Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1454: Magic flute messenger Pierce died unexpe

Tang Yi is very tired at this moment, very very tired.

Not only the body is tired, but also the heart is very tired.

It took such a big price, so hard to work so hard, but at the end it was still empty, still failed to kill the magic flute messenger Pierce, which made Tang Yi very tired.

The feeling of not being able to accomplish one thing no matter how hard it is is uncomfortable, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

Tang Yi has never been so uncomfortable, this is the first time.

Maybe it was the last time.

Regardless of whether it was the first time or the last time, this kind of feeling of powerlessness made Tang Yi experience it once, but did not want to experience it for the second time.


Tang Yi looked at the magic flute messenger Pierce in front of him, his eyes a little lost.

At the moment when the magic flute messenger Pierce completes the mutation, maybe, everything will end...

Just that blow didn't kill the magic flute messenger Pierce, then this battle can basically declare defeat.

Once the magic flute messenger Pierce completes the mutation, it is certainly not something Tang Yi can contend with.

At the moment when the Magic Flute messenger completed the mutation, no matter how hard Tang Yi tried, he could never kill it again.

Therefore, Tang Yi has lost this battle, and there will be no second possibility.

At the same time that Tang Yi was desperate, the magic flute messenger Pierce completed the mutation.


With a loud bang, the entire hall trembles suddenly, and I see a magical flare once again erupted on the body of the magic flute messenger, Pierce.

This momentum is very powerful, at least a hundred times stronger than before.

If the previous impetus of the magic flute messenger Pieges is likened to a stream, then at this moment its momentum is a vast river, endless.

This momentum, like a huge torrent at the moment, impacted the whole hall, making the whole hall tremble like an earthquake.


At this time, the magic flute messenger Pierce opened his eyes and laughed wildly. While smiling, he said to Tang Yi: "Human, I have already said that, no matter how hard you try, It may have killed me. After all, I am the great Rat King who controls the entire underground world, and you are just a small human being, a ray of firefly, how can the light of firefly compete with the sun and the moon? ?Ah."

The magic flute messenger Pierce smiled with disdain and sarcasm, looking extremely proud.

After all, won a victory, won such a powerful human, can not be surprised?

"call out!"

However, just when the magic flute messenger Pierce had to say something, or to do something, its words and actions stopped, and a ray of light shot towards the magic flute messenger Pierce.


This light was shot accurately on the body of the magic flute messenger, pierce, and made a loud noise, and a hole in the body of the magic flute messenger, pierce.

Since the magic flute messenger Pijes had just completed the mutation and was in a state of being completed but not completely completed, this light suddenly caused huge damage to it!

On the head of the magic flute messenger, Pierce, the blood bar still shows. I saw that the blood bar changed from 1% of the original blood volume in an instant, and sharply decreased to 0%! !

Before Tang Yi cast countless skills, he could not hit 0% of his health. At this moment, he was hit by a mysterious light and hit 0%!

At the same time that the blood bar of the magic flute messenger Pierce became 0%, the substantive body of the magic flute messenger Pierce began to become illusory, and his flesh changed into countless energy molecules, constantly overflowing. Disperse, disappear, become more and more faint, less and less clear.

It seems that the next moment will disappear completely.

"Impossible! No! This is impossible! Why a tiny human can kill me, why can I kill this great Lord of Eternal Palace! This is impossible. The Lord of the Palace of Eternal Life cannot fall, cannot die in a Tiny human hand."

Feeling his own changes, the magic flute messenger Pierce snarled uncomfortably, his expression uncommonly, and his insanity.

It is constantly struggling, crying, resisting death.

However, no matter how unwilling or howling it is, it is impossible to change everything now, and it is impossible to change the reality that its body is slowly disappearing!

And just in the gap of the roar of the magic flute messenger, Pierce, his body faded a little, and it has gradually become transparent.

After another moment, the body of the magic flute messenger, Pierce, eventually became transparent, and all the energy molecules on the body were volatilized into the air, and disappeared into the air, where it stood, and finally nothing.

In the end, only an unwilling roar left, echoing for a long time in the hall, so desolate, so desperate.

And this roar finally became lighter and smaller, and everything returned to calm again.

The hall was quiet again, and it was terribly quiet, with needles audible and no sound.

If it wasn't for the main hall to be brightly lit and there was no gloomy atmosphere, I am afraid that the atmosphere of the main hall at this moment will make people very frightened.

On the other side, although after the disappearance of the magic flute messenger, Pierce, the hall was terrible quiet~lightnovelpub.net~, but in Tang Yi's mind, it was very unsteady.

At this moment in the mind of Tang Yi, one reminder after another kept ringing.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the super-level boss magic flute messenger Pierce, gaining 50000000 points and 50000 points."

"Ding, because the player Tang Yi killed the supreme level BOSS for the first time, he obtained an additional 10000000 points and 10000 points."

"Ding, because the player Tang Yi leapfrogged and killed the sixth-level BOSS, he obtained an additional 10000000 points and 10000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for obtaining the martial arts skill of the Holy Land level, and the Raptors cut off the air."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for gaining the martial arts skills of the Holy Land level and running away."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for getting the top grade equipment of the Holy Land, the ring of doom."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for getting the top class equipment of the Holy Land and the Gloves of Death Force."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for receiving 3000 Holy Spirit pills."


"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion, the current level: Seven Star Grand Master."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion, the current level: Eight Star Grand Master."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion, the current level: Nine Star Grand Master."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion, current level: Holy Spirit."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion. The current level: One Star Holy Spirit."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's upgrade, the current level: the two-star Holy Spirit."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's promotion, the current level: Samsung Holy Spirit."


In Tang Yi's mind, countless prompts sounded one after another, and at the foot of them, the iris light kept on.
