Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1423: Enter the **** bone secret realm

  After meditation in Tang Yi’s mind, “Turn on the Secret Realm of God Bone”, a prompt came to mind to deduct 1000 Holy Value.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a dazzling light burst from the Altar of God Bone. A humming sound, an arched portal, appeared above the altar.

Seeing this portal, Tang Yi did not hesitate and stepped in.

The scenery changed for a while.

At the next moment, Tang Yi's figure appeared in a long corridor.

The promenade has only one road, very deep, very silent, and do not know where it leads.

And this corridor is sealed, except for the deep passage, there is no exit at all, up and down, left and right, and there is no window.

However, although sealed, this corridor is not black.

On both sides of the corridor, there are countless brilliant pearls, which are the countless orbs, illuminate the entire corridor, so that you can't reach your fingers.

"It seems that this supreme-level BOSS should be at the end of this corridor."

After coming to the promenade through the portal, Tang Yi said slightly, looking at the other end of the promenade. However, due to the problem of light, this deep promenade could not see anything except the nearby scenes. I can't see where the end of the promenade is, and I don't know what is waiting for Tang Yi there.

Looking around for a minute or two, Tang Yi exhaled a breath, adjusted his mentality, and prepared to fight at any time. With one stroke, he took out thousands of incarnate giant swords and walked toward the passage of the promenade .

He groped forward slowly, being very careful.

After all, no one knows what will happen to this promenade. If walking, walking out of a BOSS, Tang Yi will be given to the second with a shot, then Tang Yi will be deadly wrong.

Therefore, under unknown circumstances, Tang Yi is still careful.

In this way, Tang Yi marched toward the other end of the promenade, carefully groping, and after about ten minutes of walking, Tang Yi stopped.

The reason for stopping is not because I can't go, but because...

Tang Yi encountered a monster.

And this monster...

Tang Yi is very familiar!

No, it should be said that Tang Yi's previous life was very familiar...

The appearance of the monster in front of him, when he was in the earth in Tang Yi's previous life, he had not seen it thousands of times.

Isn't the monster in front of me the mouse on the earth in the previous life? !

It looks exactly the same!

It's just that this monster is bigger than the mouse of the earth, and its skin is golden.

The monster in front of him was a golden mouse magnified hundreds of times!

Tang Yi has seen mice similar to them before, but he has never seen such a similar one.

And this golden mouse is very huge, a hundred times larger than a mouse on the earth, like an elephant.

A station on the promenade directly occupies one-third of the promenade passage, and can almost block the promenade passage.

Seeing such a beast, Tang Yi immediately threw a day eye surgery.

Name: Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast

Level: Level 101 (Class 1 Sacred Beast)

Description: A monster with golden blood veins has extremely strong defense. The attack is mainly based on sharp teeth. Any metal will be crushed under the bite of this pair of metal sharp teeth.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far from the player, no threat to the player)



Sure enough it is a rodent!

Seeing this monster's information, Tang Yi couldn't help but suddenly.

Of course, Tang Yi is just a surprise. The level of this monster is only 101, just a one-star holy beast, Tang Yi will not take it in his eyes.

So, after seeing the monster's information, Tang Yi slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and slowly leaned toward the monster with the giant sword of thousands of incarnations.

And this great golden giant beast also saw Tang Yi at the moment. When he saw Tang Yi approaching himself and broke into his own territory, the great golden giant beast had a mouth, slightly teeth, and issued a sharp and sharp. The sound seems to be intimidating Tang Yi.

Moreover, his eyes burst into scarlet light, which seemed extremely fierce.

Seeing that the intimidation was ineffective, its golden-colored rat body rushed towards Tang Yi, and the speed was extremely fast.

Of course, the Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast is just a monster monster with a one-star sacred beast level. It can't be faster than Tang Yi no matter how fast it is.

For Tang Yi, the Xuanjin giant rat beast is not worth mentioning at all, and it is evaluated as a monster without threats. Tang Yi will not care at all.

So Tang Yi was not nervous when he saw the Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast rushing towards him.

When the Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast came to the front, Tang Yicai raised his sword slightly and slashed toward the Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast.


A sword came out, gray forever.

This split may seem random, unpleasant, but practical, but unmatchedly fast, unmatchedly violent.

The rushing black giant beast didn't have time to react. The golden body was cut into two pieces by Tang Yi's fierce sword.

After all, it's just a one-star holy beast, separated from Tang Yi by a large level, just like the sky, how can it bear Tang Yi's sword.

Not to mention Tang Yi's level across the sky, even if it is comparable to Tang Yi's level, it cannot be Tang Yi's opponent.

Tang Yi spikes the samurai above the level of the samurai are easy, not to mention a level 100 monster that is only equivalent to the strength of the saint warrior?

Therefore, the first monster beast Xuanjin giant rat beast appeared on the corridor, except for the death, there is no second possibility.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing a first-class holy beast~lightnovelpub.net~ to get 105 holy points."


After killing the black giant beast, Tang Yi went on.

However, it didn't take long for Tang Yi to encounter an identical black gold giant beast...

There is a second such monster...

This made Tang Yi slightly surprised.

However, despite the accident, Tang Yi quickly shot to kill it, and then moved on.

Unexpectedly, however, after a while, Tang Yi met the third black gold giant rat beast again!

"It seems to have entered the rat's den."

Encountering the giant black beasts one after another, Tang Yi was slightly stunned, and then said a word.

After vomiting, Tang Yi killed the black giant beast, and then moved on.

In this way, Tang Yi went all the way, killed the Xuanjin Giant Rat Beast all the way, and moved quickly in the corridor.

However, after Tang Yi killed the tenth golden giant rat beast, it took about half an hour to walk this time before meeting the eleventh golden giant rat beast.

However, this eleventh golden giant mouse beast is slightly different from the previous one.

The Xuanjin giant rats and beasts that Tang Yi met before were all golden, with a faint golden glow on their bodies.

In front of him, the eleventh golden giant rat beast Tang Yi encountered...is purple, with a purple light all over his body.

(End of this chapter)