Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1721: Tang moved

However, in the face of the fierce three seed counties, Tang Yi did not care.

From the beginning of the discussion of the four seed counties, until now the unified opinions have been shot, Tang Yi has been watching with cold eyes, without paying any attention, and letting them discuss it is very indifferent.

Of course, Tang Yi cared about what they were doing, just ants.

Not to mention twelve, even if there are 120 or 1,200, for Tang Yi, they are still ants, and they can be trampled on one foot.

Therefore, in the face of the fierce coming of the twelve martial arts in the three major counties, Tang Yi stood still and stood still.

On the other side, the county of Aoyu County represents Ao Xingyuan, and his eyes are fixed on the ranks of the three major countries, and Tianwu County.

He wanted to see whether this battle was a victory for the Seed County Congress or the Tenbu County Congress.

I want to verify whether the feelings and guesses in my heart are normal.

If it is right, then that feeling helps them escape from the Aoyu County.

However, if it is not correct, then the three major counties will naturally resolve the Tianwu county, and they will not lose much.

Therefore, it is the best practice for Aoyu County to choose not to take action.


Unconsciously, Ao Xingyuan has put Tianwu County on the same level as the three seed counties.

Prior to this, Ao Xingyuan absolutely had no such concerns.

The three major seed counties are against the heavenly martial counties.

He did not hesitate to choose the three seed counties.

However, now, after seeing Tang Yi's strength, after seeing him defeat four seed county players in a boxing fight, Ao Xingyuan was afraid to be so determined.

Twelve players from the three seeded counties, and five players from the heavenly martial arts, who wins and loses, is still unknown to him.

Twelve contestants from the three major counties slowly came to Tang Yi and surrounded everyone in Tianwu County.

The county representative of Crescent County said to Tang Yi at this time: "Now it's too late to admit defeat, otherwise we will start later, once you start, you want to admit defeat, but it will not be so easy.

"Did you say that? Your players just said the same when they came, now..."

Tang Yi paused and did not continue, but turned to look at a position outside the ring.

In that position, several players lay on the ground and howled bitterly, and some Kamikaze royal staff were busy with emergency treatment.

That's right, these players lying on the ground are the players of the four seed counties that were previously punched by Tang Yi.

Originally, the four players were sent out by the four major seed counties to deal with Tianwu County, but now they are lying outside the ring in painful wailing.

After glancing at these people, Tang Yi continued to speak with contempt: "You guys said the same before. Now, are they still lying outside the ring?"


It is said that the representatives of the county of Crescent County turned red and white.

The other two seed counties, Xuanxing County and Ximing County, are also so ugly.

Before they shot Tianwu County, because they underestimated Tianwu County, they thought they were just a Jiupin County, so they sent a player.

One team is assigned to each of the four major counties, and there are four in total.

The four seed county players took action against the Tianwu county team. From the perspective of the four seed county teams, they are completely stable and will not have any problems.

However, I didn't expect that these four players didn't even get their hands. Just after the martial arts were performed halfway, they were blown out with a punch.

This is really losing face.

At this moment, Tang Yi once again mentioned that they were extremely upset and felt humiliated by Tang Yi.

After all, they are the seed county, and the players of the seed county are blown out by a punch, and they are still a player of the Jiupin county. How shameful?

Now people still mention this in person. Isn't it humiliation?

"Don't be arrogant, they just ignore your words for a while, and if they don't carelessly, your means will definitely not succeed."

The representative of the Xuanxing County is hard-mouthed, and he still refuses to recognize the strength of Tianwu County and refuses to recognize the strength of Tang Yi.

"Hehe. Then you will try it out to see if they were caught by me because of their carelessness."

Tang Yi sneered, thinking that this person was too funny, just not acknowledging the strength of others, and actually wanted to restore his face, and he could compile it even if he didn't notice this kind of gossip.


The county representative of Ximing County snorted coldly, instead of continuing to shout at the Tianwu County, but said to the county representatives of Xuanxing County and Crescent County: "Okay, let’s not talk to them more It's utterly confusing. In the face of absolute strength, nonsense doesn't make any sense, and we'll all go together in a moment and just knock them off the ring."

The representative of the county of Ximing County is also a cautious character, paused and reminded: "However, everyone should be careful not to be too reckless later. This person can defeat our four seeds in a boxing fight The players in the county are a bit weird. We have to be careful."

The representatives of Xuanxing County and Crescent County nodded their heads.

In this way, the twelve players from the three major counties leaned towards Tang Yi carefully.

Because Tang Yi was in front of several others in the Tianwu County, the players from the three major counties could only give priority to Tang Yi.

The twelve people approached slowly. When they were close to Tang Yi at a certain distance, the county representatives of the three seed counties nodded each other, and then led their players to launch a fierce attack on Tang Yi.

Twelve people, with different weapons, different martial arts, attacked from all angles.

The violent force rushed to the sky, and the martial arts gloriously splendidly.

Twelve martial arts, exuding the power of terror, crushed Tang Yi in the past, wanting to crush Tang Yi's body.

If ordinary players face such a battle, I am afraid that the three souls will disappear and the seven souls will disappear.

After all, the twelve seed county players are not bad, and they attack together~lightnovelpub.net~ is so powerful that it is hard to imagine.

Twelve martial arts skills of this level came towards themselves, not to mention ordinary players, even if they are players of the seed county, I am afraid they will be scared to death.

What's more, a district player from Jiupin County?


Tang Yi, a player from Jiupin County, faced such a battle, but remained calm and calm.

After the incident of Tang Yi boxing and flying four seeded county players, no one would think that Tang Yi was scared.

After all, before facing four seed county players, Tang Yi was so calm and calm.

Therefore, when Tang Yi is immobile, everyone knows that this is Tang Yi's normal posture.

Everyone stared at Tang Yi closely, wanting to see how Tang Yi would react to a total of twelve contestants from the three major counties.

At this moment, Tang Yi moved.