Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 186: My name is Wang Bi'er

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"Oh. Ap;" Tang Yi didn't believe it when she saw Mo Ran, but she just smiled.

Actually, Tang Yi didn't know how to resist Mo Ran's mental attack.

Because that cyan energy was so mysterious, Tang Yi didn’t know what it was or where it came from. Anyway, it was an inexplicable appearance, and then helped Tang Yi resist the mental attack, and inexplicably disappeared. No matter how Tang Yi explored in his mind, he could not find its trail.

It's just that there is nowhere to go without a trace, and the end is extremely magical.

"What? Brother Tang Yi? He just used a mental attack on you?"

On the side, Wang Bi'er, when he heard that Mo Ran had used a mental attack on Tang Yi just now, suddenly glared, and he was a little angry when he was surprised.

Because the process of mental attack is very fast, and Moran's spellcasting is rather obscure. He casts his eyes. So no one has the short blink of an eye. Moran has already completed a mental attack on Tang Yi.

At the moment, both Mo Ran and Tang Yi did not speak, so everyone would not even know.

If Wang Bi'er knows, then surely Mo Ran will not succeed!

Spiritual attacks, maybe Tang Piaomiao, Tang Shu, Tang Baijie and others just came to Xifu. They didn't know the horror of this attack, but Wang Bi'er did.

This attack can be said to be powerful or not. ap;

For those who know how to defend against mental attacks, such attacks are naturally not powerful.

As long as the martial level is higher than the caster, the mental attack is useless, even if the level is a little lower than the caster, as long as the spellcaster's spiritual cultivation is not high, then the impact is not great.

This is why the disciples of Diangong have such a powerful attack method, but their strength ranks at the bottom.

Because others practice faster and have a higher level than them, and they can also defend their mental attacks!

However, for people who do not know how to defend against mental attacks, such attacks are especially deadly.

If you become an idiot, you will lose your soul!

Of course, Tang Yi and others have just come to Xifu and have just been exposed to such attacks as mental attacks. How can they understand how to defend against mental attacks?

Although Wang Bi'er knew that Tang Yi was very strong, in the face of mental attack, as long as he could not defend the law, even the strongest person could have an accident!

So, hearing Mo Ran actually used a mental attack on Tang Yi, Wang Bi'er's face suddenly became ugly, but fortunately, Tang Yi now looks okay, otherwise...

"Ha ha?"

When Mo Ran saw Tang Yi's smile, he suddenly thought Tang Yi was joking himself, just like the previous joke against the palace.

Immediately, he became resentful in his heart.


Why can a candidate who has not entered the government be able to make a joke against the palace?

Why can a candidate who has not entered the government resist a mental attack?

Mo Ran thought more and more angry, and immediately, his hands moved, and a second type of mental attack was performed. ®.®®

"Heart is burning!"


Moran's rapid movement of his hands pinched a heart seal, and with a push of the palm, he pushed the heart seal towards Tang Yi.

This heart print has the appearance of a translucent flame. It doesn't look very real, but it can be seen with eyes. It feels very dreamy.

Seeing this heart seal flying, Tang Yi was terrified. From this heart seal, he could feel the intensity of wanting to burn the soul, which made Tang Yi's soul tremble.

If Tang Yi did not feel wrong, then this attack is also a mental attack!

Facing the attack of mental attack again, Tang Yi was a little nervous. He had already suffered a loss, so when he faced it again, he was unavoidably afraid. After all, he could not resist the attack of mental attack.

The cyan energy in Tang Yi's mind has disappeared at this moment, and Tang Yi is not sure whether the mysterious cyan energy that saved himself will appear again after the mental attack enters his mind.

He dare not gamble, so at this moment, we must find a way!

And at this time, I only listened to the voice of Wang Bi'er, saying: "Brother Tang Yi, the mental attack is not so terrible. Please hold your mind and stay close to the spiritual platform. When that gray energy enters your mind, control yourself The sea of ​​spirits can be expelled."

It is said that Tang Yi did not care so much, and immediately followed Wang Bi'er's method to implement it.

He stabilized his mind and then settled down.

Although Tang Yi didn't know what the Sea of ​​Spirits was, when the familiar gray energy invaded his mind again, he concentrated on the spirit and meditation in his heart to resist that gray energy. Suddenly, an unknown force was taken by Tang Yi Mobilized, greeted the gray energy.

This time the gray energy struck in my mind, with some fiery red color in it, just like the color of flame, when entering Tang Yi's mind, it will also give Tang Yi a burning feeling, see It looks very good.

However, when this gray-red energy came into contact with Tang Yi’s unknown power, he was instantly expelled from his mind by Tang Yi’s powerful unknown power, and disappeared into the invisible. The unknown power has been absorbed!

Tang Yi has not yet entered the state of uncontrollability last time, and he quickly recovered Qingming. This process did not even reach the blink of an eye, which means that there was no impact at all.

Moreover, Tang Yi's mind experienced this blow and became clearer. Not only did it not affect, but the state seemed to be better?



This broke the mental attack?

Why is mental attack such a dish?

Tang Yi froze for a moment, then immediately checked his body again. It was really fine, and his head did not feel the tingling sensation as before.

On the other hand, when Mo Yi regained lucidity, Mo Ran blew out his blood with a sigh of blood, and his spirits seemed to have become languishing a lot.

Seeing Mo Ran's blood, Tang Yi was sure that he really broke this so-called mental attack!

It turns out so!

Tang Yi understood.

Xin said that a warrior-level warrior can threaten himself a war-level warrior.

No matter how powerful the mental attack is, it is impossible to cross such a big step.

Besides, Tang Yi is not an ordinary warrior, or a warrior who has a God of War system and is capable of overstepping challenges. How could he be defeated by a war spirit?


Not a powerful mental attack~lightnovelpub.net~ but I don't know how to defend myself!

"You!! How do you know the defense against mental attacks?"

Mo Ran looked at Wang Bi'er, his face covered with surprise.

He really couldn't figure it out. In front of him, a man and a woman who looked like a candidate, one was able to resist the first time he was exposed to a mental attack, while the other, even knew the law of defense.

What exactly are they coming from?

"Of course I know, because, my name is Wang Bi'er." Wang Bi'er said lightly.

"You! Are you from the royal family?"

Hearing Wang Bi'er report his identity, Mo Ran's eyes were round and his face was terrified.

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