Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1746: Frozen world!

The energy carried in this blue-blue energy arrow, even the big air master Feng Wuyang, felt terrified.

A threat was also felt on it.

If he was hit by this energy arrow, Feng Wuyang, the big air master, felt that even he would be hit hard.

It can be seen how terrifying this blue energy arrow is.

Even the big air host Feng Wuyang has this feeling, so let alone others.

Therefore, after feeling the terrifying power carried in this blue energy arrow, the face of the air master Feng Wuyang changed his face and hurriedly commanded: "Open the shield and start Fengyu Skynet!"


After hearing this, several members of the Fengyu Tiandao responded, retreating in a panic, and then signaled the command of the big empty master.

In the next moment, thousands of warships of Fengyu Tiantou lighted up the shields hesitating like eggshells.

In addition, thousands of warships radiated a dazzling light, and countless energies poured out from the warships and gathered towards the sky.

And these energies condensed into the sky condensed into a ball, followed by a sudden exhibition, blooming towards the surroundings, forming a large net.

This large web is criss-crossed and huge, with an area of ​​at least tens of miles.

It surpassed the air and covered thousands of warships stolen by Feng Yu.

Fengyu Skynet is a joint defense method of Fengyu Skystove. It is started by all the ships of Fengyu Skystove. The defense is very terrible.

Before the Tang Yi annihilated the three air masters, the Fengyu Tiantao he led had demonstrated such a joint defense method, but only hundreds of warships were displayed at the time. Although the defensive power was also strong, it was still much worse than Tang Yilai .

Tang Yi was blasted in an instant.

At the moment, Fengyu Skynet’s Fengyu Skynet is a collection of thousands of warships of Fengyu Sky’s thief that gather energy to perform together, and the defense is extremely terrible.

Feng Yu's thief's warship itself has unfolded its shield. At this moment, a joint defensive method has been implemented. For a time, the defensive power has become extremely terrifying.

The inner layer and the outer layer are tightly defended.

And Feng Yu Tian Pi to display Feng Yu Sky Net needs to consume extremely huge energy of the warship.

Generally speaking, if it is not faced with a strong enemy, if it is not necessary to resist a powerful attack method, Feng Yu Tian Pi will not use this joint defense method.

Only when facing strong enemies and dealing with irresistible attacks, Fengyu Tiandao will use this method.

At this moment, in the face of the azure blue energy arrows shot by Tang Yi, Feng Yu Tian Pi opened the shield of the warship itself, but it actually opened the Feng Yu Sky Net.

It can be seen how much they attach importance to the blue energy arrows shot by Tang Yi.

After the use of double defenses, Feng Yu Tian Pi all sighed with relief and let down their hearts.

Fengyu Skynet is a famous method of Fengyu Tiandao, and its defense is very powerful.

The Phoenix Feather Skynet formed by hundreds of warships can withstand the strongest blow of the top Saint King strong.

Not to mention the Fengyu Skynet displayed by thousands of warships.

In addition, with the shield of the ship itself, the defensive force that can be formed is even more powerful.

With these defenses, Feng Yu Tian Pi is at ease.

As long as the Fengyu Skynet is not broken, their thousands of warships are invincible and invincible.


Can the inner layer and the outer layer be airtight?

Will it be enough for thousands of warships to jointly display Fengyu Skynet?

Is it invincible?

Can it withstand Tang Yi's attack?

I'm afraid it's not necessarily!

I saw that the azure blue energy arrows shot by Tang Yi flew over the Fengyu Tiantou battleship group, and suddenly fell like a blue meteor.

Fall towards the location where Fengyu Tiansteel battleships are located.

In the next moment, he crashed into the sky on the top of the Fengyu Tiansteel warships.

However, after only a slight collision, the Fengyu Skynet, which was considered invincible by all Fengyu Skystories, crashed.

As if the glass was broken, a bang sounded, and then it turned into a stream of countless energy, scattered around, and disappeared into the air.

This was performed by thousands of warships, able to resist at least the top holy emperor, and even the stronger level attacked by Fengyu Skynet. Even if it could not resist the blue energy arrow for one second, it disappeared. Fragile as white paper.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yu Tian Duo was dumbfounded, and they did not expect such a result at all.

I didn't even think that Fengyu Skynet, which was almost invincible in their eyes, actually failed for a moment.

There are actually unstoppable attacks!

However, before waiting for the Fengyu Tiandao to think about it, after the azure blue energy arrows broke through the Fengyu Skynet, they descended towards the Fengyu Tiantao's warship community.

When it fell in the battleships of Fengyu Tiantiao, this azure energy arrow burst out.

As if a drop of water fell into the lake, the sound of ‘dump’ rippled.

At this time, countless azure ice forces turned into ripples, spreading all around.

Wave after wave, wave after wave, like a wave, terrifying.

At this instant, the temperature in the air also fell to the extreme and became extremely cold.

The sky that had been shining brightly in the sky was also gloomy and terrifying.

The wave of ice spread very quickly, covering only a large part of the warships of Fengyu Tianbei in an instant.

Although Feng Yu's thieves' warships have all opened the shield, this shield has become a decoration in front of this wave of ice.

The wave of ice only spread, and the shields of these warships shattered, unable to resist a breath.

This shield is as fragile as it has never been.

The air robbers on the battleship had not yet responded to what was going on, and were swept by this blue wave of ice.

At this time, some weak robbers couldn't even send out screams, so they were instantly frozen into ice by the ice power carried in the ice wave~lightnovelpub.net~ became an ice sculpture.

And, lost the breath of life.

Killed instantly!

The air thief, who is slightly more powerful, resisted a little with his strong strength, and was frozen into an ice sculpture in the next second.

In this way, the wave of ice spreads, and countless air robbers are frozen into ice sculptures, losing their breath of life.

Not only that, even the warships, and even the air and space were frozen after the frost wave spread.

In short, everything must be frozen wherever the wave of ice passes.

Centered on the location where the azure energy arrow erupted, the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers was frozen together.

Whether it's people or things, whether it's a warship or space, it's all frozen together and condensed into ice.

An area of ​​several kilometers turned into a huge piece of ice in an instant.