Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1801: Or, I razed your ancient sword sect to t

The Twisted Immortal Array is like a trapped Immortal Array, but it is a very powerful formation.

However, the main defense of the trapped fairy array is mainly defense and trapping.

But the Xianxian Dazheng is different. The main attack is to kill and kill.

In fact, because the Great Immortal Array is the reason for attacking the Great Array, the power is even stronger than the trapped Immortal Array.

Seeing this big formation, Wan Tianhua's face instantly dimmed, and his heart was over.

Before the trapped fairy array, even if Tang Yi didn't break the array, they could barely protect themselves in the array. They would not say that they were directly strangled by the large array.

But the immortal array is different!

This is a big attack, and the attack power is extremely strong, everything in the array will be strangled!

Wan Tianhua didn't have any confidence to feel that he could survive the bombardment of the Immortal Great Formation!

In short, Wan Tianhua feels that the ancient sword ancestors opened the hordes of immortals, so there is absolutely no possibility of surviving with the two masters and apprentices!

However, Tang Yi saw this big formation, but he disdained again and didn't care.

He kept walking, and continued to approach the second heavy mountain gate of the early ancient Jianzong, as if he didn't see the big formation.

At this time, countless energy swords seemed to feel Tang Yi's qi, and seemed to be manipulated by some people, and began to move, shaking one after another, shining with cold light, and flying towards Tang Yi.

Countless energy swords flew at the same time, dense and dense, the scene was extremely terrifying, and the terrifying cold light made people tremble.

However, seeing this scene, Tang Yi gently waved his hand in the direction of the long sword.

In an instant, countless energies of long swords disappeared into the air, and turned into countless fragments of energy, dissipated into the air.

At this time, Tang Yi lightened slightly towards the six-pointed star array of the Twisted Immortals.

The next moment.

That Wan Xianhua appeared to be more terrifying than the trapped fairy array, and even stronger in power. The huge array of twisted fairy suddenly disappeared, the light was dim and no longer existed.

This twisted fairy array is also the same as the previous trapped fairy array. It did not exert any power, and was easily broken by Tang Yi's hand.


Seeing this scene, Wan Tianhua seemed to have seen a ghost, his face full of shock and disbelief.

Although the Great Immortal Array is comparable to the Sleepy Immortal Array, its power is only slightly stronger than the Sleepy Immortal Array.

But in fact, the Daxianxian array is a level higher than the trapped fairy array!

The reason why it is advanced is because it is more difficult to crack!

The trapped fairy array is not difficult to crack, as long as it has enough power, it can crack this large array that can besieged the Holy Emperor.

However, the Xianxian Dazheng is different.

The Twisted Immortal Array is not a large array that can be forcibly cracked by virtue of strength. No matter how strong the power you use, it is impossible to crack.

Even, maybe it will cause a big backlash.

The stronger the force used when forcibly cracking, the stronger the counterattack, and the more energy the long sword can condense to counterattack the attacker.

Therefore, forced cracking will not work.

If you want to crack the Daxian Xianxian array, you must find the Daxian Xianxian array's eye and break it, so it can be cracked. This is the only way!

Of course, it's not that simple to look for the array of twisted immortals.

The array of eyes of the Twisted Immortals is not fixed, and will change over time.

And, it changes immediately.

Where does the array of eyes appear, and where will it be transferred in the next moment, even those who control the large array do not know.

Even those who are very familiar with Daxianxian array, if there is no outsider's help, I am afraid they can't crack the Daxian array.

One can imagine the difficulty of cracking the Daxianxian array.


Just before the mighty power of the Immortal Daxian Formation was launched, was it cracked by a teenager?

Moreover, it is still easy to crack?

With a slight wave, the energy sword will be broken?

With a single finger, the entire formation was suddenly broken?

How can this be!

Wan Tianhua could not believe this fact until this time, and felt too exaggerated.

If the young man is strong, then it’s okay, so Wan Tianhua can still accept it. After all, a talented genius can achieve this degree.

However, when it comes to the young man who is in front of him, he can't accept Wan Tianhua.

Cracking the big formation is different from cultivation!

As long as the talent is high enough for cultivation.

Cracking the large array requires not only talent, but also countless experience, has access to countless arrays, and is also a master of array formation.

Only by satisfying these various conditions will it be possible to break through!

And the young man named Tang Yi is so young, how could he be an array mage, how could he have countless experience, how could he be exposed to countless arrays?

No matter which one it is, it is impossible!

So, how did he break through?

It's incredible!

