Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1669: The seed county representative is here!

A county representative with a star badge on his chest walked into the Rubin Hall.

This time, the arrival of the representative of the county led to an uproar in Ru Bin Temple.

The representatives of each county turned their attention to the county representative who had just walked into the Rubin Hall.

Seeing the people coming, such as a lot of discussion in the Bin Bin Hall, everyone looked different, constantly looking at the county representative who had just entered the Ru Bin Hall.

"Look, the county representative of Yipin County is here."

"I heard that the contestants of Yipin County will have a dedicated suit with a badge of victory won by His Majesty on the chest. The badge looks like a star with the national seal of the Kingdom of God in the middle. This man was wearing a star badge on his chest, and his face was proud, could he be the representative of Yipin County?"

"Is this the representative of the Yipin County? Sure enough, it's extraordinary, and the walking posture is different from others."

"It turns out that Yipin County is a strong county at the first level, and it is completely different from us at the second level and the third level. How can we win such a county."

"The county where the representative of the county is located will not be all the warriors like him, that is too powerful."

"I don't know where he will sit."

"The last ten counties of the last term really turned out to be extraordinary."


Listening to the discussion around, the county representative who had just entered the Rubin Hall had a look of enjoyment on his face, and his face was full of pride, and he walked toward the front row under the leadership of the waiter.

Soon, came to the top ten position.

At this time, the waiter who led the representative of the county said: "The representative of Chiba, Zhang Xuyao, your position is at the tenth position, you can just sit down according to the position."

"There is work."

Wen Yan said that the representative of the county called Zhang Xuyao ​​nodded, then walked toward the seat of No. 10, and then sat down.

From the beginning to the end, the representative of the county called Zhang Xuyao ​​did not look at others, nor did he ignore the sound of discussion around him. He seemed extremely proud.

"It turned out to be Zhang Xuyao, the county representative of Chiba Prefecture who won the tenth place in the last session!"

"It turned out to be the Chiba County of Yipin County! I said that the representative of a county would be so extraordinary."

"Chiba County is a powerful county that dominates the top ten rankings of the country every year. The representative Zhang Xuyao ​​must be very extraordinary."

"It's more than extraordinary, I heard that his strength has crossed the level of the priesthood and reached the level of the Holy Spirit or even higher. How can we compare such strength?"

"Yipin County is a Yipin County, no wonder it can dominate the top ten all the year round."

"This man is so proud that he hasn't looked at us from beginning to end, but he does have the capital of pride, after all, he is a player in Chiba Prefecture."


Hearing that the comrade was the tenth place last year, the Chiba County of the Yipin County, such as the Bin Hall, the representatives of the counties once again argued.

However, Zhang Xuyao ​​of Chiba Prefecture still had an arrogant expression on his face. He didn't say anything. He just turned his head and looked straight ahead.

Of course, although he didn't say anything, the pride on his face could not be concealed, and the corners of his mouth could not be stopped.

And while everyone was discussing Zhang Xuyao, outside the Ru Bin Hall, there was again a noise, and a representative of the county came to the Ru Bin Hall.

This time, before the people arrived, the waiter who led the representatives of the county directly reported aloud at the entrance of Rubin Hall: "Aoyu County representative Ao Xingyuan arrived."

After finishing the application, the waiter led Ao Xingyuan to the eleventh position in the front row and let Ao Xingyuan sit down.

Last year, the eleventh place in the county competition, Aoyu County!

Aoyu County is not the top ten last year, but only the eleventh!

Hearing the waiter's announcement, everyone was stunned.

They didn't expect that the eleventh county will have this kind of treatment. When the person hasn't arrived yet, the waiter actually helped to inform, so that the name of the county can be heard throughout the audience!

The waiter's move suddenly caused a commotion in the room.

"What is the origin of the eleventh Aoyu County? How did the waiter help report? When the representative of the Chiba Prefecture of the tenth place arrived, the waiter didn't report it! Why the eleventh Aoyu County? Can the country be notified? If I remember correctly, this Aoyu county is a second-rank county? Is the second-rank county better than the first-rank county?"

"Don't you know? This is the top ten of the last edition, and it is still in the top three of the previous ranking. It was just that the last one was bad luck, and it was ranked first before the final. The team was defeated by the number one team and eventually missed the top ten, which became the second rank. If not, they are also the top ten teams."

"It turns out that it was the top ten counties of the last term. No wonder it looks so powerful. So that is to say, this Aoyu county is the seed county among the second ranks?"

"Strictly speaking, the strength of Aoyu County is even stronger than that of Chiba County. If it wasn't fortunate, it might be squeezed out of the top ten in the last Chiba County. So ah This lottery is very important. Of course, it’s not that Chiba Prefecture is not strong, but according to the performance, Aoyu County is going to be stronger."

"Although the lottery is important, the strength is also very important? Although it is not as good as Aoyu County, the strength of Chiba County is also good."

"Anyway, the top ten of the great martial arts of the county are generated in these successive seed counties, sometimes these ten, sometimes other ten."


Zhang Xuyao, who was originally from Chiba Prefecture, was very upset when he saw that the waiter actually helped Aoyu County to report. At this moment, he heard everyone's argument, and he became even more upset. His face was very dark and his brows were frowned. A few words.

Looking at the side of Aoyu County's Ao Xingyuan is also full of unkindness.

Damn it, grab yourself the limelight!

Are you the representative of the top ten counties?

This proud jade country~lightnovelpub.net~ is only the eleventh!

Just when Zhang Xuyao ​​of Chiba County was in a state of dissatisfaction, the sound came again outside Rubin Hall, and a waiter came to Rubin Hall with the representative of the county and gave a notice.

Moreover, there are more than one person coming, and there are more than one announcement!

"Last month, the county representative of Crescent County, the eighth runner-up of the county government contest, Yue Fei Ming arrived!"

"Last year, the sixth representative of the Xuanxing County, the county's great contest, was starless."

"Thirteenth place in the big contest, Xiyang Feng, the representative of Ximing County, the seed county, arrived."


In an instant, seven or eight announcements sounded at the door of Rubin Hall.

(End of this chapter)