Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1736: An amazing analysis of 9-star Holy Emper

Before coming to the Principality of Kamikaze, the thoughts of several people in Su Jingsheng's mind were only to get a better result than the previous one, and the ranking was only a little further forward.

As long as the results are better than the previous one, the ranking is a few forwards, which is already an excellent result for them.

When the host of the Tianwu County sent them to participate in the contest of the county, they also held this idea and only wanted to make the ranking top.

However, several people at Su Jingsheng did not expect that their Tianwu Junguo could actually get such an honor!

This is the number one!

Not the top 100, nor the top ten, but the top!

What does this represent, on behalf of them, Tianwu County has become the most powerful presence in 366 counties!

Became the strongest county within the Principality of Kamikaze!

What glory is this?

It was glorious.

I am afraid that the Tianwu monarch who stays in the Tianwu county will not expect such a result.

So, can Su Jingsheng not be excited, can he be unhappy?

In addition to glory, their Tianwu County will also become a Yipin County. In addition to the first-class treatment and cultivation resources, they will also receive the treatment and cultivation resources of Yipin County!

This is a great thing for them!

After all, the cultivation resources have increased and the aura has become stronger. They can go further on the road of martial arts!

Only in their Tianwu county can they create more powerful men and become more powerful.

The honor of the first name is not only beneficial to individuals, but also to their entire Tianwu County.

It will have a huge impact on the future of Tenbu County.

In this way, as a part of the Tianwu County, can Su Jingsheng be unhappy and excited?

And all this...

While happy, Su Jingsheng turned his eyes to Tang Yi on the other side of the ring.

All of this came from Tang Yizheng.

It was Tang Yi who won the title of Tianwu County with his own strength.

Without Tang Yi, there is no such glory.

Without Tang Yi, they couldn't even break through the first round.

Tang Yi is the core of the team of Tianwu County.

And they are just a few salted fish standing behind Tang Yi.

It's ridiculous that they initially aimed at Tang Yi and mocked Tang Yi.

Thinking of all the things before, Su Jingsheng could not help secretly regretting it. At the same time, he even thought about having a good relationship with Tang Yi in the future.

Even if the relationship is not good, at least it will not deteriorate the relationship.

In short, it can no longer be tit-for-tat as before.

Observe the stage.

The crown prince Feng Jia looked at Tang Yi, his eyes were burning and fiery.

There was a constant voice in his heart telling him, ‘this person must participate in the battle of the Principality and must enter his own team. ’

On the other side, after Jinfeng, the main leader of the Shenfeng Kingdom, announced the result and returned to his position, he also looked at Tang Yi on the distant ring, showing a satisfied look and a smile on his face.

And at this time, the Tianying gang leader Ying Tianlei, who was also sitting on the viewing platform to watch the contest of the county, suddenly thought of something, and said aloud towards the crowd of the viewing platform: "The lord, the great prince Your Highness, colleagues. Do you see a familiar feeling in this Tang Yi? How do I look more and more and feel that he is like the emperor of clothes in the Shenfeng battlefield?"

"Emperor of clothes?"

Xuanfeng Sect's lord Zhao Haodang stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at Tang Yi on the ring, surprised and said: "Yes, there is indeed such a familiar feeling. This Tang Yi really gave me the feeling Much like the clothing emperor who shined in the Kamikaze battlefield at the beginning. But... the clothing emperor is the top emperor's strength, and this Tang Yi..."

When talking about this, Zhao Haodang suddenly froze for a moment, and then he was suspiciously said: "Huh? This Tang Yi, I can't see through his strength!"

"I can't see Tang Yi's strength!"

"me too!."

"How is it possible, I am a nine-star Holy Emperor level strongman, and I can't see his strength! What's going on? He's just a county player. Why can't he see it like a mist? Are there any treasures on your body? Or any other reasons?"

After hearing this, everyone looked towards Tang Yi and explored Tang Yi's reality.

However, whether it is a holy king or a top holy emperor, they have obtained a surprising result. None of them can explore the strength of Tang Yi!

Everyone on the scene looked at Tang Yi, and they could only see a mist. Tang Yi as a whole was in a mist, incomparably mysterious.

As the **** of the great prince, the nine-star Saint Emperor strong wind who has been standing beside the great prince Feng Jiarong, also thought about it at the moment, and said to the great prince Feng Jiarong, "The great prince Qiqi, there are I don’t know what to say and what to say.”

"Oh? What do you have to say clearly?" said the grand prince Feng Jiarong.

The people on the viewing platform saw the wind stop opening, and all of them looked towards the wind stop, and wanted to hear what Feng Zhi would say.

Feng Zhi gave Tang Yi a slight glance, and said quietly: "This county player named Tang Yi, I can't see through his strength. It seems that this person is not as simple as it looks."

"And there are only two ways to prevent people from seeing through strength. One is to have a treasure that can hide strength. Carrying this treasure can shield all exploration. The second is that its own strength is higher than that of the explorer. In this way, it is possible to block the investigation of others. Only these two possibilities."

"However, I don't feel any breath of treasures on him. Generally, treasures that can hide strength are traceable and can be locked with vitality, but not on him. That is, There is no such treasure on Tang Yi."

"Since I didn’t carry the treasure~lightnovelpub.net~ and can block the detection of all of us present, then there is only one possibility. His own strength is higher than that of all of us present. Therefore, we can’t detect his strength."

The wind-stopped money is coming, and the analysis is right.

After listening to Feng Zhi's analysis, all the gangsters watching the stage widened their eyes and showed incredible expressions.

Even the great prince Feng Jiarong, and the **** of the wind, the main wind Jin Rong, the same is true.

Everyone's face was full of shock.

And Feng Zhi again analyzed again at this moment: "And, before I watched his game, every time he was a boxing defeat opponent, whether it is three opponents or four opponents, all are one boxing defeat. For the county players, it's a bit exaggerated. The most important thing is that this is not his full strength! When he defeated his opponent in a boxing, he seemed to be relaxed and free of any pressure. This performance is not a The Holy Spirit or even the Holy King can do it!"

"So, the subordinates guess that this person's strength may have exceeded the level of the Holy Spirit, or even exceeded the Holy King to reach the Holy Emperor."