Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1794: Early ancient city

After upgrading the Western United Battleship, Tang Yi crossed the Principality of Wuwei and the Principality of Yewei within a day, and at sunset, entered the realm of the Principality of the Moon.

After entering the Principality of Luoyue, Tang Yi did not rush to find the whereabouts of Heifeng Valley, but found a nearby city and settled down for a while, taking a break and asking for information.

After all, Tangyi doesn't know where the Black Wind Valley is, and even Tang Yiji is useless.

Therefore, it is better to inquire the good news at this moment, and know the approximate location of the Black Wind Valley before proceeding.

Anyway, after the upgrade of the Western United Warship, Tang Yi saved a lot of time. At this moment, Tang Yi has a lot of time to find out the news, no need to hurry.

The city where Tang Yi fell at this time is called Chu Gucheng, and its name is very chronological.

It is said that the name of the city is based on the name of a sect and is inextricably linked to this sect.

Of course, these are just hearsays, not to say whether it is true. Even if it is true, Tang Yi does not have the interest to deal with it, nor does he have the time to deal with it.

He came here just to inquire about the news. When he heard the news, he would leave quickly.

Generally speaking, he is here, just a passerby.

Since he is a passer-by, why bother to investigate whether the city is connected to a certain sect?

After falling from high altitude, Tang Yi put away the warship, and then walked toward the gate of the ancient city.

At this time, he did not disguise his identity, so in his original identity, he walked to the gate of the ancient city and entered the ancient city.

The early ancient city was also considered to be a big city. The city was very prosperous. The city gates alone were full of traffic and crowded.

Tang Yi queued into the city and spent a lot of time.

Of course, after all, the ancient city is located at the border between the Principality of Yewei and the Principality of the Moon.

This also created the early ancient city this large commercial city.

After Tang Yi entered the ancient city, he found an inn to stay.

Speaking of which, Tang Yizhu Inn also spent a lot of time.

After all, there is no spirit crystal on Tang Yi, and no spirit crystal cannot live in the inn.

Tang Yi had a whim, went to rob the rogue gangsters, and asked them to ask for Jingjing.

Not to mention, because the ancient city was a commercial hub city, there are still a lot of local ruffians and rogues.

Tang Yi went to a few gloomy alleys and could see a lot of rogues.

Moreover, these gangsters are organized gangsters with organized martial arts, and most people dare not provoke or provoke them.

Of course, although these gangsters are not easy to provoke, Tang Yi does not have this problem.

Some hooligans and hooligans are nothing more than that. If Tang Yi wanted to, he could blow them away with just a blow.

However, Tang Yi didn't do that, and he robbed some of these savages and rogues, and taught them a bit, and did not take their lives.

After robbing him with the Lingjing he needed, Tang Yi left with satisfaction, and then went to the inn happily with Lingjing.

Tang Yi didn't care at all about what happened to these gangsters after being robbed by himself.

And when Tang Yi lived in the inn...

The main palace of the ancient city.

If Tang Yi is here, he can find that all the land ruffians and rogues he robbed have now arrived at the city's main palace.

And came to the hospitality hall of the city's main palace.

In the hospitality hall of the city's main palace, dozens of ruffians were standing still, still moving and fighting.

Although they had swollen noses and blue faces, embarrassed, and the wounds on their bodies were painful, they dared not say a word, and even the atmosphere did not dare to show up, and they were extremely careful.

And what they look like at this time seems to be waiting for someone.

After a moment.

A dignified middle-aged man and several guards entered the hospitality hall.

This middle-aged man, not others, is the owner of the ancient city, Shan Er, who is called Shan Erye.

"Have seen Erye."

Seeing Shan Er, the land ruffians bowed their hands in a respectful manner.

Dan Er took the throne and then asked the dignified austers, "What's the matter with you?"

"Second Lord, we were beaten."

"Second Lord, you have to decide for us."

"That man is too bully."


The ground ruffians said one by one that everyone was unwilling and grieved.

"What's going on? Hong Tian, ​​you say."

