Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1755: Sinister selfish big empty master

After listening to the words of Lord Wu Wuyang, the dissatisfaction and unwillingness of Lord Sikong has basically been relieved.

Slightly arching, Lord Sikong said: "The Lord Dakong is assured that Lin and Feng Yutian will kill Tang Yi, and then lead them back to complete the mission behind the temple perfectly, so that Feng Yutian can be safe and sound. Leave Kamikaze."


Hearing the words, Dawu Lord Feng Wuyang nodded and said, "Yes, then you go."


Once again arching his hands, the four empty masters retreated.

Immediately afterwards, I saw hundreds of silhouettes flying up on the main battleship in the center, separated from the battleship, and flew in the direction of Tang Yi.

And the thousands of warships stolen by Feng Yu, the bow was turned again, and they quickly evacuated towards the distance.

On the central main battleship, the big air master Feng Wuyang looked at the backs of the four air masters and the strong men of Feng Yutian, and whispered softly: "Lin Kangsheng, this seat is not thin for you. Whether you can return safely this time depends on you Of the world."

Lin Kangsheng is just the four empty masters.

On the side, Lord Wukong heard the words of Lord Wu Wufeng from the big sky, and immediately wondered: "What is wrong with Lord Dakong and Lord Sikong?"

Feng Wuyang first glanced at the direction where Tang Yi was, and said softly, "It's not easy to say."

"Hard to say?"

"Dakong Lord, you just said that Sikong Lord's trip just took people to slash Tang Yi, and when Tang Yi was killed, he led all the powerful to return. The rear of the hall was just to prevent the Kamikaze strong from joining the war. Four With an empty master plus more than 300 rudder masters, we can be considered as elite in Feng Yutian, can't we kill Tang Yi?"

Wu Kongzhu said again.

"I'm not sure." Feng Wuyang shook his head and said solemnly.


Wu Kongzhu looked at Dakongzhu with a puzzled face, and did not understand why Dakongzhu said so.

The four-empty master is a nine-star Holy Emperor level strong, with extremely strong strength, plus more than 300 Holy Emperor level strong, this is a good combat strength.

With such a force, can't you deal with a warrior from Jiupin County?

From the perspective of Wukong, under the siege of so many strong men, even if Tang Yi is no longer strong, he will eventually be besieged to death.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and unless supported by the Kamikaze strongman, Tang Yi cannot deal with so many Holy Emperor-class strongmen.

Therefore, the five empty masters are very puzzled about the words of the big empty master.

Seeing the doubts of Lord Wu Kong, Lord Feng Wuyang said quietly: "This son is not that simple. I want to kill him. I'm afraid it's harder to climb into the sky, because even I can't see through him. Hard to report."

"What! You don't even see the big empty master?"

Hearing Feng Wuyang's words, Wukongzhu was shocked.

Others may not know the strength of the big air master Feng Wuyang, but as an empty master, how could the five air masters not know.

Lord Feng Wuyang of the Great Air, that is the strength of the sacred level, and it is not a low-star sect, or a five-star sect that has reached the five-star level!

Five-star Shengzong is extremely powerful!

However, the big air master Feng Wuyang has such strength, at the moment it is said that he can't see through a warrior of the Jiupin County?

This shocked Wu Wuzhu very much.

How strong is the warrior of Jiupin County, in order to make the big airlord Feng Wuyang unable to see his strength?

After knowing this matter, Master Wu Kong was horrified, and Shen Sheng said, "I'm afraid the Lord of the Four Spaces will go here.

With a sigh, Master Wukong thought of something in vain, and quietly turned his head to look at Lord Wuwuyang of Dakong.

"Since the big air master knew early on that he couldn't see through Tang Yi's strength, why did he send the four air master to lead the crowd to encircle and suppress? Isn't it..."

Lord Wu Kong turned his head, and he saw Feng Wuyang, the Lord of the Air, look indifferent, his face sad and unhappy.

In addition to glancing at the back of the four empty masters and sighing, there was no longer any movement.

Even, even the Sikong master led the crowd to kill Tang Yi, he did not look at it, and turned his eyes to the distance.

Rather than the direction where Sikong and Tang Yi are! !

It seems that he does not pay attention to the movements of Sikongzhu and Tang Yi at all, nor does he pay attention to the life and death of Sikongzhu.

Seeing this scene, Wu Kongzhu thought suddenly.

It turns out so!

No wonder!

It turned out that the big empty master wanted to make the four empty masters replace the dead ghosts!

Seeing that Tang Yi was extremely fast and could not be shaken off, he wanted to let the four masters lead Tang Yi to drag him down, and then retreat safely!

This is insidious!

In order to retain Feng Yutian's strength, in order to be able to escape smoothly, he did not hesitate to take the life of an empty owner and all rudder masters!

It's too insidious, too scary, too cruel!

After knowing this matter, Wukong Master's cognition of Dawu Lord Feng Wuyang rose to another height.

At the same time the fear of him increased by one point.

Aside, Feng Wuyang, the Lord of the Air, slightly glanced at the Lord of the Sky, and when he saw the change of the Lord of the Sky, he instantly understood that the Lord of the Sky should have become a fact.

However, Feng Wuyang did not care.

For the four empty masters, this is a conspiracy.

But for others in Feng Yutian, this is Yangmou.

If the Four Empty Masters knew, then he would probably not die.

But now that I'm gone, I'm afraid that the four empty masters will never be able to come back, so let others know that it's okay.


the other side.

Seeing that Feng Yu's thieves suddenly had hundreds of figures flying towards them, and all the warships turned their heads and fled towards the distance without hesitation, Tang Yi suddenly froze: "What is this operation? Is it wanted? Let these people hold me back, and then the big army escapes?"

Seeing Feng Yu's thieves, Tang Yi sneered: "I want to run when I come? It's not that simple! With hundreds of people trying to hold me back, it's a fool's dream."

While sneering, Tang Yi's right hand also moved, shaking slightly, and took out the contaminated magic sword-Apofis.

After taking out the magic sword, Tang Yi accelerated his speed and rushed to the hundreds of silhouettes flying out of the Fengyu Sky Robber ship.

If Tang Yi expected it well, the hundreds of figures should all be holy emperors.

If not, Fengyu Tiandao will not be dispatched to deal with himself~lightnovelpub.net~After all, Tang Yi has already used his means before and killed many of Fengyu Tiantao’s strongmen. Fengyu Tiandao should already know Tang Yi's strength.

A warrior lower than the strength of the Holy Emperor, not only can't deal with Tang Yi, he can't even hinder it.

If Feng Yu Tian Pi is not stupid, it should not send air thieves with a strength lower than that of the Holy Emperor to the rear of the palace.

That is to say, these hundreds of figures should all be strong at the level of the Holy Emperor.

Hundreds of holy emperors, the handwriting is not small, the strength is not weak.

Actually, in the case of the death of dozens of Holy Emperor level strongmen, more than 300 Holy Emperor strongmen can be dispatched.

The strength of Fengyu Tiandao is obvious.

It is rumored that they can contend with the Principality.

(End of this chapter)