Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2063: Critical situation

Elder Lin spoke in great detail and the logic was very clear and organized. Https://

  After listening to Elder Lin’s analysis, almost 90% of the sneak attacks that occurred before the people were connected in series, I think it should be like the elder Lin said, this should be a sword tomb constructed by a sword creature!

At this time, Qianyuelou's Qian Hufa seemed to think of something, and his face became pale for a moment, frightened and said, "Elder Lin, since sword creatures can control sword weapons, then... does it mean that all of the sword tombs Sword weapons, it can be controlled? And, the power of these sword weapons will be the same as we attacked before?"

   After hearing the words, other people also suddenly looked at Qian Hufa with a surprised look, and then looked at Elder Lin, wanting to see what Elder Lin said.

   Elder Lin thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "It should be the case."

   Hear Elder Lin confirmed that the other people's faces became ugly.

   If it is really as Elder Lin said, then their situation will become very dangerous.

  Because sword creatures can control sword weapons, and here is the sword tomb, there are scrap swords everywhere!

   In other words, any sword weapon here may be controlled by sword creatures and attack them!

   This is a terrible thing.

   "Doesn't it mean that if there are sword creatures here, it can control all the waste swords on the scene to attack us?" Elder Qian's face was even whiter.

   "Yes!" Elder Lin nodded again.

   "So what should we do?"

   Money protection law said nervously.

  However, he had just asked Elder Lin what to do, and there was another movement in the sword tomb.


   In the air, there were bursts of breaking air.

   I saw countless waste swords in the tomb of the sword. They all floated up, floated in the air, and burst into a faint light.

  The dozens of discarded swords that had attacked the people before also flew into the air.

  In a flash, hundreds of various waste swords floated in midair, and the sword pointed at Tang Yi and others, exuding an unparalleled terror.

   "Sure enough..."

   Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

   They just confirmed that the sword creatures could control all the discarded swords present. The sword creatures were displayed on the spot, which is too crow mouth.

   Qian Hufa, who holds the Moon Tower, said to Elder Lin, "Elder Lin, you are right! There is indeed some kind of sword creature here, and it can indeed control all the sword weapons present!"

   "Boo woo hoo!"

  While Qian Hufa was talking, the hundreds of waste swords floating in the air shocked in vain, bursting out of a dazzling brilliance, and then quickly flew towards everyone.

"Be careful!"

   Seeing these abandoned swords floating in mid-air roaring, the Fang commander of the royal family of God Territory issued a reminder.

   When these waste swords are floating in the air, everyone is already very alert and ready to fight at any time.

   So even if Fang commander does not remind, everyone can respond quickly.

Seeing the waste sword flying with the bright light, a group of **** domain royals including Fang Tong, all surrounded the **** domain princess God Yuanshuang, and in the same way as before, unfolding means, defending, will The body of Princess Shenyu is protected from water.

  The three protectors of Yueyuelou are also protected by Tang Yi and Elder Lin.

   This time, because they had already prepared well, they did not make the mistakes they made before.

   I saw the three guardians of Yongyuelou, and also implemented defensive means, protecting around, protecting the safety of Tang Yi and Elder Lin.

   However, no matter whether it is Fang Tongling and other **** domain royal commanders, or the three protectors of Yongyuelou, this time it seems that they have underestimated the waste sword.


   Although the three guardians of Yongyuelou and the five commanders of the royal family of the gods all defended and made sufficient preparations, they were still violently attacked.

   The attack power of each waste sword is very powerful, and these waste swords seem to come alive, attacking back and forth continuously.

   After a blow, they turned around and turned back to continue attacking!

   is completely different from the way it fell on the ground after a single blow!

   This time the scrapped swords are as if hundreds of warriors are controlling them!

   is much more flexible, violent, and much more powerful than before.


  Because hundreds of waste swords are attacking around, the physical, mental, and power of everyone in the scene are consumed very quickly!

   The five **** domain leaders are okay. After all, they have five people, and they are barely reluctant to resist. Although they are under pressure and consume a lot, they can still stick to one or two.

  However, the three guardians on the side of Yueyuelou are bad.

   Because of their small number and the need to protect both Tang Yi and Elder Lin, the pressure is enormous.

  Hundreds of discarded swords are controlled by some mysterious power. Attacking the three guardians of Yongyuelou back and forth not only consumes a lot of strength and physical strength of the three guardians.

   And also consumed a lot of their mental energy.

  Although the foreheads of the three guardians were covered with sweat at this time, and the entire body was wet with sweat, everyone seemed to be exhausted and exhausted!

   But because of the constant attack with hundreds of waste swords, the three guardians dare not have any slight slack~lightnovelpub.net~ must concentrate on it and deal with it with all their strength.

  Because they relax a little, they are likely to die on the spot.

   Or as usual, let the Sword break through their defensive front, thus causing damage to Tang Yi and Elder Lin etc. behind them.

  No matter what kind of result, they are not what they want to see.

   Therefore, they must get up and work hard to protect themselves and protect Elder Tang Yi and Lin.

   It is because of the need to concentrate, because of the massive consumption of physical energy and strength, the pressure of the three protectors of Yueyuelou is very great at this time, and the spirit has become more and more depressed.

  As time went on, they even started to show signs of weakness, and gradually became unsustainable.

  After all, they are not gods, nor iron men, they are all tired.

  Under this kind of attack, no one is not tired, no one is not weak.

   can't resist, it's just a matter of time.

  Feeling the rapid decline of the state, Qian Hufa anxiously said to the other two protectors: "If this does not work, we have to come up with a solution to these abandoned swords as soon as possible, or find a way to break through, or we may fall here today."

"Can there be any way. These obsolete swords are tireless. We have kept wave after wave, endless, and we have no way to solve it. At this time, even if we want to retreat, we can't do it at all. The Sword Sword has already blocked our back path." Li Hufa said helplessly.