Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1496: Pit Death Valley Shaotian

However, no matter how Tang Yi stimulated Gu Shaotian, Gu Shaotian was cheeky and did not change his mouth: "How can you be stingy if you add 10,000? Isn't there a lot of 10,000 ink crystals? And, even if you only add 10,000 ink crystals, the price I offered It also reached 150.02 million. How can this be considered stingy?"

After a pause, Gu Shaotian looked at Tang Yi and said with a sneer: "If you have the ability, you can add it! Can't it be because you can't afford it without Mo Jing?"

"Look at what Master Gu said, how can I not afford it! I can afford ten thousand crystals. One hundred and fifty thousand crystals."

Tang Yi increased the price.

It was only worth 10,000.

"150,400 Mo Jing, if that's the case, then see who can't hold it in the end."

Gu Dashao sneered.

I have to say that Gu Shaotian admires his IQ very much.

If he adds 5 million to 5 million, I am afraid that in a few moments, he will be in a hurry and the funds will be in urgent need.

If you can't compete, the Gu family's face will be lost. If it spreads, I am afraid that the Gu family's reputation will plummet in Tianbao City.

Therefore, he can't add that much.

However, at this moment, with the increase of 110,000, he can still add a long time. This Mo Jing, he can still get it.

With this addition, on the one hand he can test Tang Yi's bottom line, on the other hand, he can also reduce losses.

Tang Yi saw Gu Shaotian once again add 10,000, and immediately smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is Da Gu, and indeed it is the Gu family. The name of the first family of Tianbao City is really good, and the financial resources are amazing."

Tang Yi used several surely, and heard Gu Shaotian's face stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Shaotian puzzled.

"It's not interesting, I just want to congratulate Master Gu." Tang Yi said lightly.

"Congratulations to me?"

Gu Shaotian still did not understand.

"Of course, congratulations to Master Gu for purchasing Shuangfeng Snow Lotus Stone. He has insufficient financial resources to compete with Da Gu Gu, so this pair of Feng Xuelian Stone is owned by Gu Dashou."

Tang Yi said with a smile.

"Return...Return to me?"

Gu Shaotian was a little ignorant.

"Yes, Major Gu Gu, we don't want it, and we can't afford it. One hundred and fifty-thousand thousand three thousand Mo Jing buy two Shuangfeng Snow Lotus stones, Gee, Gu Gu Shao is really bold.

Tang Yi said with a smile.

Then, turning his head, Tang Yi said to Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu on the side, "Let's go, we don't want this pair of Phoenix Snow Lotus Stones."

After finishing talking, Tang Yi took the lead out of the store, the figure was very chic, and there was no bit of nostalgia at all.

Of course, Tang Yi does not need to be nostalgic at all.

The reason why he competes with Gu Shaotian again and again is not that he really wants to buy this pair of Fengxuelian stones, but that he wants Kenggu Shaotian one.

Didn’t Gu Shaotian want to grab this pair of Feng Xuelian stones?

Don’t you want the highest price?

Then Tang Yi let him do as expected.

However, although he was asked to do so, he could not do so!

If you want to get Shuangfeng Snow Lotus Stone, you have to buy it at five times the price!

This is a punishment for robbing others!

It is only worth more than 20 million gems, and it cost five times the price to buy. It has to be said that this punishment is very expensive.

Tang Yi has to say that the dig is extremely deep and very good.

Of course, this pit is not easy to dig. If you dig poorly, if you are not careful, you will probably get stuck in it.

If Gu Shaotian does not follow, then Tang Yike is miserable, and the person who made the joke is him.

Fortunately, Gu Shaotian followed.

Of course, the reason why Shaotian Gu can enter the pit is also related to Tang Yi's step by step.

If Tang Yi did not use the radical method again and again, maybe Gu Shaotian would hesitate and hesitate, then he might not follow.

In addition, Tang Yi raised the price by 5 million at a time, from 15 million to the next, and then to 5 million later. In fact, they were all designed.

The reason why the price changes is that Tang Yi wants to create a look that he can let go all the time, so that Gu Shaotian feels that he is always letting go every time, maybe he will give up the next moment.

With this appearance, Gu Shaotian will increase the price again and again.

Otherwise, every time it is a fixed price, Gu Shaotian may hesitate, and then estimate the financial resources of Tang Yi, and finally may give up the price increase...

After that, Tang Yi changed the markup from 5 million to 10,000, which is actually a good calculation.

This is Tang Yi's exploration of Gu Shaotian's reality, to see how much money Gu Shaotian has and to see what step he can take.

After Tang Yi’s observation, Gu Shaotian’s proud and self-righteous character certainly disdain to increase the price by 10,000, and when he followed Tang Yi to increase the price by 10,000, then it means that his endurance reached the limit, and the financial resources he possessed were like this. too much.

Therefore, seeing Gu Shaotian's price increase of 10,000 twice, Tang Yi gave up decisively!

He knew that Gu Shaotian's financial strength had reached its limit, and it didn't make sense to play it anymore. Moreover, if Gu Shaotian reacted, then he would be played in.

So Tang Yi chose to give up without hesitation.

Therefore, Tang Yi walked out of the shop, so that he could be so chic without any hesitation.

Everything is in Tang Yi's calculations.

He pitted Gu Shaotian hard.

On the side, Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu saw Tang Yi leave without looking back, and followed Tang Yi's behind, slowly leaving the shop.

After all, Tang Yi said so, what else can they say.

Although Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu both like Shuangfeng Snow Lotus Stone very much, it is not worth it to spend 150 million yuan to buy these two stones.

Only a fool would buy this.

In addition, they have just arrived in Tianbao City, and they haven't visited it yet. There are a lot of beautiful gems waiting for them to buy. Why do they have to spend several times the price to buy two gems?

This is completely unnecessary~lightnovelpub.net~ With this spirit crystal, they can buy better ones and buy the ones that meet the value.

Therefore, when Tang Yi said to leave, they did not hesitate.

Similarly, there is no attachment.

Tang Yi and the three went away without looking back like this, leaving Gu Shaotian and his men waiting for a while, and stood there stunnedly for a long time.

Until the figures of Tang Yi and three people disappeared, Gu Shaotian didn't understand why Tang Yi suddenly gave up.

However, when He shopkeeper came up and asked Gu Shaotian whether to use the Lingjing card or pay directly, Gu Shaotian froze for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that he was pitted by Tang Yi!

"He did it on purpose!"

"He is deliberately raising the price! Then pit himself!"

Knowing that Gu Shaotian was angry, his eyes were full of angry flames, and he wished that Tang Yi would be skinny and cramped, and then kill quickly.