Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1621: Sign up

Holy emperor rankings.

The first place, Nie Haoran, the nine-star Holy Emperor level, won ten games.

The second place, Gui Mingxu, seven-star Holy Emperor level, won 36 games.

Third place, Jiang Xingping, eight-star Holy Emperor level, wins forty-seven.

In the fourth place, Tuobaxuehai, a seven-star Holy Emperor class, won 103 games.

Fifth place, Xu Hao Dang, six-star Holy Emperor level, won the game 106.

Sixth place, Bian Zining, six-star Holy Emperor level, winning ninety-nine.

In seventh place, Lei Junyi, a five-star Holy Emperor class, won seventy-eight.

In the eighth place, Niu Xianghong, a five-star Holy Emperor class, won 139.

In ninth place, Niu Xiangtian, a five-star Holy Emperor class, won 139.

Tenth place, Shen Tianhao, the five-star Holy Emperor level, won a game of 170.


Only the top one hundred of each level can be on the list, and the ranking beyond one hundred will not be displayed in the list.

Seeing so many names in the ranking of the Holy Emperor, Tang Yi had to sigh that the Principality of Kamikaze was indeed extremely powerful.

If this is in the county, not to mention the Holy King-level strong, even if it is the Holy King-level strong, it is also rare and belongs to the top level of the pyramid.

However, in the Principality of Kamikaze, the Holy King walked everywhere, and the Holy Emperor-level strongmen were as many as the ox.

It can be seen how strong the overall strength of the warriors of the Kamikaze Principality is.

This is unmatched by ordinary counties.

Being able to command more than 300 counties, the Principality of Kamikaze is not worthy of fame.

After looking at the leaderboard at the gate of Kamikaze battlefield a little bit, Tang Yi then continued to walk towards the interior of Kamikaze battlefield with the flow of people.

The Kamikaze battlefield is still very popular. In addition to countless people coming and going outside the gate, and countless people standing in front of the leaderboard to watch, there are also countless audiences inside the Kamikaze battlefield.

Tang Yi just entered the gate, bypassed the Kamikaze leaderboard, and had not formally entered the Kamikaze battlefield. The shouts and exclamations in the Kamikaze battlefield had already passed through the waves. , Deafening and exciting.

Even before they enter the interior, just hearing these sounds makes people excited.

It can be seen how excited and exciting the scene is.

Of course, not to mention the Principality of Kamikaze, the entire Paladin continent advocates martial arts, and everyone aspires to martial arts. In a safe place, you can see the two strong men fighting against each other. How can you not be excited, not passionate? ?

The Kamikaze Arena is a place full of passion.

In addition to allowing the martial arts to show their strength, it also allows a large number of people to understand martial arts and get closer to martial arts.

Tang Yi felt the passionate shouts and cheers in the Shenfeng battlefield, and walked towards the Shenfeng battlefield with the flow of people. After a while, two channels appeared in front of Tang Yi.

Each channel is marked, and four large characters ‘entry channel’ are written above the left channel.

On the right side of the channel, there are also four big words'viewing channel'.

As the name implies, the left side should be the passage taken by the warriors participating in the competition. Entering this passage, you can participate in the competition of the Kamikaze battlefield.

The channel on the right should be the channel through which the audience watched the competition. After entering this channel, you can go to the auditorium to watch the competition.

With such a point, the contestants and the observers are distinguished at once.

Of course, the entry channel on the left is not for anyone who wants to enter.

Tang Yi felt it a little and found a ban at the entrance of the passage. This ban was not powerful for Tang Yi, but it could restrict the entry of warriors below the level of the Holy Order.

That is to say, a warrior whose strength does not reach the level of a saint may be banned from being able to enter.

After all, the Kamikaze battlefield is a holy level battlefield. Only holy level warriors can compete here. Warriors below this level cannot participate. Therefore, the entry channel prevents the warriors below the holy level from entering.

This setting is very good, it limits the level of the competition very well, and can maintain the order in the entry channel.

Otherwise, anyone can enter the competition area, and the competition area will be messed up.

Tang Yi glanced at it slightly, and then walked towards the entry channel on the left.

Because the left side is the entry channel, there are not many visitors, and occasionally only a few people walk into the channel, which seems very cold.

The right side is different. The right side is the viewing channel. People come and go, and the voice is full.

Tang Yi, who was going to the left channel, was very conspicuous.

And because the youth of Tang Yi's incarnation is very young, he suddenly became the focus of everyone.

"That person is going to participate in the contest? Isn't it? So young?"

"He has a strong killing breath, but he is too young, should he not reach the holy level?"

"It may be new, and I don't know the rules of the Kamikaze battlefield yet."

"It will be funny when he is banned and blasted out."


Crowds were talking about each other. When Tang Yi was young, everyone felt that Tang Yi's strength did not reach the Holy Order, and it was impossible to enter the competition channel.

However, the facts were not as expected by everyone. Tang Yi entered the passage and was not blocked by the passage's prohibition. Instead, he walked in directly without any obstruction.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was startled.

"The young man with scars just now is a saint-ranking warrior? Is he too young? Such an age has actually reached the saint-ranking, and the talent is probably very good."

"Maybe it is a child of a certain family."

"Unfortunately, such a talent, but left a scar on his face. If there is no scar, with his talent and appearance, I am afraid I will post it on him."

"Come on, it's up to you, the yellow-faced woman? Even if he has scars on his face, it's based on his talents and strength. If you want to marry a woman, the woman can line up several streets. It's hard to overrule others."

"What do you say, you have to say it again."

"I said, Huang Fang Po, Huang Fang Po, not self-control, not self-control! How can you bear me?"

"Lao Niang strangling you!"



Tang Yi did not know this scene happening outside the passage~lightnovelpub.net~ After entering the passage, a staff from the Kamikaze Arena led Tang Yi to a room that looked like an office, and then Take out an application form and let Tang Yi fill in the information.

After seeing the registration form, Tang Yi thought about it. In the name column of the registration form, he wrote the word "Yitang" and did not write the real name.

As for some of the information below, Tang Yi also made up a mess and did not write real information.

In Tang Yi's view, the information is difficult to verify anyway. How can he write it?

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Tang Yiquan wrote fake information.

But as Tang Yi thought, the fake information filled in by Tang Yi could not be verified at all. No one knew it. When I got Tang Yi’s registration form, the staff of the Kamikaze Battlefield did not look at it I left to help Tang Yi sign up.