Shan Er frowned and asked, pointing at a ground ruffian.

A local ruffian named Hong Tian stood up and reported: "This is it, second lord. Today we are working in the alley. A young man suddenly emerges, beats us, and robs us of our belongings. ."

Wen Yan, Dan Er asked: "A young man? Beat you up? If I remember correctly, the few of you have almost reached the level of Zunzun? Is there anyone in the ancient city who can beat you up? Alright?"

"It's true to report to the Second Lord! You see, the injuries on our body are still there."

Hong Tian pointed to his swollen nose and said.

"Why did the other party hit you a few? What did you do to anger? Or provoke the other party?"

Dan Er asked again.

"Absolutely not! We didn't do anything at the time, and we didn't do anything that was angered by the anger, we just kept guard at the door. As for whether we provoke the other party. We still saw that person for the first time!" Report.

"Then do you report my name? Does he not know that you are from the main palace of my city?" Dan Er said again.

"We reported the name of the second lord and also told him that we were from the city's main palace, but that person didn't care at all and said..."

Hong Tian said hesitantly.

"What else to say?"

Shan Er's voice froze.

"Also said..."

Hong Tian sneaked a glance at Shan Er, and said with added oil and vinegar: "He also said what Er Ye is, if he wants, he can be pinched to death with one finger."

Aside, when I heard Hong Tian say this sentence, all the other local ruffians glanced at Hong Tian secretly, thinking when the other party had said this sentence.

Of course, although wondering why Hong Tian wanted to say so, several of the local ruffians didn't tear through Hong Tian.

"Does he really say that?"

Shan Er's voice grew colder, as if a little anger appeared.

"It's true!" Hong Tian swore.

"A few of you told me, was Hong Tian's statement true?"

Shan Er didn't seem to believe Hong Tian's words completely, but also asked several other local ruffians.

Although several other land ruffians had not heard of Hong Tian's story, they also wondered why Hong Tian wanted to say so, but they were now completely on the side of Hong Tian, ​​so they all echoed.

"Second Lord, Hong Boss said the truth!"

"Yes, the man not only looked down on the second lord, said that he could pinch the second lord to death with one finger, and even insulted the second lord, and said a lot of nasty language."

"Yes, yes, he also said, if we are not convinced, we can go to him for revenge. The attitude is so arrogant that it seems that everything is not in our eyes."


The ground ruffians also cheered up, learning Hong Tian began to add oil and vinegar.

They think that after the event, the second lord will definitely not find the other party to confront each other. Since the second lord will not confront each other, so now it is not what they want to say?

Moreover, the other party taught them a lesson, and they went to the point of failure, and let the second man teach the other person a hard meal, which is what they hope to see.

"Is the other person really saying that? Is it so arrogant?"

Shan Er frowned, his face became ugly, and his anger seemed to have burned to his head.

"The other party really said that, really arrogant!"

Hong Tian said.

After hearing this, Shan Er thought for a moment, then shouted: "Shan Ping."

"Subordinates are here."

Hearing Shan Er's voice, a bodyguard stood up and knelt in front of Shan Er on one knee.

"Go, you take someone with Hong Tian and others to meet the guy who dares to look down on our city's main palace and my Shan Er. I want to see what this person has." Shan Er ordered.


The guard named Shan Ping took his lead.

Hearing Shan Er's words, Hong Tian was very happy, and the secret prince was still as easily angered as ever. As long as he was a little excited, he could make him impulsive.

Hong Tian knew the character of the second lord, so he deliberately added oil and vinegar to make him angry.

Otherwise, maybe the second lord will also take care of this matter, but he will never send a strong man like Shan Ping.

Shan Ping is one of the masters of the city's main palace. The level has reached the level of the nine-star saint, and only one step away, he has entered the level of the grand saint.

If such a master is shot, then this matter will surely be stable.

If the second lord is not irritated, I am afraid that the second lord sent out to solve this matter is not a single level, but a second-level strong.

This is not what Hong Tian wants to see.

