Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1587: Strengthen the role of stone!

You can view all the items here. You have basically read them all. Tang Yi already has a general understanding of the items he currently owns.

However, what made Tang Yi a little curious was what effect did the two gems, the fortified stone and the magnifying stone, purchased in the Angel Store have?

The description of the two is very brief. There is only one sentence. The strengthening stone is written for weapon equipment enhancement, and the amplification stone is written for weapon equipment growth.

Looking at such descriptions, Tang Yi simply does not know what they do, nor how to use them.

Used to strengthen weapons and equipment, but how to strengthen weapons and equipment?

Used to increase weapons and equipment, but how to increase weapons and equipment?

Tang Yi was confused.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi opened the strengthening stone panel, but at the moment when Tang Yi opened the strengthening stone panel, a sentence entered Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, do you want to strengthen the player?"



Seeing this prompt, Tang Yi gave a soft click, and then chose ‘Yes’.

I did not expect to open the panel of the strengthening stone, the system will ask whether to strengthen!

Originally want to strengthen, want to open the panel?

It turns out so.

Now, Tang Yi should look at what strengthening method this strengthening stone is.

Also look at the specific role of this strengthening stone, and what it will become after strengthening.

And the next moment Tang Yi chose ‘Yes’, a reminder came again in his mind.

"Ding, please select the weapon or equipment that needs to be strengthened."


"Choose weapons or equipment to be strengthened?"

Tang Yi froze for a moment, then thought for a while and then said: "I choose the contaminated magic sword-Apophis."

Among all the equipments of Tang Yi at present, only the contaminated magic sword-Apophys is the strongest. If this strengthening stone can really improve the weaponry and equipment, Tang Yi must upgrade the contaminated magic sword- Apophis.

"The player chooses to strengthen the contaminated magic sword-Apophis, the enhancement level is +1, and the enhancement probability is 100, please ask the player to confirm."


"Enhancement level +1? Enhancing probability 100?"

Tang Yi was stunned once again, did not understand what it meant, but he still chose ‘confirmation’.

If you don’t understand, try it once, and you should understand it after you try it.

In this way, Tang Yi chose ‘confirmation’ for the purpose of ‘experiment’.

At the moment Tang Yi chose to "confirm", the contaminated magic sword in the system backpack-Apophys suddenly flashed, and a slight change occurred. There was no icon with any light at the moment, and a faint light appeared at the moment. Shine.

Although there was only a trace of this light, it did emit light.

Is the item icon in the system backpack glowing?

What is this situation?

Tang Yi looked embarrassed, and hurried to check the attributes of the [Polluted Magic Sword-Apopheus]

[Polluted Demon Sword-Apophis +1]: Holy Celestial High Grade weapon.

Attributes: Increase attack power (50000+500), increase power (500000+5000), increase martial arts power (500+5), and ignore defensive physical attack power (100000+1000).

Additional special effects: Dark attribute attack, suppress offensive.

Dark Attribute Attack: When using Magic Sword-Apofis to attack, the player can add additional dark attribute damage for each normal attack. (Dark attribute damage will change as the player's strength changes, this damage is real damage, ignoring the target defense)

Suppression Offensive: In the case of using Magic Sword-Apophis to fight against enemy targets, players can ignore the attributes of the enemy target and ignore the strength of the enemy target to suppress the attack.

Additional Skills: Dance of the Demon Sword, the Demon King comes, the slave of the sword.

Dance of Magic Sword: Activate this skill, Magic Sword-Apophis can automatically attack enemy targets, and the damage caused to enemy targets is the same as the damage that players use Magic Sword-Apophys to enemy targets. The damage As the player's strength increases.

Duration: 180 seconds.

Cooling time: 24 hours.

Advent of the Demon King: When this skill is activated, the player can use the power of the magic sword-Apofis to transform into a demon king. Increases attack power by 10,000 times, speed by 10,000 times, defense power by 10,000 times, skill damage by 10,000 times, and body attributes by 1000000 points each.

Duration: seconds.

Cooling time: 24 hours.

Servant of the Sword: Activate this skill, the player can use the power of the magic sword-Apophys to summon a servant, the servant level is equal to the player level plus 20.

Duration: 00 seconds.

Cooling time: 24 hours.


There is no change in the additional special effects and additional skills of this contaminated magic sword-Apofis, but the attributes have changed dramatically!

Each attribute has an extra parenthesis, and the values ​​in parentheses are also different.

The contaminated magic sword-Apophis originally increased attack power by 50000, but after strengthening, the value of attack power increased from 50000 to (50000+500), which is 50500.

500 more?

And the value of power increase has changed from 500,000 (500000+5000)?

5000 more points?

5 more martial arts power?

Ignore defensive physical attack power by 1000 points?

This is the enhanced property?

This is the role of strengthening stone?

Strengthening stone can strengthen weapons and equipment, so that the basic attributes of weapons and equipment have improved?

It turns out so!

Tang Yi suddenly suddenly!

I don't know if I don't try it.

Tang Yi did not expect that Strengthening Stone actually has such a huge effect, and it can actually increase the basic attributes of weapons and equipment!

Fortunately, Tang Yi bought them before feeling cheap.

A thousand angel coins, Tang Yi originally felt a little loss, but now it seems not a loss!

Value for money!

And it's the kind of great value!

After all, the basic attributes of weapons and equipment are fixed and cannot be changed. However, at this moment, there are items that can improve the basic attributes of weapons and equipment. Such items are only 1,000 angel coins.

It's a big deal!

There are 10 fortified stones that appeared in the Angel Store. Fortunately, Tang Yi bought them all at once~lightnovelpub.net~If you don't buy them, I am afraid they will be annoyed now.

Tang Yi was fortunate at the moment.

Also happy.

With the strengthening stone, Tang Yi's magic sword-Apophis will become more powerful, and Tang Yi's combat power will also increase with the upgrade of weapons!


Since the function of the strengthening stone is to strengthen the level of weaponry and equipment and improve the basic attributes of weaponry and equipment, what about the increase in stone?

What would be improved if you use a booster stone to boost weapons and equipment?

What kind of improvement will you get?

Thinking of this, Tang Yi hurriedly opened the interface of Amplifier Stone.

As in the case of the fortified stone before, when Tang Yi clicked on the interface of the booster stone, a prompt suddenly came into Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)