Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 197: Not step on

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"young people!"

Murong Liu finally told Tang Yi to admonish: "If you want to achieve something, then you should be honest and honest, and don't engage in those things that are not there, hidden levels, and what to do. The five layers of spiritual strength are cultivated, and the six spirits have evolved together to evolve the six spirits. It is useless to get these patterns. Practice well.  ap; ”

After telling Tang Yi, Murong Liu turned to Wang Bi'er again and said, "Bi'er, Grandpa, I just opened the door of the Six Spirits, and my body and mind are exhausted, so I won't stay and accompany you. When I have time, Grandpa will come to you Narrate the old. In addition, less with such impractical people."

When speaking the last sentence, Murong Liu looked at Tang Yi with his eyes. Obviously, this'unrealistic' person was referring to Tang Yi.

After Murong Liu finished speaking, he did not wait for Wang Bi'er to explain. He left the Kailing Hall with his hands behind his back.


Looking at Murong Liu's back, Wang Bi'er was also speechless, trying to explain but not knowing how to speak.

However, she felt that Murong Liu questioned and did not believe Tang Yi, which was also justifiable.

After all, whether it is the fifteenth level of spiritual cultivation or the six spirits, or the evolution of the six spirits or something, which is not a sensational thing?

Who would believe it?

Murong Liu did not believe it was normal. Ap; 

That is, people like Wang Bi'er who knows the details of Tang Yi will believe it.

"Okay, I'm an impractical person."

Tang Yi spread his hands and smiled bitterly.


Wang Bi'er was amused by Tang Yi's appearance and said, "Who made Tang Yi's brother so powerful that you won't make people alive. You haven't cultivated spiritual power, others have only one or two levels of spiritual power. , And you have fifteen levels of spiritual strength cultivation, open six spirits, people can only open one spirit, your six spirits are fully open! And you have evolved what kind of visual spirit. You talk about these three things, Which thing is worth trusting?"

"Brother Yi, if we are not in the same family as you, and have not seen you show your mighty power first-hand, would you believe that Brother Yi would be able to kill the Emperor of War, would we believe it? Same unbelief, this is the same reason." Tang Piaomiao Said.

"Brother Tang Yi, you really bring us too much surprise. Every time I do something, it is shocking. If my small heart is strong enough, I can't bear such stimulation."

Tang Shu also spread his hands openly and made a lovely expression of "sadness so big".

"Yi Di, do you still let people live? How can one have so many at the same time? When I think of my own talent, it is really a bitter tear.  ap; " Tang Baijie is the most stable, and he also complained at this time. Got up.

"Well, I was a little embarrassed when you said so." Tang Yi said a smile, and then seemed to think of something, and then asked Wang Bi'er: "However, Bi'er, when he just tested his mental strength , I am in a state of immobility, and the consciousness can't feel the outside situation. My spiritual strength is cultivated. Is there really 15 layers?"

"Yes, a very eye-catching test result." Wang Bi'er replied.

"Why do you say that? The fifteenth floor is very powerful?" Tang Yi wondered.

"The spiritual strength of Grandpa Six is ​​around the eighteenth and nineteenth floors. The disciples of Xifu Duigong are basically around the seventh and eighth floors. The more powerful ones are the nineth to tenth floors. Brother Tang Yi has fifteenth. The spiritual strength of the layer is still a candidate. You say that it is not bad." Wang Bi'er rolled his eyes and explained.

"Well, it's really amazing to say that." Tang Yi chuckled, ignoring Wang Bi'er's eyes.

Later, while chatting, they also tested the spiritual cultivation of others.

However, everyone's test is much more normal, and unlike Tang Yi, one test took a long time.

They just finished the test in a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Tang Baijie and Tang Shu possessing a layer of spiritual power, Tang Piaomiao actually has two layers of spiritual power, Mu Xianling is the most exaggerated and has three layers of spiritual power.

If it weren’t for Tang Yi’s evil spirits, Mu Xianling’s three levels of spiritual cultivation would definitely provoke a burst of exclamation from Wang Bi'er.

After all, no spiritual power has been cultivated, and the cultivation of three levels of spiritual power is already a genius.

Tang Miao's two levels of spiritual cultivation are considered to be upper-middle-class resources among the candidates, which means that with Tang Yi, at least three of the people here have the talent to cultivate spiritual strength.

Everyone tested it, and after experiencing it, they left the Kailing Hall.

Tang Yi was the one who got the most from this test.

Not only did it add a few hundred points of the full attribute, but it also increased by one level, and opened the door of the six spirits, and the six senses were significantly improved. In addition, it also evolved the visual spirit and obtained an eye touch. Passive skill'Charm'.

In this trip to the Ling Ling Temple, Tang Yi felt that it was extremely correct, and the rewards were too rich.

However, the most aggrieved trip to this mental test was none other than Wang Bi'er.

She was busy for Tang Yi, but cried because of Mu Xianling's apprehension.

When everyone told Tang Yi afterwards, Tang Yi also made a ridicule, saying that she was so big and still crying.

The thing that surprised Tang Yi most was Mu Xianling. Tang Yi did not expect that Mu Xianling would care so much about him. He thought that Mu Xianling would wish him to die in the test. At the end, Mu Xianling will be free.

However, Mu Xianling didn't think so. When Tang Yi looked at Mu Xianling, he couldn't help but glance at it a few times. While moving, he was curious as to what the woman thought.


At the end of the mental test, everyone walked out of the passage thoughtfully, and when they walked out of the hall, a group of people stopped them.

These people are not others, it is Liu Tao and others. They stayed here for a long time, and finally waited until Tang Yi and his party~lightnovelpub.net~ You are candidates in the North District, huh, just ignored me? There are also some beautiful women here. Oh, I just looked beautiful from a distance. At this time, if I look at it again, I feel more beautiful. "

After Liu Tao led people to stop Tang Yi, he immediately looked at the evil woman. He looked at the four female Mu Xianling evilly, and his expression was rather sullen. He seemed to be able to touch the four females with his eyes only.

"who are you?"

Tang Yi glanced at Liu Tao and others and frowned, quite unhappy.

Like Liu Tao, Tang Yi didn't even think about it, so before facing Liu Tao's aggressive inquiry, he took everyone into the channel without any reason.

However, Tang Yi did not expect that Liu Tao was so patient and even waited here, as if he didn't give up without looking for trouble.

It’s like, you don’t want to step on the ants, but the ants just want to crawl on you to bite you, so you don’t step on it, that’s what it means.

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