Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1834: Change weapons, nightmare hook lock firs

A terrifying shock wave swept across the valley.

Tang Yi was so swayed by this shock wave, and his body was suddenly blasted out, flying hundreds of meters, dragging on the ground for a long time, and then stopped.

At this moment, under the impact of the shock wave, Tang Yi's expression languished and his face pale.

Moreover, his body was covered with scars, covered with countless blood, his right arm was even missing, and a flesh and blood was blurred.

Tang Yi's appearance at this time was almost miserable, and as long as he looked at it, he knew he must have been hit hard.

However, the situation of the **** Kiki is not much better.

It was also affected by the shock wave of horror. The numerous bones on his body were broken, at least ruined. One hand and one leg were gone, and it looked broken.

Even the hardest skulls showed signs of fragmentation and numerous cracks.

In this blow, both sides suffered both defeats!


It is not too bad for Tang Yi to hurt both sides by defeating this situation!

After being hit hard, Tang Yi's consciousness quickly sank into the system store, and then purchased the Elixir to recover, all in one go!

After using the Elixir, Tang Yi's condition quickly recovered, and his pale face was rosy for a moment, and the languorous breath recovered instantly.

And the arm that had been severely injured, already blurred, grew slowly, white and tender.

Tang Yi is completely able to accept the situation of losing both sides!

After all, he can quickly recover by buying immortality, but BOSS can't!

Before, when Tang Yi dealt with other bosses, he also killed them by replacing them with injuries!

This is totally acceptable!

As long as you don’t get spiked, you can do whatever you want.

Whatever the injury, Tang Yi can recover.

Therefore, Tang Yi didn't even care about losing both sides!


After recovering, Tang Yi took advantage of his body condition and suddenly raised the magic sword Apofis again, and launched an attack on the heavenly **** Qijia.

Because of the devastating damage, the **** Kiki had not recovered at this time and could not escape.

Of course, even if you can avoid it, with the pride of the divine God Chiga, you don’t even bother to avoid it.

Therefore, the sword of Tang Yi was bombarded on the body of Qi Jia.


The sword light flickered and the terrifying sharpness swept through.

Tang Yi's sword was suddenly cut on the shoulders of Hades God Qijia, and the body of Hades God Qiga was cut from his shoulders and cut into two!

"Human beings, you dare to do something with God's mansion, you will be retaliated!"

Severely hit, the screaming **** Giga continued to roar.

However, Tang Yi ignored it.

After the sword cut the body of the Skeleton of Hades God Giga in half, Tang Yi raised the magic sword Apophis again.

"Sky Beheaded!"


Another sword fell, the sword flashed.

The only half of the body of the divine **** Chigana suddenly broke apart, and all the bones were broken into fragments.


Only a white head was left.

Today, only the white skull head is left behind, and its hands, feet and body are all cut off and broken by Tang Yi's terrifying sword light.

But even so, the breath of life of the celestial **** Qijia is still strong, and in a pair of hollow pupils, the fire of the soul continues to beat.


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi froze for a moment, and some did not expect that after the loss of the body, the Qi Qijia, the life breath was still so rich, and there was still no sign of death!

And, besides...

"Damn it, you better stop me, if not, I will let you die!"

By this time, Qi Jia, the Lord of Heaven, could still speak! It can actually threaten Tang Yi!

Vitality is too strong!

"Okay, I will see when you can reach it! Since it doesn't die like that, then I will break your skull head!"

After Tang Yi froze for a moment, he suddenly gritted his teeth, his eyes full of fierceness, and raised the magic sword Apofis again, and madly blasted towards the **** of heaven.

Holy rank middle-grade martial arts, don't spend money toward the skull of Hades God Giga!

Just in the blink of an eye, Tang Yi cast hundreds of heavenly celebrities towards Qi Jia, the **** of heaven, sweeping countless sword lights and sharpness!

Suddenly, the skull of Whispering God Giga shivered, and even the fire of the soul in his pupils swayed.

However, after suffering so many attacks, the skull head of the **** Kiki is still tough!

There were already spider web-like cracks already on it. At this time, they were attacked by hundreds of sword lights, but the spider web-like cracks were bigger.

And the fire of the soul in the eyes of Hades God Giga is still beating violently, the breath of life of Hades God Ghaga is still rich!

The vitality is terrible!

"So hard?"

Seeing a series of attacks that could not smash the skull of Hades Goda, Tang Yi was surprised.

He saw cracks in the skull of Wraith before, and thought he would be killed soon.

Unexpectedly, however, hundreds of attacks were not killed.

You know, Tang Yi is now fully fired, and the attack power is very powerful.

At this time, the attack power, even the body of Hades God Qijia can be split, and can be cut into two sections.

However, at this moment it can't break the head of Hades God Giga, kill the Hades God Giga!

This is almost incredible.

"How to do?"

At this moment, Tang Yi was a little worried.

Hundreds of attacks did not blast the head of Hades God Giga. This is actually not a problem. The problem is that when hundreds of bombardments continue, there is no sign of a little blast!

What is the state of Qijia before, and what is the state of Qijia now, the breath of life has not weakened at all.

this is the key of the problem!

Even if it does not weaken, when can it be killed?

So, how can Tang Yi not worry?

"Try new weapons?"

Seeing that his attack could not threaten the life of Qi Jia ~lightnovelpub.net~Dong Yi continued to attack Qi Jia, while thinking hard, thinking about solutions, and finally decided to use a new weapon to deal with God Chiga.

This new weapon is the nightmare hook that Tang Yi unlocked in the Kamikaze Treasury.

The nightmare hook lock weapon Tang Yi had just been acquired, and it has not been actually used against the enemy and used, nor even tried it.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not have a clear understanding of the power of this weapon.

It's just because Tang Qijia, the powerful and invincible god, can't kill the dead horse as a living horse doctor!

After all, this piece of equipment is also the top-grade equipment of the Holy Order, and its power should not be too weak.

Today’s chapter, I’ll make it up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)