Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1674: The challenge begins

?I have to say that the rules mentioned by the main **** of the wind country, Jinfeng Feng, made all the county representatives present very excited. After listening to the rules, everyone was eager to try it.

Those who are in a lower position want to switch to the front, and those who are in a higher position also want to challenge the positions that are more forward.

The county representatives of the seed county also have their own goals to challenge.

In short, the representatives of the counties present were very emotional and warlike in the face of such rules.

After all, the representatives of the county seats here are all talented and talented people from various countries. They are very proud and feel that they are the first in the world. How can they be convinced and face the warrior sitting in front of them? How can they not challenge them.

However, just as everyone was eager to try, the main wind of the Shenfeng Kingdom paused and added: "Of course, although it can be challenged and transposed, it is not a random challenge. After all, there are more than 300 people present. If everyone challenges once, I am afraid that they will not be able to complete the challenge tonight. Therefore, the number of challenges is limited to ten, and you can only challenge three times at most, and the players who sit before the 100th position can only get at most For a quota, players between the 100th and 200th positions also have a maximum of two quotas, three places for players after the 200th position, and four places for players after the 300th position."

Jinfeng, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, said that the representatives of the county representatives present were stunned for a moment, and they were immediately disappointed.

They thought everyone could challenge it, but unexpectedly only ten people could challenge it.

Moreover, players before the 100th position have only one quota, players between the 100th and 200th positions have only two quotas, and positions after the two hundredth have only three quotas...

This is not enough!

Ten places were distributed to 366 people in the audience. That is to say, if no places were obtained, only those who were challenged and transposed.

What makes the players present feel the most pitfall is that there are four places after the 300th position!

After the 300th, there are only sixty-six positions, and there are four places in the sixty-six positions!

The countdown to sixty-six positions, with four challenge places, made the county representatives before the 300th position very dissatisfied.

Not at all fair!

And in the view of the representatives of the county before the 300th position, the countdown of waste received four places, which is simply waste.

What can the countdown county representative have?

Who can challenge?

Who can challenge and win?

Of course, although dissatisfied, the county representatives before the 300th position did not show it, and did not say much.

After all, who dares to be dissatisfied? Who dares to talk nonsense?

Standing in front of them is the sovereign of the Principality of Kamikaze. The rules are formulated by the sovereign of the Principality of Kamikaze!

Dissatisfied with him, is it too long?

The representatives of the counties after the 300th position responded differently.

Each of them has bright eyes and a look of joy, a look of eagerness.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, who will come and give it a try." This is asked by Jinfeng Rong, the **** of the gods.


"I want to try!"

"I want to give it a try!"

In addition to the fact that the county representatives of the seeded county in the front row did not move, almost all of the county representatives registered and volunteered.

Even the little fat man from Yueluo State at the 365th position next to Tang Yi, and the rich children from Tianqian State at the 364th position responded loudly, eager to try.

Seeing the excitement of the audience, everyone wanted to get a quota to challenge, and the main wind of the **** of the wind, Jin Jinrong, thought about it and said, "So, this quota is still for me to designate. Anyway, I don’t know everyone, who to designate Even whose luck."

With that, the main wind of Shenfeng Kingdom, Feng Jinrong, waved his hand and ten light groups flew out instantly.

One group of these ten light groups fell on Zhang Xuyao ​​of Chiba Prefecture, the tenth position, and two groups fell on the representative of the county, the 166th position and the 177th good position.

The three regiments fell on the representatives of the county at the 266th, 277th, and 288th positions.

The last four regiments landed on the 363th, 364th, 365th, and 366th representatives of the county.

The position of No. 366 is exactly where Tang Yi is!

In other words, Tang Yi was appointed by the **** of wind and wind, and was also awarded this challenge.

The ten people who got the quota looked happy, but the people who didn't get the quota were lost for a while.

"Okay, the ten players that I designated can be challenged."

Lord Jinfeng of the Kamikaze Kingdom looked at the crowd and asked, "Who comes first."

"I come!"

The rich children at the 364th position next to Tang Yi made the first voice.

"Okay, then you stand up. What's your name and who do you want to challenge?" Shen Feng, the **** of the wind and wind, asked with a smile.

"My name is Yin Yixian, from Tianqian Kingdom. I want to challenge Aoxuyuan, the representative of Aoyu County, who is sitting at the eleventh position."

The rich child said proudly.

Wen Yan said that Ao Yujun, who was sitting at the eleventh position, stood on behalf of Ao Xingyuan and looked at Yin Yixian, a rich child from Tianqian Kingdom. His eyes were full of disdain, and he seemed to look down on Yin Yixian.

If it is not required by the rules, he does not even want to accept Yin Yixian's challenge.

After all, Yin Yixian is the representative of the kingdom of Tianqian Kingdom, and Tianqian Guo's score in the last county competition is the penultimate.

With such achievements, Ao Xingyuan, the representative of the seed county, naturally looks down upon him.

"Okay, then the two of you stepped forward and used your strongest power to bombard the multicolored basaltic stones. The strongest one wins."

Jinfeng Rongfeng, the **** of the wind, said succinctly.

It is said that Yin Yixianfei, the representative of the kingdom of Tianqian Kingdom, stepped forward and came to the front of the colorful Xuanli Stone.

Ao Yuyuan, the representative of Aoyu County, also stepped out and came to the front of the colorful Xuanli Stone.

"Who comes first?" Yin Yixian, the county representative of Tianqian Kingdom, asked~lightnovelpub.net~ you first. Ao Xingyuan replied indifferently. A look of ignorance.

Tian Yiqin's Yin Yixian was originally an arrogant person. Seeing Ao Xingyuan like this, where could he stand it?

If it is not Shenfeng Kingdom's main wind Jin Rong right in front of him at this moment, he might have rushed to blow Ao Xingyuan to the air.

Proud and proud people are prone to sparks, and Yin Yixian's eyes are already blazing hot at the moment.


"Okay, then I will come first!"

With a cold snort, Yin Yixian said angrily.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Yixian condensed his momentum, squeezed his right hand into a stone fist, and shouted, bursting out the strength of his body, and punched towards the colorful Xuanli stone.

(End of this chapter)