Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1725: Boo

After a fierce competition, the fourth round came to a close, and a total of ten teams stood out.

The No. 1 ring was won by the first blood cloud county in the previous county contest and the seventh Huayan county in the previous county contest.

The second ring, was won by Chuya County, the second place in the previous county competition, and Huohua County, the fifth place in the previous competition.

The No. 3 ring was won by the Aoyu County, the 11th place in the previous county competition, and the Tianwu County, the Jiupin County.

On the 4th ring, Huosheng County, the 12th place in the previous county contest, and Xiaobai County, the 15th place in the previous contest.

Ring No. 5 was won by Yuli County, the fourth place in the previous county competition, and Yuxiao County, the third place in the previous competition.

Each ring is promoted to two teams, a total of ten teams successfully promoted to become the top ten of this session.

In the top ten of this year, there are six finalists in the top ten teams of the previous county competition.

The rest of the promotion team is also the seed county team!

There are almost no teams from ordinary counties in this year's top ten teams.

Of course, if there is no Tenmu County, then there is really no ordinary county.

However, the lowest rank of Jiupin County, Tianwu County, appeared in the top ten.

Ten advance teams, there are nine seed counties, but there is a nine-pin county.

This Jiupin County is so out of place among the seed counties.

It's so impressive!

The audiences were all amazed that Tenbu County could advance to the top ten.

Even the nine other seed counties that entered the top ten were extremely surprised and unbelievable.

Those who did not watch the No. 3 ring, did not know how a district of Jiupin County entered the fifth round and how it became the top ten.

This is too incredible.

Even those viewers who watched the No. 3 ring competition told the uninformed viewers the truth, and these uninformed viewers still cannot believe this fact.

It is even more unbelievable that the players of Tenbu County will have the strength comparable to the seed county players.

Not to mention a nine-pin county, it needs to stand out when the remaining four teams are all seed counties.

This is more difficult!

The odds can be said to be almost zero!

A team of Jiupin County has a strength comparable to that of a seed county. It defeated the remaining four seed counties and broke into the fifth round to become the top ten of the county's competition. This has never happened in previous years.

Maybe it won't appear in the future.

It's really exaggerated.

The reason why everyone knows this thing is shocked and feels unbelievable, because the gap is there, the resources obtained by the warriors of the Jiupin County are not proportional to the resources obtained by the seed county, and the players of the Jiupin County want It was still very difficult to catch up with the players of the seed county.

This is not a question of talent and effort, but a question of resources!

In the case of disparity in cultivation resources, the strength gap between the two sides is like a chasm, which is difficult to bridge.

Otherwise, the top ten teams in the past years will not be all seed county teams.

However, at this moment, there was a Jiupin County that crossed the gap and entered the top ten, which shocked everyone.

Of course, at this moment, no matter how the audience questioned, how to disbelieve, or how shocked, Tianwu County appeared in the last round and became the top ten of the current county competition. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

The audience can only talk about it in the back, question it.

Kamikaze school grounds.

At this time, under the arrangement of the staff of the Kamikaze royal family, only a ring was left in the huge Kamikaze school.

This ring is even bigger than the previous five rings!

It was placed in the middle of the Kamikaze school ground and attracted much attention.

In the fifth round, the final round, the rules are very simple.

Still a melee.

However, this time the scale of the scuffle was upgraded again and expanded to ten teams.

Ten teams compete together on the same stage!

Which team stays at the end is the first place in this competition of the county!

Conversely, which team is the first to be eliminated is the tenth place in the current county competition!

And so on.

The team whose second team is eliminated is ninth, the team whose third team is eliminated is eighth, etc.

After understanding the rules, the ten teams took the stage one by one, and according to the instructions of the Kamikaze royal staff, they stood at the prescribed position and waited for the start of the test.

And at this moment, watch the stage.

The crown prince stood on the edge of the viewing platform and headed towards the entire Kamikaze campus. He said aloud: "After four rounds of competition, a total of ten teams stood out and entered the fifth round, which became our competition in the county The top ten teams, they are, Blood Cloud County!"


Hearing the name of Blood Cloud County, the audience immediately applauded enthusiastically, and the applause was continuous and deafening.

After all, the blood cloud county is the first name of the previous contest of the county, and its strength is strong. It is the winner of this year's championship, and it is naturally welcomed by people.

The crown prince Feng Jiarong reached out a little, and the applause at the scene suddenly stopped, quieting down.

Continue to read: "Huayan County!"


When thinking of Huayan County, the audience applauded enthusiastically again, and the applause was thunderous.

Huayan County is the seventh in the last contest of the county, and this performance is also extremely eye-catching. Therefore, it has also been recognized and loved by a large number of audiences.

Afterwards, every time the great prince read the name of a county, all the audience on the scene applauded enthusiastically and enthusiastically, with applause bursts and warm atmosphere.


"Tenmu County."

When the great prince Feng Jiarong was thinking of Tianwu County...

"Wow la la..."


When the crown prince was thinking of Tianwu County, there was still applause, but the applause was not as enthusiastic as before.

The sound is many times lower than that!

Looking around~lightnovelpub.net~Only one-fifth of the audience applauded.

Compared with the applause when I was thinking of other county teams before, the momentum was much smaller and the sound was much smaller.

Moreover, it is very obvious that the gap can be clearly felt.

Even a large booing appeared in the audience, the sound is not small!

If it were not for applause, the audience applauded very loudly.

I'm afraid the boos will cover the applause.

At the moment, most of the audience's attitude is very obvious, that is, they look down on Tianwu County.

Look down upon a district of Jiupin County.

I think they shouldn't appear in the final round.

I don’t think they deserve to enter the final round.

So there was no applause or even a boo.