Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 183: Find a time to tell you alone

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"This is the Yongling Courtyard in the North District. It is the place where your candidates in the North District have rested over the years. Ap has 30 temples, divided into two areas for men and women. Each area has a total of 1,666 rooms. , There are 1,500 servants assigned, and the specific place to live is arranged by your elders and examiner."

"In addition, I want to remind you that the entrance exam is conducted after seven days. You must remember the time, don’t miss the exam, there is nothing special about it, and please don’t leave Diyao. , In your current status, you are not yet qualified to enter and leave the West House at will, and the permitted range of activities is only the palace."

After taking the candidates from the North District to this compound, the old man from Xifu said seriously.

"Thank Brother Ge for reminding me, I will strictly demand them." Elder 6 arched his hand at the old man.

Candidates in the North District also nodded. The palace is so big. Just acting in the palace is enough for them to visit for several days. How can there be time to run out of the palace.


The old man with the surname Ge responded that everything that had been explained was finished, and there was nothing left for him. After carrying his hands, he left the Yongling compound with a very proud attitude.

But this is also normal. As a strong man, who can lose his temper?

Moreover, the candidates in the North District have too bad results, and the probability of the strong in the future is extremely low, so the old surnamed Ge will not pay attention to them at all. ap;

"Wow, this is the main office of Xifu, which is too shocking. It's just the place where a candidate lives. That is where the formal disciples live. How magnificent."

"Woo, I really don’t want to go here. Everything here is so beautiful."

"I really want to stay here forever."


Before the old surnamed Ge was there, everyone knew that he had an extraordinary status in Xifu, so he didn't dare make it. At this time, when the old surnamed Ge left, all the candidates released their excitement, looking around curiously Such emotions.

At the same time, they also have a voice in their hearts telling them that they must pass the entrance exam and must enter the Xifu. Only when they enter the Xifu can they enjoy this treatment and see the wider sky.

"Okay, everyone wants to stay in Jiujie City, so work hard! It is useless to think too much! Now, the examiners in each city will take the candidates to check in, one room per person." 6 Elder Road .

Candidates nodded after hearing the words, and then followed the examiners to get the room number. .

After allocating the room number, the elder 6 spoke with the candidates about several important matters. After strict warning to everyone that they should not cause trouble, he left the Yongling compound with more than 20 examiners.

They still have a lot of things waiting to be dealt with, and they have no time to stay here.

In addition to going back to life, to report incidents of thieves who swallowed the sky, and also to report the list of candidates.

Candidates in the North District can successfully pass the entrance examination only if they have submitted the list.

Otherwise, if the list is not filed and there is no candidate’s name in the Xifu exam roster, the candidate will not be able to participate in the entrance exam and will be driven out of Jiujie directly.

So several things are very important.

Before leaving, Elder 6 also talked to Tang Yihan for one or two, making Tang Yi work hard. This scene made everyone very envious.

However, Tang Yi's strength is there, they envy and can't come.

Back in their respective rooms, Tang Yi walked out of the room and took Tang Piaomiao to the door of Yongling Courtyard.

Tang Yi wants to take the three Tang family members for a long time to see the prosperity of this palace.

Both Tang Yi and Tang Piaomiao are in the male accommodation area, and it is very convenient to look after each other. Tang Shu and Tang Baijie are in the female accommodation area, so when they come to the door, they have to wait for the two women.

However, while waiting, not only Tang Shu and Tang Baijie came out, even Wang Bi'er and Mu Xianling came, and the four daughters gathered together, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Why are you here? I didn't say I'm going to take you with you." Tang Yi froze for a moment, he didn't expect Wang Bi'er and Mu Xianling to follow.

"I heard Shu'er say you are going to go shopping, just because I am more familiar with this place, I can take you around." Wang Bier said with a smile.

"Why? As long as you can go out, we can't go out? Who will go with you?" Mu Xianling pursed her mouth, arrogantly, the temper seemed to be the temper of the old lady before.

However, after Tang Yi glared at her, she lowered her head and softened, no longer speaking, and she looked very cute.

It seems that the little tigress was tamed by Tang Yi.

"Brother Tang Yi, let's go together, how crowded it is." Seeing the atmosphere was wrong, Tang Shu hurried over and took Tang Yi's arm, coquettishly.

Tang Baijie also looked at Tang Yi and said, "Yeah, brother Yi, let's go together. Sister Bi'er leads us, we can also take less injustice and get a better understanding of the palace. Case."

Hearing everyone saying that, Tang Yi nodded and said, "Well, then go together, but everything has to listen to me."

"Well, at the advice of Brother Tang Yi, I am only responsible for leading the way." Wang Bi'er said happily.

As soon as Tang Yi turned his head, Mu Xian was inspired by Tang Yi's eyes. His expression was tight, and his voice was like a mosquito. He quickly said: "I...I just listen to you."

"Okay, let's go."

Four women, two men, and a group of six people walked out of the Yongling compound and walked towards the main street of Diyao to visit the prosperity of Diyao.

In addition to Tang Yi and other people ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There are also many candidates from the North District who left the Yongling compound and went to every place in Diyao to gain insights...

"Sister Bi'er, have you been to Diyao many times?" Tang Yi asked suddenly when walking on the road.

As far as Tang Yi knows, although Wang Zongyao is a disciple of Xifu Neifu, Wang Bi'er is not, nor is it a candidate for this qualification exam, so according to the rules of Xifu, he is not eligible to enter Jiuji City and stay in Jiuji City .

Tang Yi did not think that as an examiner of Wang Zongyao, an outsider could be kept in Jiujie City, and his energy was not so great.

Therefore, Wang Bi'er was able to enter Jiujie City and stayed here. He also said that he was familiar with Dui Palace at the moment, which made Tang Yi very curious.

"Well, I have been there a few times, but I can only stay a few days at a time. As for why I can come, if Brother Tang Yi is really curious, then find a time and Bier will tell you alone." Wang Bier saw Tang Yi Cui's expression knew what he wanted to ask, and then Jiao Jie answered.

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