Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1828: Humans are the masters of this world!

Being able to evade the attack of Dominic Qijia, Tang Yi will no longer be threatened by Dominic Qijia.

Otherwise, Tang Yi wants to be passive all the time. Every time Hades Lord Giga launches an attack, he has to be nervous, afraid of being accidentally killed by Hades Lord Kiga.

It was too tiring to play, and it was not the result Tang Yi wanted at all.

It is naturally best to be able to avoid completely with speed now.


Hades God Qi Jia gave a slight sigh, and seemed a little surprised that Tang Yi was able to evade its attack.

However, despite being surprised, the **** Qiqiga still did not put Tang Yi in his eyes, only to see it said to Tang Yi: "Humans, although your strength is very surprising to me, but for this seat, it is far Not enough. I urge you to still catch your hands early, so this seat can leave you with a whole body."

"Ha ha."

Hearing the words of the **** Ghija, Tang Yi returned with a sneer.

And the next moment, holding up the magic sword, a sky dome, and blasted towards the heavenly **** Qijia.

The sword light flickered, and the earth shattered, and the terrifying sharpness swept toward Hades God Giga, and the space was broken.

However, this horrible sword blasted on the body of Hades God...

It didn't hurt, it didn't cause any impact.

The terrifying sword light fell on it, leaving no trace of white.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was a little bit coerced, but did not expect it to be such a result.

In his view, even if the defense of Hades God Qijia is stronger, his sword can still leave marks or scars on it.

However, nothing was left, which surprised him.

After all, you should know that Tang Yi's strength at this time is no longer the time to face the plague bone dragon beast.

Compared with the previous match against the plague bone dragon beast, his strength has been greatly increased, the increase is not known how many times.

After all, after killing the plague bone dragon beast, Tang Yi was promoted several levels in a row, reaching the nine-star holy level, only one step away, he can step into the level of the holy emperor.

And not far from the Holy Emperor.

Tang Yi has a feeling that as long as he kills a few more mobs, he will surely be able to advance to the Holy Emperor!

In other words, Tang Yi has now reached the peak of the Nine Star Lord!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a false emperor.

Today's strength, compared to the ordinary Nine Star Lord, do not know how many times stronger.

It is unparalleled to use the celestial order middle-class martial arts such as the sky dome.

However, Tang Yi, who has such strength now, can display the middle-level martial skills of the Holy Heaven Rank, but he can not leave a white mark on the purple bones of the celestial **** Qijia!

This is too exaggerated.

The defense of Hades God Giga is too strong.

Compared to the plague bone dragon beast, it is more powerful than it is.

"It really is the last big boss, really powerful."

At the same time, Tang Yi couldn't help but secretly sigh, sighing the power of the big boss, Hades.

Of course, in fact, Tang Yi had long anticipated the power of Qijia.

After all, the celestial **** Kana is the last big boss in the plagued land, and it is not strange to be powerful.

However, Tang Yi did not expect to be so strong.

After being hit by Tang Yi, the sneered God Qijia sneered and said: "The tiny human being actually tried to challenge the divine mansion, which is really innocent."

Ghost Lord Ganesha is in the form of a skull. Although there is no expression on the skull's face, it can obviously feel its disdain and sarcasm at this time.

The eyes of those black holes looked directly at Tang Yi, full of the feeling of being high.

"Ha ha."

Tang Yi smiled coldly and didn't reply.


"Second Order Rage Dan!"

The two states are turned on again!

Tang Yi's breath skyrocketed.

After the skyrocketing, Tang Yi squeezed the magic sword Apophis again, and once again slashed towards the heavenly **** Chiga.

"Sky Beheaded!"


The sword light turned on again, and the space was broken.

However, in the face of Tang Yi's sword, the performance of Netherworld God Giga was still disdainful, unavoidable, and ignored at all, leaving Tang Yiyi to fall on him.


Jianguang fell, shocked, shock waves.

However, this sword still has no effect.

As before, he didn't even leave a white mark on the celestial **** Qijia.

"Humans, don't make useless attempts anymore, it's useless. With your mortal body, how can you hurt the great Underworld Lord. I advise you to hurry up and bury yourself with my demon beast."

Sacred God Qi Jia said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Everyone has a skeleton shelf. I dare to look down on our flesh-and-blood humans and want to make me self-destructive. I think you should hurry up and self-destructively! Skeleton shelves like you should not be left in it. World, this world is the world of human beings, you skeleton frame, go to **** and report it."

Tang Yi sneered.


In Tang Yi’s words, there seemed to be a certain point in which he **** off Qi Jia, making him slightly angry. He only heard the voice of God Qi Jia exploded and said with a little anger, "This seat is great God Qijia, the Lord of the Underworld, do you dare to say that this seat is a skeleton frame?"

"In addition, who said that this world is a human world? You humans always think that you are the master of this world. You never know that you know it is a ants created by some powerful existence. Oh, the master of humans is ridiculous. Extremely.

Tang Yi retorted the celestial **** Qi Jia said: "Look at what you are now, what is the skeleton of the skeleton? Just you are the lord of the underworld? It's ridiculous! In addition, you don't have to refute me, we humans are indeed all Lord, this world will only become more colorful because of us humans! I say that we humans are the masters of this world. This is the fact, and no rebuttals are allowed!"

After finishing talking, Tang Yi no longer talked to God Qijia, he lifted the magic sword and cut it.

No matter how mankind changes the environment and how bad the world is, mankind is the master of this world and the master of all things in the world. This is an indisputable fact, Tang Yi does not allow anyone to question!

As a human being~lightnovelpub.net~ he must protect human dignity!

Humans are wrong, and only humans can punish them. Other creatures can't be fooled!

This is Tang Yi's bottom line!

It is also his three views!


Swords of light flickered, and the space shuddered, and countless frontiers swept toward the purple bones of Qi Jia.

However, no matter how many sword lights Tang Yi cuts in succession, no matter where he attacks Hades, he cannot cause any trace of damage to Hades.

It doesn't do anything about the body of Qi Jia.

In short, no matter how easy the Tang Yi attacks, he can't cause damage to Hades.

Can't even leave a white mark!

The defense of Hades God Giga is terribly powerful.