Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1296: Qiu Jingshan is serious


However, the result was completely different from what everyone thought.


The moment Qiu Jingshan collided with Tang Yi's finger, Qiu Jingshan's body actually flew out ten times faster than when he rushed to Tang Yi, and then crashed the wall like Cui Haojin before. , Flew out of the hall.

A hole appeared again on the wall of the hall, and it still appeared beside the previous hole.

At the moment, the two potholes are as if they are two eyes, which is unusually eye-catching.


This amazing scene happened so quickly that everyone in the room was stupid and shocked to speak.

For a time, the hall became silent, the needle fell audible, and the atmosphere was very strange.

After a while, all the people were surprised.

"Isn't that possible, what's going on, what just happened? Why was Qiu Jingshan flew out?"

"Qiu Jingshan was able to fly Cui Haojin even if he was a normal punch. At the moment, the 16-year-old boy of Tianxing College flew out with a finger? I'm afraid I am not dreaming? "

"Don't the kid just stretched out a finger before the test? Should he decide to defeat Qiu Jingshan with a finger before the test? Why would he suddenly stretch out a finger."

"How is it possible, how could he have such strength."

"Yes, a teenager in his twenties, and a disciple of Tianxing College, how could he have this strength, anyway, I don't believe it."

"It must have happened just now that I didn't know, otherwise why would Qiu Jingshan be blasted out? If Qiu Jingshan was blasted out by the boy with one finger, I wouldn't believe it if I killed him.

"I don't believe it either, the kid looks 16 or 7 years old, so young, where can he be strong again? I think he must have come to know the reason why he came to the martial arts conference. People you know, you said he blasted an eight-star warrior-level warrior with one finger. I don’t believe it.


Apart from the shock, none of the people present believed that Tang Yi could fly Qiu Jingshan out with one finger.

Although the scene where Qiu Jingshan was flicked out by one finger of Tang Yi really happened, but everyone only thought it was an illusion, or what method Tang Yi used, so it can cause this effect. In fact, that It is not Tang Yi's strength.


Just when everyone was talking and shocked, a cold hum came from outside the hall.

With a cold hum, an embarrassed figure also came in.

Unlike Cui Haojin, who disappeared after being blasted out, Qiu Jingshan was just blasted out for a while, and then walked back.

It's just that, at the moment, he looks awkward, dirty, dusty and unkempt.

"Come again!"

After entering the hall, Qiu Jingshan said unconvincingly.

"Ha ha."

Seeing Qiu Jingshan's unconvinced look, Tang Yi smiled.

There was no unnecessary nonsense, he took a hook towards Qiu Jingshan and signaled Qiu Jingshan to come again.


With a cold snort again, Qiu Jingshan had no unnecessary nonsense.

Under the watch of everyone, his figure moved, and rushed towards Tang Yi again.

When attacking Tang Yi before, Qiu Jingshan did not take it seriously, nor did he come up with his true skills.

He attacked Tang Yi with the same force as when attacking Cui Haojin. The attack was ordinary and did not have much power.

When he wanted to come, since this blow could blast Cui Haojin, then it would not be a problem to blast a 16-year-old or a 7-year-old boy to a disciple of Tianxing College.

However, I didn't expect that this blow not only did not hurt the other party, but suffered myself!

He didn't want the humble front of him, only the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy actually had such strong strength.

Moreover, if Qiu Jingshan remembered correctly, he remembered that Tang Yi used a finger before!

With one finger, he broke his punch, and flew him out, which was incredible, and Qiu Jingshan was shocked.

Of course, astonished, Qiu Jingshan was not afraid of Tang Yi, nor did he take Tang Yi seriously.

He felt that the reason why his previous blow was hit by Tang Yi was not because Tang Yi was too strong, but because he was too relaxed and alert, because he was too small and did not use a certain amount of power. Was blown out by Tang Yi.

In short, Qiu Jingshan thinks so, he still does not recognize Tang Yi's strength.

In addition, Qiu Jingshan was blown away by Tang Yi with a single blow, and Qiu Jingshan was annoyed, feeling that Tang Yi let him lose face.

What is the most important thing for the warrior?

That is naturally strength and face.

At the moment, Tang Yi actually used his strength to beat Qiu Jingshan's face so that Qiu Jingshan's face was completely lost. Can Qiu Jingshan not be angry?

At this moment, he really hated Tang Yi~lightnovelpub.net~ Originally he was majestic and magnificent, and the scenery was infinite, and even got a certain appreciation from the great prince Yu Wen Zhenxiong.

However, this scenery did not last long before it was laid down by Tang Yi to the abyss. In front of the great prince Yu Wen Zhenxiong, his face was also lost.

Can Qiu Jingshan hate Tang Yi?

I want to kill Tang Yi on the spot.

At this moment, Qiu Jingshan wanted to turn Tang Yi to a hard time to vent his heart and find his face.

Therefore, with the second shot, Qiu Jingshan became very serious with anger, not as casual as before.

The strength, speed, and coordination have been greatly improved.

At this moment he shot, the attack power is at least five times more than before!


Before and after coming to Tang Yi, Qiu Jingshan's eyes narrowed and he snorted, followed by a squeeze with his right hand, a punch, and slammed towards Tang Yi.

Although this punch is the same as before, it still does not use martial arts and still has no means, but its power is more than five times stronger than before!

Very scary.

At the time of the blast, bursts of sound broke out in the air, which seemed extremely fierce.

Seeing such a punch, everyone knew that Qiu Jingshan was serious and angry.

Everyone knows that this punch is very terrifying and powerful.

Such a punch, even for some people present, is extremely dignified.

Faced with such a punch, everyone felt that Tang Yi would definitely lose.

Before Tang Yi was able to resist and can fly Qiu Jingshan with one finger, everyone thought it was just luck.


"Ha ha."

Tang Yi smiled coldly, as before, with one finger in front of him.

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