Although Hong Tian and Tang Yi did not have any hatred, Tang Yi made Hong Tianda lose face.

Ever since Hong Tian became the running dog of the city's main palace, no one has made Hong Tian so embarrassed.

Tang Yi was the first.

Hong Tian wants to make him the last one.

"Do you know where the man is now?"

Shan Ping asked towards Hong Tian and others.

Shan Ping's question brought Hong Tian back into the speculation.

"Adult, as we know, he lives in Tiangu Inn at the moment, and we also sent people to stare at him, even if he inserted his wings, he could not escape."

Hong Tian replied.

"Okay, after that, you will follow me to Tiangu Inn."

Shan Ping said.

When he was finished, he turned his head towards Shan Er, and said, "Er. Ye, the subordinate first went with Hong Tian and others."


Shan Er waved his hand.

Shan Ping arched his hands again, and then left with Hong Tian and other tyrants.

As soon as Shan Ping and Hong Tian left, a figure appeared beside Dan Er.

This figure fluttering in white, the fairy spirit, is an old man with white hair.

Seeing this old man, Shan Er bowed his hand towards the old man and said, "Shan Er has seen Master Uncle."

"Free courtesy."

Said the white-haired old man.

After the ceremony, Shan Er asked, "Uncle Shi, do you think this Hong Tian said is true?"

The old man with white hair did not directly answer the single two question, but instead asked: "What do you think?"

"I think……"

Shan Er thought for a minute or two and replied, "It should be half-truth. That person should ignore my ancestral palace. The matter should be true. As for the insult and me. I think this was added by Hong Tian himself. ."

At this time, the single two, without the previous moodiness, and the eyes became extremely wise.

If Hong Tian is here, seeing the eyes of Dan Er, and hearing the words of Dan Er, I am afraid that he will be surprised, and will never dare to cheer on Dan Er again.

Don't dare to think that Shan Er is irritable.

Because, single two is pretended!


The white-haired old man nodded his head and said with satisfaction: "Yes, single two, you have been a city owner for a few years in the ancient city, there is not much impetuousness, and the angle of thinking about things has become wider. As you said, this When the sky said the first half of his words, his eyes did not fluctuate, and it seemed to be true, but when he said those words that insulted you, his eyes flickered, as if he was avoiding, or he was afraid. He made it up by himself."

If Hong Tian is here, if he hears the words of the white-haired old man, he may be scared to death directly, or scared to death.

The white-haired old man was actually observing him!

All his eyes fluctuated, and they all became clear!

And analyzed his words clearly!

If Hong Tian knew this, he would really be scared to death on the spot.

"Huh, this Hong Tian, ​​even I dare to play."

Shan Er coldly snorted, and then asked again: "Uncle Shi, in your opinion, where did the man who feared my city's mansion hurt Hong Tian?"

The old man with white hair still did not answer directly, but smiled slightly, and asked again, "What do you think?"

Shan Er thought about it for a while~lightnovelpub.net~ analyzed: "My ancient city main palace is well-known within thousands of miles, and everyone should know that my ancient city main palace is the ancient ancient sword sect. The site, to provoke our city's main palace, is to provoke the early ancient Jianzong. In this case, Hong Tian has no other reason to do anything if he clearly informs the other party of his identity."

"And he dare to do it, so he should be an outsider. He came from thousands of miles away, or from the borders of the Principality, not ours."

The old man with white hair nodded and applauded: "You have done a good analysis, continue."

With the approval of the white-haired old man, Dan Er became more confident and continued: "This person can defeat Hong Tian and others, so his strength is certainly not weak. And after Hong Tian clearly informed the other party of his identity, the other party did not hesitate or fear. He still chooses to shoot, proving that he has extremely strong confidence in his own strength. This confidence makes him feel that even if Hong Tian is looking for someone, he cannot be his opponent! That is to say, this person's strength is very strong."

The old man with white hair smiled slightly and asked, "You said that his strength is very strong, so do you think Shan Ping will be his opponent?"

Wen Yan, Shan Er shook his head, said: "I think it should not be."