Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1902: Explore the giant palace, 6 coffins

Entering the passage, walking for about ten minutes, Tang Yi has not yet reached the end, which makes Tang Yi feel very strange.

In his view, the giant palace is not very big, only a few thousand square meters.

On such a scale, even if he travels at a slower speed, he should have come to an end.

However, after more than ten minutes, the end of the channel was still missing.

This is extremely strange.

In addition, the treasures in the previous giant palace and the giant coffins later flew out of the main entrance.

And the main gate is connected to the channel. It stands to reason that the channel should not be so long and so deep.

If it was deep, how did those treasures and giant coffins flow out of the palace?

Can't these items be in the channel originally?

Therefore, Tang Yi felt very strange.

In this way, with doubt, Tang Yi walked for about ten minutes again.

At this time, Tang Yi finally felt something was wrong.

After all, the palace is so big, there can be no such deep.

Moreover, Tang Yi didn't feel the power of space. It stands to reason that the palace is not a small world.

Therefore, it should not take so long.

At this time, after walking for 20 minutes and not seeing the end, there is definitely a problem.

"Where is the problem?"

Tang Yi stopped and did not continue to walk, but looked at the passage where he could not see his head and pondered.

He carefully observed the passage, inside and out, all over the passage.

"Isn't this passage a way to enter the palace? It's just a blind eye? The actual way to enter the palace, there is another place? But, I didn't see any other passage on the road. Or...

Tang Yi looked at the channel wall beside the channel: "Or, the channel is on the other side of the channel wall?"

Thinking of this, Tang Yi did not hesitate, squeezed a punch and slammed towards the side of the channel wall.


With a punch, the wall of the channel made of unknown materials broke into pieces, and the entire wall collapsed completely.

The wall of the tunnel collapsed, and Tang Yi's eyes shone slightly, and a large expanse of heaven and earth suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a hall hall, a very broad hall hall.

Seeing this hall, Tang Yi was slightly surprised, and his heart was indeed like this!

As guessed in my heart, the road is really on the other side of the channel wall. On the other side, there is a vast world. This is the real channel, not the one under the foot.

Fortunately, I didn't go on, go on, I don't know when to go.

Through the broken passage wall, Tang Yi walked into this hall, and suddenly saw the whole hall hall.

The hall is huge in size, covering thousands of square meters. It looks very wide, almost as big as when you look at the giant palace outside!

It's just that the height of the hall seems to be much shorter than when observing the palace outside.

From the outside, the palace is at least a thousand meters high.

But now, it is only about 100 meters.

"Is there another layer on it? Very likely."

Tang Yi raised his head and looked up slightly, guessing that there might be another layer above.

And he also found a staircase leading up.

This staircase is several hundred meters high and sits on the side of the palace, close to the passage wall.

"There really is one more layer. But don't worry, I'll check the first layer and talk about it."

Seeing this staircase, Tang Yi did not climb the stairs to check it first, but first observed the situation on the first floor.

Above the first floor, Tang Yi found a plaque inscribed with several dragon and phoenix characters, the Palace of All Souls.

This hall of all souls should be the name of this hall.

Seeing such a large hall, Tang Yixin said, could this hall be all the first floor of the entire palace?

One hall on the first floor?


Because the size of the hall is the same as when Tang Yi observed the palace from the periphery, there was almost no discrepancy.

I want to come, this hall of all souls should be all on the first floor.

After knowing that the entire first floor of the palace was a hall, Tang Yi suddenly came over and understood why he had not walked to the end for twenty minutes in the passage.

That's because the whole passage is built around the hall and hall, it's a circular passage!

Tang Yi has been walking around the hall!

Back and forth all the time, how could it come to an end!

The main entrance that Tang Yi entered originally was closed for some reason. In a closed state, Tang Yi kept walking and did not find the main entrance.

It turns out so!

Then, Tang Yi couldn't help but curse the designer of this palace, how to design such a wonderful palace.

Slightly vomiting one or two, Tang Yi continued to watch the all-powerful palace in front of him.

In the Hall of All Souls, it seemed extremely empty, and there was no light in the black paint.

Fortunately, Tang Yi's vision is good enough, even if there is no light, he can still see things in the hall.

There is nothing special in the hall, and it can even be said that there is almost nothing, not even stone pillars.

The only special thing is that there are six huge sarcophagi in the hall.

These six sarcophagi are exactly the same as the sarcophagus that flew out of the palace before, no matter the size or style.

They are huge and occupy the entire hall!

The original hall seemed extremely empty, but because of the existence of these six sarcophagi, it didn't seem more empty.

"Wouldn't there be the same six orangutans among the six sarcophagi?"

Tang Yi couldn't help thinking.

In addition to the six sarcophagi, dozens of lights floated on a stone platform in the center of the hall.

Tang Yi took a closer look and found that these lights were dozens of objects, surrounded by light.

These items have martial arts, exercises, weapons and equipment.

However, ~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Yi swept with Sky Eye and found that these items were only about the lower grade of Saint Heaven Rank, and the highest was the middle grade of Saint Heaven Rank. Among them, there were no star fragments.

These items are almost the same as the items that flew out of the palace and were contested by various forces!

Tang Yi just glanced at it and suddenly ignored it, not caring at all.

And attention turned to the six coffins.

I wanted to come to Tang Yi, although the level of these items is good and suitable for their own use at present, but it is not worth it.

After all, you need to know that if you want to collect external items, you will be charged two fees, one pick-up fee and one unlock fee.

The two costs are completely beyond the value of the item itself.

Tang Yi has such a sacred value that he can buy better items.

Therefore, the dozens of objects floating on the platform, Tang Yi was not at all interested, and did not bother to glance at all.