Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1216: Counterattack


Seeing this blue beam of light coming, the disciples of the Tianxing College on the Western United Ship were frightened and panicked.

Now people with a clear eye can see the extraordinaryness of this azure beam of light, and can see how powerful it is.

So, seeing such an extraordinary and powerful beam of light, how could they not be nervous or panic.

But, apart from panic, they could do nothing but stand in the warship and watch the beam of light coming.

After all, they can't walk out of the shield to help resist this blue light beam?

Before those fireballs, they can go out to resist one or two, and this beam of light, they simply can not resist! !

All the disciples of Tianxing Academy present at the scene, although they are all the level of God of War, but faced with such a horrible, so extraordinary beam of light, no one can confidently come forward to resist.

Not to mention that they are all alone, even if everyone goes together, they have no confidence to resist.

After all, that beam of light felt terrifying.

Therefore, they can't stop it, and they can't run. What can they do besides standing on the ship and watching?

Can't do anything.

However, they didn’t know that they didn’t need to do anything. This time the tension, worry, and various emotions were still slightly redundant. Under the protection of the Western United Ship, they could not be hurt. .

You have to know that the Western United warship has been upgraded by Tang Yi into a holy rank warship, and the defense is already unparalleled. Even a group of God of War, it is extremely difficult to even break the defense of the warship.

Therefore, how can a blue light beam in every area break the shield on the Western United Ship?

Because Tang Yi knew this and understood the defense power of the Western United Ship, he saw the azure beam of light coming, still standing on the spot, with a calm face.

Seeing that Tang Yi could be in such a critical, such a tense moment, and still looking calm, Teng Qianye on the side admired Tang Yi more and more, and the underworld really deserved to be the man I liked.

At this time, the blue beam of light came.

Everyone looked nervously at such a beam of light.

However, as mentioned before, everyone's nervousness is somewhat redundant.


The azure beam of light blasted on the milky white shield of the Western United Ship, swelled in violent ripples, like a circle of ripples.

And the milky white shield like an eggshell was bombarded by the azure beam of light, and it also sunk at once.


After a while, the ripples returned to calm, and the sunken part bounced back again.

It was only for a while, and the milky white eggshell-like shield suddenly returned to its original state, and it seemed that there was nothing at all.


"It's blocked again! Brother Tang Yi's warship can actually block such a powerful attack?"

"Such an attack, let alone me, even if we go together, it is estimated that it cannot be resisted. I didn't expect that Tang Yi's warship could actually resist it."

"Is it too strong? Brother Tang Yi is not only strong, but even the battleship is so strong?"

"What kind of warship is this? It's so powerful."

"I also want such a warship, with such a warship in hand, I am still afraid of who can run and resist, it is invincible."

Seeing this scene, the crowd at Tianxing College rose again, and there was a lot of discussion, and everyone was shocked.

For Tang Yi to have such a powerful warship, in addition to being surprised, they were envious.

Of course, after all, who does not want such a fast warship?

With such a warship, the combat power is almost doubled.

In the distance, the Feiyun Sky Robbers seemed to be shocked by the powerful defense of the Western United Ship. After sending out the azure beam of light just now, there was no next move for a long time, and even the speed dropped. Then he quickly approached the Western United warship where Tang Yi and others were located, but changed slowly, and slowly approached the Western United warship where Tang Yi and others were located.

At this time, seeing the Shengyuan shield of the Western United Warship blocked the enemy's attack, Tang Yi first nodded in satisfaction, and then fixed his eyes, looking at the Feiyun Tiandao in the distance. The huge warship said quietly: "It's not rude to come and go, since they sent us two gifts, then we can't be stingy, right?"

In other words, Tang Yi activated the attacking skills of the Western United Warship, and the torch came into the world.

The sacred fire comes out: a huge fireball is ejected from the dragon head statue to attack the enemy. After the fireball spit out, it can be split into one hundred small fireballs, each fireball can cause the equivalent of a holy order strong man to cast the holy The power of inferior martial arts. (Can only be used three times a day)


When Tang Yi launched the attacking skill of the Western United Warship, the torch came into the world, and there was a sudden bang, and a huge fireball on the bow of the dragon's head ~lightnovelpub.net~ The ship flew past.

In the process of flying out, the fireball becomes bigger and bigger, and the speed of change is very rapid, and it expands visually.

It gradually changed from the original size of about one meter to five meters, then ten meters, followed by thirty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters!

In just a blink of an eye, the fireball that flew out of the dragon head of the western united warship reached 1,000 meters!

However, this is not the limit, the fireball is still expanding rapidly!

2000 meters, 3000 meters, 4000 meters, 5000 meters... The diameter of the fireball has reached five kilometers, but this change still has not stopped!

A moment later, when the fireball flew high into the sky and reached the top of Feiyun Tiandao, the diameter of the fireball had reached a diameter of 20 kilometers! That is 20,000 meters!

How big should a 20,000-meter fireball be?

From the bottom up, it looks like a little sun!

And, as the fireball gets bigger and bigger, the temperature above it also gradually increases, becoming extremely hot.

Although flying a long distance from the dragon head of the Western United Ship, everyone on the Western United Ship can still feel the hot temperature above the fireball. Everyone’s palm is slightly back because of this hot temperature Sweating.

You have to know that they are strong gods of war, and their control is extremely high. It is impossible for them to sweat under normal temperature.

However, at such a long distance at this moment, they can still feel such a high temperature, and they can also make them sweat. It can be seen how high the temperature of the fireball is at the moment.

If you are close, I am afraid that even the God of War will be burned to death.

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