Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1583: Angel store is equal to the field store,

"Angel shop? What is this thing?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi was a little stunned, very puzzled, and also very surprised.

Moreover, what surprised Tang Yi even more was that the six-winged angel actually called him a player!

So far there is only one system called Tang Yi!

However, at this moment, something outside the system appeared to call itself a player. How could Tang Yi not be surprised?

In a flash, Tang Yi had several doubts in his mind.

What is the origin of these six wings angels?

Why call yourself a player?

What is this angel store?

"Hello player Tang Yi, since this shop first appeared, so I can explain it for you. First introduce myself, I am the manager of the Angel Store, Larry Latour Turces Buschi Gabriel, You can call me Gabriel, and I am also a product of the system."

Seraphim introduced himself.

"The product of the system? The store manager of Angel Store? Gabriel?"

Tang Yi was stunned again.


Gabriel nodded and said, "I'm Gabriel, the manager of the Angel Store, which is in charge of the Angel Store. Angel Store is a mechanism of the Ares system, and it belongs to the system. Players will be random after completing tasks or clearing copies. Appeared, you can be understood as a wild shop for online games. However, in our shop, outsiders cannot see or touch it, only players can see it."

"A random copy will appear after completing the mission or completing the clearance? The wild shop? No one can see it, only I can see it?"

After listening to the explanation of Seraphim, Tang Yi suddenly realized what this angel shop is.

There is such a shop in the online game, that is the wild shop.

The so-called field store, as the name suggests, is a store that appears in the wild, or in the wilderness of the wilderness.

The location of this store is not fixed, the time of appearance is not fixed, the items sold are not fixed, and nothing is fixed.

If you want to find it, you can't find this store at all. If you want to encounter it, you have to rely on luck.

In other words, this is a store that can only be touched by luck.

And such stores generally sell special items, or some items that cannot be purchased in ordinary stores!

After coming suddenly, Tang Yi's eyes brightened instantly, his face full of excitement.

This is a great chance!

The wild shop can be encountered but not requested. I did not expect to appear randomly after completing the Nantian mission today!

Encountered such a good thing, how could Tang Yi miss it? How can I miss it?

"It seems that the player has understood the role of the Angel Store. Well, I won’t talk about that nonsense, please ask the player to pick the item you want to buy? Just touch my body with your hand, the store panel will appear In the mind of the player, in addition, since the player first came to the angel store, the store will give the player 100 angel coins for consumption by the player."

Gabriel smiled.

After finishing speaking, it waited quietly, waiting for Tang Yi to act.

"It's enough to touch the body? Give 100 angel coins?"

After hearing this, Tang Yi was immediately excited.

I did not expect Gabriel to give away angel coins.

And this angel coin, in Tang Yi's mind, should be the virtual goods used by this angel store to buy items.

At the command of Gabriel, Tang Yi reached out and touched the phantom of Gabriel's light, and suddenly an interface appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

Generally, the locations of field shops appear randomly, and the time they appear is random. Even the goods sold are generally random. The number of goods is uncertain, and the goods are uncertain.

It is very likely that hundreds of commodities will appear for Tang Yi to buy at one time, or there may be only one commodity for Tang Yi to buy.

It is possible that Tang Yi bought a special product this time, but the next time Tang Yi encounters the Angel Store again, perhaps there is no such product for Tang Yi to buy.

This is the randomness of the field store.

At this moment, in the mind of Tang Yi, the icons of five kinds of commodities appeared in the angel store panel.

In other words, this time the Angel Store randomly refreshed five products for Tang Yi to buy.

Tang Yi first opened the icon of the first product.

[Shen Xuan Dan]: After use, the player's spiritual power level is increased by 2 levels, and the Holy Power is increased by 1 card.

Quantity: 10

Single product price: 100 angel coins.


God Xuandan?

This raises the level of spiritual power by two levels, Tang Yi can understand, but what is this divine power?

What unit is a card?

Seeing the attribute panel of Shenxuandan, Tang Yi was puzzled. Some people were not sure what the added divine power of the Godxuandan was, what it did, and what its unit card meant.

Of course, despite many doubts, Tang Yi continued to read it and clicked on the icon of the second product.

[Enhancement Stone]: Used to strengthen weaponry.

Quantity: 5

Single product price: 1000 angel coins.


Strengthen the stone?

Used to strengthen weapons and equipment?

The description of this strengthening stone is very simple. Tang Yiguang looked at the description and felt a little strange. He didn't understand how the strengthening stone should be used or what role the strengthening stone would have.

After reading the description, Tang Yi was so foggy that he didn't even know what this strengthening stone was.

Shaking his head, Tang Yi didn't struggle with what the strengthening stone was all the time, and continued to open the icon of the third commodity.

[Amplification Stone]: used for weapon equipment increase.

Quantity: 5

Single product price: 1000 angel coins.


Amplification stone?

Used for weapon equipment growth?

Similarly, the description of this booster stone is the same as that of the strengthening stone. It can't be more simple. It only explains the purpose, and it doesn't introduce how to use it or how it will effect after use. In the fog, somehow.

"Making hair? Why are all the items in the wild shop virtuous? Mysterious? Let people guess?"

Tang Yi vomited in his mind ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Then continue to click on the fourth item icon.

[Polluted Demon Sword-Apophis]: The top-grade weapon of Holy Heaven.

Attributes: Attack power increases by 50,000, power increases by 500,000 points, martial arts power increases by 500, and defensive physical attack power increases by 100,000 points.

Additional special effects: Dark attribute attack, suppress offensive.

Dark Attribute Attack: When using Magic Sword-Apofis to attack, the player can add additional dark attribute damage for each normal attack. (Dark attribute damage will change as the player's strength changes, this damage is real damage, ignoring the target defense)

Suppression Offensive: In the case of using Magic Sword-Apophis to fight against enemy targets, players can ignore the attributes of the enemy target and ignore the strength of the enemy target to suppress the attack.

Additional Skills: Dance of the Demon Sword, the Demon King comes, the slave of the sword.