Shan Er, he was not as knowledgeable as his master Wan Tianhua. Although he also knew that there was a Daxian Daxian Formation, he did not know how strong Daxian Daxian was or how hard it was to crack.

He only knows that Daxianxian Dazhen is very strong, otherwise, it will not be placed at the second heavy mountain gate.

Since it is placed at the second heavy mountain gate, it must be stronger than the sleepy fairy array of the first heavy mountain gate.

The trapped fairy array can trap the top holy emperor, and the twisted fairy array is stronger than the trapped fairy array, not to mention.


The person named Tang Yi in front of him, but it was easy to crack, which shocked Shan Er.

At this moment, he has fully felt the power of Tang Yi and the terror of Tang Yi.

Feeling all these things, Shan Er began to meditate and secretly provoke Tang Yi, whether it was right or wrong.

On the side, Tang Yi ignored the mentoring Wan Tianhua who was in shock. After he broke the immortal array, he walked towards the second heavy mountain gate of the ancient Jianzong.

Under the astonished eyes of the two, they waved their hands again and smashed the second heavy mountain gate of the early ancient Jianzong!

Walking into the second heavy mountain gate of the early ancient Jianzong, there are also many figures in the second heavy mountain gate.

These people are different from the previous ones. The disciples of the early ancient Jianzong in the first heavy mountain gate are all relatively young and wear gray robes to serve.

At the moment, the disciples in the second heavy mountain gate are slightly older, and they all wear black robes to serve. These people are obviously stronger and higher in status than those of the previous disciples. Elite disciples.

However, these people, Tang Yi still did not pay attention.

After entering the mountain gate, Tang Yi beckoned Wan Tianhua and Shan Er to walk straight ahead of them, without looking at them.

And these elite disciples of the ancient Jianzong were also holding long swords in their hands, watching Tang Yi very alertly, everyone was cautious, and everyone was full of hostility.

However, although he was vigilant against Tang Yi, although he was hostile to Tang Yi, these elite disciples did not dare to take any action.

They just pointed at Tang Yi with a sword, surrounded Tang Yi, and then carefully followed Tang Yi behind.

Tang Yi ignored them, so he escorted Wan Tianhua, the master and the disciple, up the steps toward the third heavy mountain gate, which is the top of the mountain where the ancient Jianzong sect gate was.

Moments later, Tang Yi held Wan Tianhua's master and apprentice to the third Chongshan Gate.

At this time, hundreds of disciples of the early ancient Jianzong had followed Tang Yi.

The disciples who appeared behind the first heavy mountain gate, as well as the disciples who appeared behind the second heavy mountain gate, and some guard disciples who were responsible for the inspection, all followed Tang Yi. They looked crowded and very spectacular.

And these are actually nothing.

In front of Tang Yi, it was called a magnificent.

In front of the third heavy mountain gate, thousands of disciples of the ancient sword ancestors opened their battles and waited for them with enthusiasm.

As thousands of disciples all gestured to swords, the swords carried a terrifying sword spirit, and countless sword spirits gathered in the air, condensing into a terrifying sword momentum.

In this posture, it is clear that the ancient Jianzong had already known the situation of the first and second heavy mountain gates, so he put on such a battle to greet Tang Yi.

Seeing this battle, Tang Yi smiled and said: "Take me alone, your ancient sword sect actually put such a big battle, huh, this is too face-saving."

Aside, hearing Tang Yi’s words, Dan Er thought Tang Yi was afraid, and immediately said to Tang Yi: “How is it? Are you afraid? I advise you to let us go quickly, and immediately put our hands on the ground, so, we are ancient Jianzong can also show mercy to your men, if not..."

Shan Er did not finish, but the meaning was obvious.

However, when hearing the words of Dan Er, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully: "Afraid? It's really ridiculous. What kind of battles can be counted, and I'm not even bigger than this."

Tang Yi didn't lie. When he first encountered Fengyu Tiandao, the battle of Fengyu Tiantao was much larger than that of the ancient Jianzong.

The dense warships covered the sky and sun, and dozens of millions of air robbers were terrifying.

This battle, compared to the battle of the ancient Jianzong, I do not know how much bigger it is.

How could the ancient sword sect compare with the phoenix feather thieves rampant in a Principality?

Obviously it cannot be compared.

And what is the end of Fengyu Tiandao?

Hasn't it been destroyed by Tang Yi?

Even the powerful air robbers such as Fengyu Tiandao were exterminated by Tang Yi. What did the ancient Jianzong count?

Tang Yi will be afraid of them?


