Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2148: I am the Fire Lord

  Fire Moon forging the room, Tang Yi's body was straight, holding the broken wind gold thunder armor, said indifferently: "Go."

   heard the words, and there was a commotion in the compartment, which seemed excited and nervous.

   The next second, a voice came out from the compartment: "40 million Shengjing!"

  The auction starts!

   But just the price, someone shouted out the high price of 40 million Shengjing, which is one million higher than the final price of Master Shen's Wan Yin scale armor!

  However, this price is not too high for everyone.

  This is just the beginning.

   Prices continue to rise!

   "Forty-five million sacred crystals!"

   "50 Million Saint Crystal!"

   Instantly increased the price by another 10 million Shengjing!

   This price is already an extremely high price for the average person.

   This price will generally scare many people out.

   However, are the people who can board the tenth floor of Huoyue Building an ordinary person? Will that lack of Holy Crystal?

of course not.

  The 10th floor of Huoyue Building, tens of millions of sacred crystals are needed to enter the venue alone. How can people who come to the 10th floor be ordinary people? How could that lack of Holy Crystal?

   It's only 50 million Shengjing, they still can afford it.

   So prices continue to rise.

   "Five-five million Shengjing!"

   "60 Million Saint Crystal!"


   "91 million sacred crystals!"

   "Ninety-two million Holy Crystal!"

   "93 million Holy Crystals!"


  In just a moment, the price rose to 93 million Shengjing! !

   And at this moment, the competition is still fierce!

   "Ninety-five million Shengjing!"

   "One hundred million Saint Crystal!"

   "103 million holy crystals."

   "110 million sacred crystals!"

   "150 million saints!"


   It seems that dozens of groups are bidding, and they are crying extremely fiercely, and the price is still rising.

   Before this, everyone had no idea that a high-level armor of the Holy Profound Order could actually offer such a high price, which actually reached 150 million Holy Crystals.

   And the price of 150 million Holy Crystal, generally speaking, is enough to buy a Saint-Rank lower-grade armor.

  Even if you can buy the lower-level armor of the celestial order, it will be very good.

   However, the price of 150 million Shengjing, at this moment, is not the final price!

Seeing that the bidding is so fierce, the price has risen to 150 million Shengjing, but there are still so many people competing. All savings, let me let me, I am missing a piece of armor, this piece of windbreaking gold thunder is just right for me."

"Fart, I also said that this armor is suitable for me. This is fair competition. Why do you want this armor? Everyone has their own skills! If you lack armor and body, we don't lack one? 775 million Holy Crystals!"

   Another voice came, raising the price by five million at once.

"Yes, everyone competes fairly, and the highest bidder gets it, but I still have to say, I am determined to get this armor. You should give it up early, no matter how much it costs, I will win it! crystal!"

   "Aspirations must be obtained? Who dare to boast Haikou aspirations? We don't have much in Huoqian Mountain, that's more Shengjing! Our son, the broken wind gold thunder, we're going to make it. 250 million Shengjing!"

   "Every Huoqian Mountain Villa, dare to fight for this armor? Our Jinwuyuan hasn't spoken yet! I'm Hu Zheng, the chief elder of the Jinwuyuan, I'm asking for 300 million yuan, I think who is fighting!"

   "Cut! What is the chief elder of Jinwuyuan? Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you, 350 million!"

   "You! Well, courageous! 400 million Shengjing! Have the ability to continue to increase prices!"

   "Forty-five million sacred crystals, I am the venerable saint!"


   Hearing the words of the Fire Lord, the entire Fire Moon Forging Room was silent for a few seconds for a moment.

   And the real Lord of Fire Seal was also stunned for a moment. It was totally unexpected that someone dared to impersonate him!

  Yes, it was not him who just made the bid.

   For pretending to be this matter, the Huofeng Lord is also very dumbfounded.

   He did not expect that some people were ashamed to this extent.

  Courage is so big.

   In order to compete for the break of the wind and gold thunder armor, even doing this kind of thing can do it!

   And, dare to pretend to be him!

   This is too ignorant of life and death, right?

   However, Huofeng Shengzun seems to have underestimated the shamelessness of everyone present, and also underestimated the determination of everyone to fight for the gold thunder.

   I see the next second.

   "I am the Fire Lord, you are a fake. 500 million Holy Crystal!"

   This time it is still not the Fire Lord's bidding!

   Someone posing again!

  Someone also stolen the name of the Huo Feng Sheng to bid, and wanted to deter other competitors.

   And impersonation does not end...

   "Fart, I am the Fire Lord, 510 million Holy Crystal!"

   The real Lord of Fire Seal: "..."

   "You dare to pretend to be this seat! Don't reveal your identity after the meeting, otherwise hum! 520 million sacred crystals!"

   The real Lord of Fire Seal: "..."

   "This seat is a fire sky, you all shut up to me, 530 million holy crystals."

   The real Lord of Fire Seal: "..."

   "The Lord of the Fire Seal is here, you all stop fighting, 540 million Holy Crystals."

  The real Lord of Flames was angry and shouted, "You are enough! Pretending to be this seat is posing as addicted, right? This seat is the true Lord of Firespot! You all shut up to this seat!"

   The real venerable saint can't bear it anymore, and he is very angry at the moment.

  He really underestimated the thickness of the skin on the tenth floor of Huoyue Building~lightnovelpub.net~ also underestimated their boldness.

   really did not expect that for a piece of armor, these people even dared to pretend to be the saints and strong men, it is really bold!

   If it wasn't because of these pretending voices were processed.

   If it wasn't because they didn't see these impersonators.

   If it is not because of the rules and regulations of Huoyuelou.

  Honored Sovereign wanted to take action to smash these people into thousands of corpses, which is awful.

  However, the Huofeng Shengzun originally thought that he had opened his mouth, and the impersonator would be adequate and would converge.

   But to his surprise, these people did not care about his words at all, nor did he listen to them at all.

   is still pretending to be unscrupulous, seeming to enjoy each other.

"You just shut up for me, I am a magnanimous venerable saint, how could it be your kind of tone? Still want to impersonate this seat? It is ridiculous. Fifty-five million sacred crystals, this armor seat is anyway to get."

   "Don't fart. You dare to pretend to be me! I must ask you to settle the accounts after the autumn. Hum! 560 million Shengjing!"

   "I am true, you are all fake, 570 million Holy Crystals."

   "I don't open my mouth to the Holy Lord, do you just treat me as a sick cat? Shut up to me. Five hundred and eighty million Holy Crystals!"


   Really Sealed Lord: "..."