Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1966: Destroyer

From the three milky white elixirs, Tang Yi got the information of elixirs.

【Unbreakable Pill】: After use, the body will get asylum once.

During the time of asylum, no matter how serious the injury is to the body, even if the fatal part is damaged, as long as there is a cell in it, as long as the consciousness is not completely destroyed, it can instantly restore the full state. (Hint: One Elixir can only be restored once)

Asylum time: 180 seconds.

Quantity: 3


"Indestructible Pill!"

"No matter how serious your body is injured, you can recover!"

Seeing the properties of immortality, Tang Yi's eyes were fiery and very exciting.

This is an extremely powerful life-saving medicine!

After use, it can shelter for 180 seconds!

Within 180 seconds, regardless of multiple injuries, as long as there is a cell, as long as the consciousness is not destroyed, it can be restored instantly!

This is too powerful!

With this immortality medicine, Tang Yi's life can be greatly guaranteed.

Imagine that Tang Yi used this elixirs when he was fighting enemies, and he would be fearless by then.

Even if he meets the strongest BOSS, even if he meets the strongest enemy, Tang Yi is not afraid.

Moreover, when BOSS makes great moves and Tang Yi cannot resist or evade, he can also use such a panacea to save his life!

With this medicine, Tang Yi's life is much safer.

Therefore, compared to the previous **** dandan, Tang Yi wants to be more hot-eyed and more like the immortal dan in front of him.

After all, there is only one life, but there are many ways to increase strength.

Life-saving elixir is more precious and more important than elixir of increasing strength.

Tang Yi likes immortal Dan very much.

Tang Yi was very happy to get three immortals.

Tang Yimeizi received three immortal pills.

The pickup cost of the three Immortal Pills is a five million point value, and the unlocking fee is a ten million point value.

In other words, if the three are added together, a total of 45 million points will be needed!

This is comparable to the blood dandan before.

Tang Yi also spent 45 million sacred points on the three blood dandans before, but Tang Yi was too excited to pay attention to the prompts.

As soon as the prompt appeared, he immediately picked up and unlocked it, without looking at how much sacred value was spent.

The forty-five million points of the Holy Value's pickup and unlocking fee have to be said to be very high.

However, for the current Tang Yi, it is totally worthless. For the current value of Tang Yi, it is nothing.

Compared to the effect of the Elixir, the 45 million sacred value is nothing.

Hurry to pay the cost of picking up and unlocking, and put Infinite Dan into the system backpack.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi began to look at the last black jade bottle that was too ordinary.

Tang Yi poured out the Elixir in the black jade bottle.

This time, there was only one pill in the black jade bottle.

There was only one black lacquer paint and no unknown thing with any luster. It was poured out of the black jade screen and fell into the palm of Tang Yi.

Yes, no matter whether it is a red jade bottle or a milky white jade bottle, there are three pills.

But there is only one black jade bottle.

This made Tang Yi frown slightly and was disappointed.

However, although the quantity did not meet the expectations in his mind, Tang Yi still looked forward to looking at the elixir poured out of the black jade bottle.

Tang Yi poured the Elixir on his palm and carefully examined it.

The elixir is black and lacquered, without any luster or impurities, it is a round black thing.

Just looking at it, I can't see that this is a panacea.

If it wasn't for the powerful and breathy breath of Elixir, Tang Yi would have wanted to throw this black Elixir directly.

Tang Yi couldn't help frowning again when he saw the appearance of immortality.

Tang Yi's sense of anticipation had dropped a few points when he originally saw the number of panacea.

At this time, seeing the appearance of immortality again, the sense of anticipation dropped even more.

As for the black panacea in front of him, Tang Yi has not expected much.

Of course, although I didn't expect much, Tang Yi still performed a sky-eye technique toward the black panacea according to the usual practice.

[Tianbengdi cracking Dan]: After use, you will gain the power of Tianbengdi cracking.

Duration: 100 seconds.



The description is very brief.

Seeing this brief description, Tang Yi froze a little, and countless question marks suddenly appeared on his head!

What the hell?

The power of heaven and earth?

What is this ability?

What is the specific effect?

The description is only two sentences, and I can't imagine it!

After seeing the world falling apart, Tang Yi was stunned.

He was completely disappointed at this immortality. TV updates the fastest ///

Originally, he still had a little anticipation, expecting this humble elixir to surprise him.

However, I did not expect that the power of this panacea was so vague.

And the description is actually only a few words.

Through the description, it is impossible to see the effect of the Elixir.

Of course, Tang Yi can also learn about the effects of Elixir through experiments.

But the problem is that there is only one Elixir!

One immortality medicine is gone, how to test this?

How to understand the effect of Elixir?

The number is only one, and the description is ambiguous. These two items alone make Tang Yi lose interest in this immortality and are also disappointed.

Now, after reading the description, Tang Yi only knows that this devastating panacea is an elixir to enhance its strength.

Other than that, nothing is known.

"No matter, keep it first, and have a chance to see how to use it later."

Tang Yi picked up the black elixir and then unlocked it, preparing to temporarily put it in the system backpack.

However, what Tang Yi did not think of was!

This black lacquered panacea has a pick up fee of up to 100 million points!

This is just a pickup fee!

Just a pick-up fee, it is more than the total blood dandan and immortal dan combined before!

You should know that the three blood dandans and the three immortal dans add up to 90 million points.

And it includes the pick-up fee and unlocking fee~lightnovelpub.net~ However, this devastating earth dan, just a pick-up fee, has reached 90 million points.

It's simply expensive.

"Could it be said that this medicine is really powerful? Otherwise, why is it so expensive?"

Tang Yi was puzzled.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Yi paid the pick-up fee for the Destroyer.

After all, judging from the breath from the ruined Pill, this pill is definitely a high-level pill.

Since it is a high-level medicine, and the pick-up fee is so high, its effect is absolutely extremely powerful.

It's just that its strength cannot be described by words.

In other words, its role is really as described, with the power to destroy the world.

Either way, Tang Yi needs to preserve this immortality.