Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1677: Respected little fat man


With a loud noise, the light curtain on the multicolored basalt stone rose, 36553.

This number is not too high, but not low.

If the challenger is still Yin Yixian, Yin Yixian has been completely defeated.

Because Yin Yixian's highest strength is more than 10,000 points.

Xi Ziming can hit 30,000 points, which has completely crushed Xi Ziming.

And this is not Xi Ziming's full strength.

He just used eight layers of power.

Xi Ziming felt that using 80% of the power to deal with a penultimate county was enough.

"More than 30,000 points, not bad."

"The last county-level contest was able to reach the 159th place, but it was still quite capable."

"It seems that the fat man in Yueluo County is about to lose, so I said, how could a penultimate county win the 159th ranked player?"

"I said that before, it is better not to challenge, wasting time and energy in vain."

"This little fat man is also really, want to transpose and crazy, actually hit the abacus in the first two hundred positions, really do not know what to do."

"Yeah, such a place wasted in vain. If he only challenged the position after three hundred, it wouldn't matter, there is still a chance to win. A penultimate county player, dare to challenge the one before the two hundred Location, this is really death."


Seeing Xi Ziming's achievements, the representative of the county present at the meeting again discussed.

In the eyes of everyone, the little fat man Wu Junmei from Yueluo Guo was completely dying and wasting his quota.

After getting the quota, it is not good to challenge the position after the 300th step by step. Instead, I want to go to the sky and challenge the position before the 200th. This is completely boring.

Yes, in the opinion of the representatives of the counties, the fat man Wu Junmei challenged his position before the 200th, and was looking for boring.

Opponents of this level are unlikely to lose to Wu Junmei.

Therefore, the representatives of the counties present all ridiculed the little fat man, thinking that he must have failed this time.

However, in the face of everyone's doubts and ridicule, the little fat man was very kind and did not care at all.

At this moment, he only had multicolored basalt stones in his eyes.

After Xizi Ming retreated, the fat man stepped forward, staring at the colorful Xuanli, and then condensed the body's momentum, punching away at the colorful Xuanli stone.

His punch is very violent, like Yin Yixian before, bursting into the air, and the space is suddenly torn.

However, the results are very different from Yin Yixian!


After a loud noise, the light of the multicolored basalt stones bloomed, and a number flashed in the light curtain.


Fifty-five o'clock!

It can break through 50,000 points!

It is at least 30,000 points higher than Yin Yixian, who was sitting in the bottom third.

Xi Ziming, his opponent at the moment, is also almost 14,000 points higher!

Seeing the results of the little fat man, all the representatives of the county present were stunned for a moment, which seemed a little unexpected.

Even Jinfeng, the main wind of the Kamikaze Kingdom, was slightly stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect the fat man to have such a strong power that he could break through 50,000 points.

Of course, although the fat man Wu Junmei's score of 50,000 points is incomparable with the county representatives of those seed counties, it is already very good.

This strength level can at least reach the top two hundred!

As an opponent, Xi Ziming was completely stunned, dumbfounded.

50,000 points!

A penultimate representative of the county actually broke through 50,000 points, which really made him unexpected.

Although Xi Ziming just used 80% of his strength and did not use his full strength, even if he used his full strength, I am afraid he could not break through 50,000 points.

What does this mean?

In terms of strength, he is not as good as this little fat man, even if he is working hard!

This is not a contest he only lost, but he lost to the opponent in strength!

Was defeated by the opponent.

This little fat man is really hidden!

This time, Xi Ziming was really shocked.

"Wu Junmei of Yueluo Guo successfully challenged. Please invite Wu Junmei to the first position at the 59th position, and Xi Ziming from the original position of Mengye County please go to the 365th position." The main wind announced this time.

Hearing the words of the **** Fengfeng Rong from the Divine Wind Kingdom, Xi Ziming was surprised when he returned to God, and then walked toward the 365th position in dismay, looking extremely depressed.

You know, he didn't challenge the quota. Now he goes to the 365th position. If no one challenges, then he is destined to be in this position tonight.

And this position is the penultimate, who will challenge him?

In other words, tonight he is destined to sit at the 365th position, and he will also draw the 365th draw later.

Can this be depressed?

Is his face ugly?

It's almost depressed.

At the same time, Xi Ziming was also annoyed at the little fat man. He couldn't help but insulted the little fat man who had the strength to challenge him, but he had to challenge him. .

"Okay, Wu Junmei, you have successfully challenged, but you still have two chances to challenge. Will you continue to challenge?" Jinfeng, the **** of the wind, asked.

"Continue." The little fat man Wu Junmei said without hesitation.

"Who do you want to challenge?" Jinfeng Rongfeng, the **** of the wind, asked.

"I'm going to challenge the player in the 99th position." The little fat man seems to have a goal already. When he heard the enquiry from the main wind of Shenfeng Kingdom, he immediately said the candidate.

It is said that the representative of the county at the 99th position stood up, and he did not have to say that the main wind of the **** of wind, Feng Jinrong, he introduced himself directly to: "Weiyan County, Sun Lifu."

"Have seen Sun." The fat man Wu Junmei greeted politely.

And Sun Lifu of Weiyan County did not show any contempt~lightnovelpub.net~ but also politely replied: "I have seen Wu player."

The Paladin Continent respects martial arts, but this world is also very realistic.

If you have strength, you will be respected. Without strength, no one will bother you and even ridicule and laugh at you.

Just like it was.

At the moment, the fat man Wu Junmei from Yueluo Guo showed his strength, and he was immediately respected by Sun Lifu, who was sitting at the 99th position in Weiyan County.

At the 99th position, the last county contest was 99th. If you can get this position, the strength of the players will definitely be good.

It is a great affirmation to be respected by the ninety-nine county representatives.

This also made the fat man Wu Junmei very happy. He looked at Sun Lifu in Weiyan County and couldn't help but be kind.

(End of this chapter)