"Ha ha."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Shan Er sneered, and couldn't help vomiting, pretending, you continue to pretend...

Dan Er felt that Tang Yi was bragging, but was just bluffing, in order to protect the bovine leather blown out of his face.

Shan Er admitted that Tang Yi was very strong, but he didn't think Tang Yi had seen a scene bigger than the battle of their ancient Jianzong.

Thousands of disciples of the ancient sword ancestors opened their posture, which was shocking enough and the battle was huge enough.

He didn't believe that Tang Yi had seen a scene more shocking and larger than this.

Of course, I thought so in my heart, and Tucao just vomited in my heart, but I wouldn't say it on the surface of Shan Erming.

Seeing the look of Dan Er, Tang Yi knew that Dan Er would definitely not believe it, but Tang Yi didn't care either, whether he believed it or not, he said so much to these frogs at the bottom of the well, and it was impossible to believe with their eyes, so Tang Yi did not force him.

Just when several people thought about it, a voice came from the third heavy mountain gate.

"Whoever comes, sign up for it!"

A thick voice spread throughout the stairs and the third heavy mountain gate.

Hearing the voice, Tang Yi smiled, and with luck, replied: "You can't change your name, you can't change your surname, Tang Yi is also."

"Tang Yi?"

Hearing Tang Yi's name, the sound paused for a few seconds, as if recalling the character corresponding to this name.

However, no matter how I thought, I didn't seem to come up with a reason.

The voice didn't matter anymore, shouted loudly: "Tang Yi is right, why do you want to threaten my disciples of the ancient sword sect and break through the gate of my ancient sword sect? Do you know that this behavior is with my ancient sword sect Enemy?"

Tang Yi didn't hide, and said bluntly: "I heard that your ancient sword sect knew the plague land. As long as your ancient sword sect informed me of the location of the plague land, I would not embarrass you. The ancient Jianzong, leave in the next second."

"The Plaguelands?"

Wen Yan, the voice seemed very surprised because Tang Yi knew the news, and he paused for a few seconds.

In the next moment, several figures flew out of thousands of disciples of the ancient Jianzong, and flew to Tang Yi in the blink of an eye.

There are ten people here, all of them are old men in white clothes and white robes with white hair.

Nine of them, headed by the old man in the middle.

And the old man in the middle, wearing a golden crown, is majestic and has a breath of superiors on his body, and should be in a high position in the early ancient Jianzong.

Seeing these ten old men, Wan Tianhua and Shan Er shouted immediately: "Sovereign Master, you are too elders!"

The old man in the middle glanced at Wan Tianhua and Shan Er slightly, and said softly: "You two are a little restless, wait for things to be resolved, and then come to deal with your affairs."

Wen Yan, Wan Tianhua and Shan Er's complexion collapsed in an instant, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

They were not stupid, and they understood what the patriarch meant when he heard the patriarch's words.

This means waiting for the matter to be resolved before punishing them.

Not only did they not resolve the matter this time, they also brought the enemy to the door.

And leaking the matter of the plague to the enemy knows that it is a terrible crime.

Having committed so many crimes, Zong Men has no reason not to deal with them.

Therefore, when they heard the words of the patriarch, they understood that they must blame this time, ranging from imprisonment to imprisonment, to abolition of cultivation practices and demotion to ordinary people.

This time, they were really finished.

Therefore, as soon as the two heard the words of the patriarch, their faces suddenly became ugly, and their faces were ashamed.

And the old man ignored the two ashamed faces and said directly to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi is right~lightnovelpub.net~ I am the master of the ancient sword sect and Yuxuan, you said you are for the plague land Come, but the plague land is the opportunity of our ancient sword ancestor. Our ancient sword ancestor cannot transfer this opportunity to you, so you should not be delusional. In addition, our ancient sword sect does not welcome you, please You leave this place immediately, if not, you will blame our ancient sword sect for not giving you face."

If Tang Yi had no strength, the master of the ancient Jianzong had already given Tang Yi a killing or a hard lesson.

That is because Tang Yi had strength, and the strength was unfathomable. He crossed the two-fold mountain gate, and the master of the early ancient sword sect was afraid of Tang Yi's strength.

"Please come back?"

"Ha ha."

Hearing the slightly threatening words from the early ancient sword sect master and Yuxuan, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully and said, "I have no reason to return home empty-handed. Today, either your early ancient sword sect will be plagued Let me know the location of the land, or, I will flatten your ancient sword sect to the ground. There are only two options. Now, please choose the ancient sword sect!"

(End of this chapter)