Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1813: Slash elite boss, plague earth dragon be

Tang Yi first displayed the runaway, and then displayed the powerful heavenly middle-level martial arts, the attack power is definitely very powerful.

This attack power, not to mention the monster monster of the level, even if it is a monster of a higher level, Tang Yi feels that it can also cause damage to them.


At this time, such a powerful attack can only leave a trace on the stone statue of the plagued earth dragon beast!

What's more, after repeated attacks many times, it left a trace!

This simply made Tang Yi very surprised.

"The defense of the plague earth dragon beast after petrification is so strong?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was slightly stunned, and some did not expect it to be the result.

"I'm going to see, when will you be able to petrify, and when your petrification is over, I will kill you again."

Seeing that the defense of the plagued earth dragon beast after petrification was terribly powerful, Tang Yi immediately decided to wait for the petrified beast of the plague earth dragon beast to finish attacking them.


Tang Yi waited for nearly ten minutes, the petrification of the plague earth dragon beast did not disappear, still in petrification!

And there is no sign of recovery!

Tang Yi did not expect that the petrochemical skills of the plagued earth dragon beast had such a long duration.

I was able to persist for ten minutes!

Moreover, it does not seem to be the limit, and there is no sign of recovery!

Such a powerful defense can actually persist for so long, which makes Tang Yi very surprised!

"It's been a long time!"

"But I don't believe that your skill can last so long!"

Tang Yi gritted his teeth.

He is also on the bar.

He didn't believe that the petrification of the plague earth dragon beast could continue.

Tang Yi waited for another half an hour to pass.

However, the petrified state of the plague earth dragon beast has not been lifted!

"What's going on? Wouldn't their plague earth dragon be able to petrify all the time?"

Although Tang Yi couldn't believe it, the plagued earth dragon beast in front of him still showed no signs of dissolution of petrification, as if he could continue to petrify.

This immediately made Tang Yi anxious.

If Tang Yi had more time, he could slowly consume and wait slowly.

However, the task time is only seven days!

Seven days passed by, how could Tang Yi spend so much time?

Moreover, after Tang Yi will participate in the battle of the Principality, there are still many things to be done, time is spent here, where can he still have time to do these things?

Can't afford it!

Tang Yi can consume one or two hours.

But it took a day and a half, or even a few days, Tang Yi could not afford it!

The petrified state of this plagued land dragon in front of me shows no signs of lifting. Who knows when they will last?

What if it really lasts for a few days?

What about ten days and a half months?

Tang Yi is waiting here, can't he complete the task?

Therefore, Tang Yi could not wait any longer.

Facing the plagued earth dragon beast in petrified state, Tang Yi had to figure out a way to break their defense.

After thinking a little or two, Tang Yi decided to swallow the Elixir to increase the attack power.

Thinking of doing it, Tang Yi quickly sank into the system store, and then purchased a second-level Holy Order Rage Pill!

[Second-order Rage Pill]: After use, the player's strength is increased by 5000 times, all attributes are increased by 5000 times, and physical strength is increased by 5000 times.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Tip: After the end of the duration, the player will return to the original state.

Price: 1000000 points.



The second-level holy order violent Dan, Tang Yi has used it before to deal with strong enemies, the effect is extremely powerful.

The attribute of promotion is also very violent.

It's just this price, some are not ideal.

Some are expensive.

One million saints is worth one.

Expensive to the extreme.

Tang Yi can buy countless holy demons by buying such a holy value for a second-level holy order violent pill.

If not necessary, Tang Yi would not spend so much sacred value to buy such a potion to fight.

This is too extravagant and wasteful.

However, it is different now.

Today, the plague earth dragon beast is petrified, and the defense power has become extremely powerful, Tang Yi can't break their defense at all.

If you don’t increase your attack power, and increase several levels of attack power, Tang Yi has to continue to consume here, wasting a lot of time.

This is not worth the loss.

Tang Yi wasted his time here to kill monsters and upgrade, I am afraid that he would have earned a million.

So there is no need to waste a lot of time in order to save this million sacred values.

In addition, if the road after the plague is still far away, or if there is still a strong BOSS blocking the road, Tang Yi can't complete the task within seven days, then it is bad.

Tang Yike did not want to waste a lot of sacred values ​​because he saved a little sacred value because of the three-headed elite BOSS, which affected the progress of the mission.

Thinking of this, Tang Yi bought the Elixir and swallowed it.

Suddenly, Tang Yi's breath became extremely powerful.

Under the promotion of the second-level Holy Order Rage Dan, Tang Yi's strength doubled.

After improving his strength, Tang Yi once again squeezed the magic sword Apophis in his hand and slashed towards the plague earth dragon beast.

"Sky Beheaded!"


Break through the sky and tear the space.

This cut, the light shines more than before, and the breath is more powerful than before.


This time, Tang Yi's attack finally broke through the defense of one of the plague earth dragon beasts and cut the stone statue of the whole plague earth dragon beast in half!

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the elite-level BOSS plague earth dragon beast, gaining 1254152515 points, with a value of 1000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for obtaining 10,000,000 Holy Spirit pills."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for obtaining the Saint Tier middle class equipment and the Peerless Spirit Boots."


In Tang Yi's mind, a system prompt appeared.

Seeing the prompt, Tang Yi was very surprised: "effective!"

While happy, Tang Yi quickly bought a Holy Magic Dan and took it.

Then, holding the magic sword Apophis, he chopped towards the second plagued land dragon.


Jianguang flashed through ~lightnovelpub.net~ The world was cracking.

The second plague earth dragon beast was once again a sword and two pieces by Tang Yi.

Even if the defense power of the plague earth dragon beast is strong, even if the plague earth dragon beast exerts such powerful defensive skills as petrochemical, which improves the defense power several times, there is no resistance at this moment. There is no second result.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing the elite BOSS plague earth dragon beast, gaining 1,325,125,485 holy points, with a holy value of 1,000,000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for obtaining 10,000,000 Holy Spirit pills."

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for receiving the Saint Tier middle class equipment and the Divine Spirit Gloves."


A reminder came again in Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)