Tianxing College panicked when they saw Fei Yun Tian Pi.

They have also heard of Feiyun Tiantou, although they are all strong in the level of God of War, although their strength is very strong, but Feiyun Tianpi is even more terrible.

Moreover, there are higher levels above the Ares level, and the Ares level is not considered to be a top-notch existence.

There are many people who are stronger than the warrior level warriors!

And Fei Yun Tian Pi is likely to have this level of strong.

"Don't panic, everyone."

Ren Hongwen came out to appease him, and then said: "Yes, the behemoth you saw is indeed a flying ship of Feiyun Tiantou. We were indeed stared at by Feiyun Tianpi, but!"

After a pause, Ren Hongwen glanced at the audience and continued: "However, I may not have the hope of retreating. There is Tang Yi's western united warship. I want to come. We want to retreat. We will not fight against Feiyun Tiandao. Some chance."

"Yes, Tang Yi's warship is so fast, we should be able to retreat in difficulty."

"Yes, have you reached the boundary of the Tianyu domain now? It used to take at least nine days to get here at our speed, and it took only three days to take the Tangyi warship. At such a speed, I should be able to get rid of Feiyun Tianpi."

"Right, right, we can't be too pessimistic, everything can't be without a ray of vitality."

"Our luck was too bad. I didn't expect to encounter Fei Yun Tian Pi."

"Don't say so much, now let Brother Tang Yi control the warship and evacuate early."

"Yes, yes, let Brother Tang Yi control the warship to evacuate early, otherwise it will be too late."


Everyone said.

After Ren Hongwen informed everyone, he turned his head and looked at Tang Yi, saying: "Tang Yi student, you control the West United warship, retreat at the fastest speed, see if we can avoid Fei Yun Tian Pi ."

"Do we have to avoid them?" Tang Yi thought for a moment and asked.


Hearing Tang Yi’s question, Ren Hongwen froze for a moment, then looked at Tang Yi puzzledly and said, “Sister Tang Yi, don’t you know Fei Yun Tian Pi? Even if you don’t know Fei Yun Tian Pi, you should have listened just now. We said it."

"Yeah, Brother Tang Yi, that's Feiyun Tiantou. It's powerful. The team of fifty of them who once served as seniors. Each of them is a strong **** of war level. When they met Feiyun Tianpi, they were still brutally attacked. To Not the dean, maybe even being a senior..."

"Can you avoid it or not? We simply can't touch the edge of Fei Yun Tian Pi."

"They dare to find us, they must have a certain victory, otherwise it is impossible to come over and stop us."

"Feiyun Tian Pi is not so irritating. With our current strength, we can't deal with them at all. Their strength is estimated to be several times stronger than ours. Even, maybe there will be stronger than God of War."

"Don’t talk about the strong guys, just the warships, we can’t compete with them. Look at their warships, covering the sky and the sky, so huge, hit them, I’m afraid our warships will be hit on the spot. Into powder."

"Now that they are still in the distance, let's go. Let's go earlier. The chance that we can avoid them is greater."

"Yeah, get around, maybe they didn't come towards us, but pass by. Now we go around, maybe they won't chase them."


Hearing Ren Hongwen's words, everyone said one after another.

"I didn't know Fei Yun Tian Pi just now, but after hearing what you said, I almost knew it, and I know how powerful Fei Yun Tian Pi is, but..."

After a pause, Tang Yi said slowly: "However, although Feiyuntian is known to be a thief, and although they are very powerful, I still don't want to avoid them. I want to deal with them!"

Just now Tang Yi listened to the introduction of Ren Hongwen and others, and already roughly knew what kind of team Feiyun Tiandao is. In fact, Feiyun Tianpi is similar to the swallowing thieves rampant in the four domains. They are all robbers composed of powerful warriors The nature of the two is the same, except that the strength of the swallowing thief is not as strong as the flying robber ~lightnovelpub.net~ Of course, even if the flying robber is strong, Tang Yi still wants to challenge it !

After all, Tang Yi urgently needs the God of War value, and needs a huge God of War value!

But where does the God of War value come from?

Isn't it just from killing monsters and killing people?

At this moment, these evil burglars appeared in front of Tang Yi to give Tang Yi to kill. How could Tang Yi avoid them?

Of course impossible!

Tang Yi may have pressure to kill people, but to kill these wicked people, he has no pressure at all, and even chases such people.

Therefore, no matter what the strength of Fei Yun Tian Pi, and no matter how good they are, Tang Yi feels that he has to challenge it anyway, even if he can’t challenge it, can he still escape? The speed of the western united warship can't beat this group of flying clouds.

In addition, after the Western United warship was upgraded to the Holy Order level, it is completely different now.

Name: Western United Warship (named by the player)

Level: Quaibao under the Saint Order

Function: Carry, fight.

Attack skills: Holy Flame comes to the world (Holy Order inferior), Holy Light shines (Holy Order inferior).

Defensive skills: Shengyuan shield (holy order inferior).

The sacred fire comes out: a huge fireball is ejected from the dragon head statue to attack the enemy. After the fireball spit out, it can be split into a hundred small fireballs, each fireball can cause the equivalent of a holy order power The power of inferior martial arts. (Can only be used three times a day)

Holy Light: a huge light ball is sprayed from the Phoenix statue to attack the enemy. After the light ball is spit out, it can be split into a hundred small light balls, each light ball can cause the equivalent of a Holy Order. The actor exerts the power of the lower-level martial arts of the Holy Order. (Can only be used three times a day)


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