Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1426: Sacred Giant Rat Beast, boss boss

   "Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing a third-level holy beast and obtaining 61542 holy points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing a third-level holy beast, gaining 65214 holy points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing a third-level holy beast and gaining 6247 holy points."



   Ten minutes later.

In one of the halls of the promenade, Tang Yi held thousands of avatars and stood majesticly in the center of the hall. Around him, there were countless corpses, gold, silver, purple, and various colors. The blood of the demon was scattered everywhere.

  The entire hall was covered with hundreds of dense monsters. Under the violent means of Tang Yi, all of them were killed at the moment, and they were killed by Tang Yi, giving Tang Yi millions of holy points.

   However, although millions of sacred points were obtained, Tang Yi wanted to upgrade, but still a little bit worse.

  After killing hundreds of third-level sacred beasts, Tang Yi was still a nine-star priest, and he did not advance or obtain any items.

It must be said that the monsters in this mysterious bone realm have really low explosion rates. Tang Yi has killed hundreds of monsters here, but no item has even burst out, even the most celestial level. He didn’t have any martial arts, so he was so poor.

   Of course, Tang Yi was helpless, after all, he could not control such things.

   He is not gm, and can not increase the explosion rate of the secret realm, so the explosion rate of this **** bone secret realm is low, and Tang Yi has no way.

  After killing hundreds of monster beasts entrenched in the hall, Tang Yi passed the hall and continued to the other side of the secret passage.

  However, after walking a few kilometers, Tang Yi came to the second hall again!

   This hall is no different from the previous one, with the same width and the same arrangement, even the patterns and characters carved on the top of the hall are exactly the same.

   However, the only difference is...

   The previous hall, with hundreds of third-level holy beasts, densely packed, filled the whole hall, as if it were a mouse den.

   And this hall at the moment seems a little empty, and there are only ten monsters in the hall.

   But these ten monster beasts gave Tang Yi a stronger feeling than the hundreds of monster beasts that gave Tang Yi.

   is more powerful than the hundreds of monsters before!

   These ten monster beasts are very extraordinary.

   The ten monster beasts in front of them are also the appearance of mice, and they are all golden.

  However, it is more shining than the black gold giant rat beast that Tang Yi encountered before, more golden, and more huge.

   These ten monster beasts, as if wrapped in golden light, looked very sacred.

  Seeing these ten monster beasts, Tang Yi shook it off with a single eye technique.

   Name: Sacred Giant Rat Beast (Master boss)

   Level: Level 11 (Fourth Level Holy Beast)

  Description: The leader-level monster with sacred bloodline has strong defense, fast movement, and strong attack. The attack is mainly based on sharp teeth. Any metal will be crushed under the bite of this pair of metal sharp teeth.

  Holy beast passive skills: divine light protection, sacred sharp teeth.

  God's body protector: Increases defense by 500%.

  Holy tooth: Increases attack power by 500%.

  Evaluation: Slightly threatening (the opponent's strength is very powerful, and it is slightly threatening to the player)


  Fourth-level monster!

   Sure enough, the more powerful monsters will appear in the future, and even the fourth-level holy beasts have appeared!

   And ten appeared at once!

   And, these ten... all are boss bosses!

   At this moment, the evaluation of this fourth-level holy beast, the sacred giant rat beast, has risen to a slightly threatening level, and already belongs to the existence that can threaten Tang Yi.

   Although the threat is not too high, but it can also threaten the existence of Tang Yi!

  If Tang Yi is not careful, it is very likely to be killed by the sacred giant rat beast!

   Before Tang Yi, no matter whether he met the giant gold beast, the purple poisonous giant beast, or the silver steel giant beast

What a hint of pressure.

  Even if he meets hundreds, he will deal with it easily.

  However, at the moment on these ten sacred giant rat beasts, Tang Yi felt a trace of pressure. Although not much, there was also pressure!

  However, this has not yet reached the supreme level boss, it is only the leader level boss!

   Even the boss boss can bring pressure to Tang Yi. The supreme boss that will appear after that, let alone need to say, it must be stressful!


When Tang Yi entered the hall to detect the sacred giant mouse and beast with the sky eye technique, the sacred giant mouse and beast also discovered Tang Yi, and found that outsiders broke into their own territory, ten sacred giant mouse beasts screamed, followed by Opened his limbs and rushed towards Tang Yi.

   Their movement speed can be said to be extremely fast, when moving, it seems to turn into a golden lightning.

  Ten golden lightnings, just like this, attacked Tang Yi quickly.

  Seeing ten sacred giant rat beasts attacking himself, Tang Yi hurriedly started to use his own body and began to respond to the attack of the sacred giant rat beasts.

   is, after all, a threat to his own existence, and is still a fourth-level holy beast equivalent to the strength of the human Holy Spirit. In the face of such existence, Tang Yi did not dare to neglect.

   It was like this, the Dragon Nine Heavens method was opened, Tang Yi's figure was like a giant dragon, soaring in the sky, extremely fast, mysterious, and mysterious.

   His body is unpredictable, looming in the hall, appearing extremely elegant.

Using Tamron's Nine Heavens body method, before the attack of the ten sacred giant rats and beasts, Tang Yi suddenly left the place where he stood and appeared to another location, quickly escaping from the ten sacred giant rats and beasts. attack.


  Tang Yi could not be too happy!

Because in the moment of avoiding the attack of the ten sacred giant rats and beasts, these ten sacred giant rats and beasts responded extremely quickly~lightnovelpub.net~A change of direction turned into golden light again, towards the position where Tang Yi was at the moment Chased it again.

   They can keep up with Tang Yi's movements!

  Tang Yi performed the Dragon Dragon Nine Heavens, and the speed became extremely fast, but this sacred giant mouse beast could still keep up!

   And in the moment Tang Yi escaped, their response was so agile, they were able to react immediately and reversed their direction!

   This surprised Tang Yi slightly!

  Tang Yi knows the strength of the sacred giant beast by reading the information of the sacred giant beast. However, although he has read the information and knows that the sacred giant beast is very strong, he did not expect to be so strong!

   This speed, this reaction, is almost similar to Tang Yi! !

  This is just a boss boss!

  A leader level has reached this level?

   So, to what extent will the final Supreme boss?

   This is simply unimaginable.

   In addition, the most important point is that after these ten boss bosses, is it the supreme boss?

   This is not necessarily true!

  After these ten sacred giant rat beasts, there may be powerful monsters waiting for Tang Yi to challenge, and the supreme level boss may be more powerful than Tang Yi imagined...

   (end of this chapter)