Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2167: Look down on 3 Saint Dragon Beasts


The next moment.

The square trembled and countless smoke filled it.

One person, one dragon, one hand and one claw, so they collided together, and a loud noise broke out.

The human arm, and the giant claw of the holy dragon, are obviously not directly proportional.

In front of the huge giant dragon claws, human arms are so thin that they are not even straw!

Not to mention the arms, even in front of the holy dragon claws, even the hundreds of human bodies are tiny.

Hundreds of people add up to less than half the size of the giant claw!

It can be said that the three-headed holy dragon beast is very huge, and its claws are like mountains.

The giant claws of the three-headed sacred dragon beasts killed hundreds of people in one claw.

Such giant claws, even if they are holy and powerful, are still dead.

But at this moment, such a giant claw was easily blocked by Tang Yi's right hand!

His not-so-strong right hand was just in front of the giant claw that was hundreds or thousands of times larger than his arm.

Block the claws.

No matter how hard the three-headed sacred dragon beast, how to explode power, can't score a half!

The three-headed sacred dragon beast, let alone Yang Xiaotian, could not do it even if he was close to Yang Xiaotian.

Blocked by Tang Yi's death!

Not only that, the catch of the three-headed Saint Dragon Beast did not shake Tang Yifen who was in the front.

Although this catch is fierce and powerful, it cannot shake Tang Yi half a point.

Tang Yi's body and Tang Yi's arm seemed to be a tall, huge and tall mountain, which could not be shaken.

Seeing this scene, the three heads of the three-headed sacred dragon beast were very surprised, and each head showed an incredible look.

The three heads communicated with each other, and at this time, they were all surprised and shocked.

They did not expect that their unparalleled claws had not caught the two thin and tiny humans in front of them.

On the contrary, it was easily blocked by a human who didn't know when he rushed out and had no strength in his body, and seemed to be very young!

This human is just a slightly extended right hand!

That tiny arm actually blocked their catch!

Moreover, the human body didn't even tremble!

This scene shocked the three-headed Saint Dragon Beast.

At the same time, looking at Tang Yi is also full of fear.

Because of fear, the three-headed holy dragon beast flicked back, floating back in the air, keeping a distance from Tang Yi, and constantly vigilant to Tang Yi.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace."

Yang Xiaotian, the master of Shenmen standing behind Tang Yi, finally recovered, and hurriedly thanked Tang Yi.

Yang Xiaotian was almost scared to death!

At that moment, Yang Xiaotian was almost desperate, thinking that he must die.

However, I didn't expect that at the critical time, the mysterious youth on the side shot in time to rescue him.

After being rescued, Yang Xiaotian's heart was filled with the joy of the rest of his life, and at the same time, he was filled with happiness and fear.

Fortunately, I met a noble person, and this was spared.

Yes, at this time Yang Xiaotian had regarded Tang Yi as a distinguished person, and regarded him as a lucky star.

At the same time, I was thankful for the decision to give up Tang Yi and lead Tang Yi into the Sect.

Fortunately, they did not make a stupid decision at that time, otherwise, the whole door of the gods, I am afraid that will no longer exist.

At the same time, Yang Xiaotian was terrified of the attack on the three-headed Saint Dragon Beast.

He did not expect that death was so close to him!

This was the first and only time he felt death so close.

The feeling of death was terrible.

He did not want to, nor did he want to die.

After experiencing this time, Yang Xiaotian cherished life more.

Tang Yi ignored the gratitude of the master of the gate, but looked at the three-headed saint dragon beast, said indifferently: "Don't ask, just shoot under my nose, is this too ignoring me?"

The three heads of the three-headed sacred dragon beast sank, and the flat head said with a deep voice: "Who is your lord? This is our personal grievance with the God Gate. I advise you not to do much business."

Ma's head also said: "We have an endless relationship with God's Gate. I hope that your Excellency will not intervene in our grievances."

The head of the lion concisely said: "Intervene, be the enemy, never die!"

Tang Yi said lightly: "You don't care about your personal grievances with God's Gate, but you have to get my permission when you shoot in front of me! This is my rule, no matter who you are."

"Huh? I think the Lord and the Lord of the Gates are a group! Since they are a group, it is our enemies. Treat the enemies, we will never be merciless!"

"In front of our holy dragon beast, I dare to be so outspoken, I want to see, what exactly do you have." The fastest updated novel Qiqi https://

"Team, die!"

Seeing Tang Yi's attitude so bad, and somehow, the three-headed sacred dragon beast rioted again, flew to Tang Yi, and directly attacked Tang Yi.

Although they are afraid of Tang Yi, but as a high sacred dragon, as an ancient sacred beast, the three-headed sacred dragon beast has its own arrogance, and can't allow others to be so arrogant!

So ~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing Tang Yi being so arrogant and seeing Tang Yi being so ignorant, they directly attacked Tang Yi.


The three-headed sacred dragon beast quickly flew towards Tang Yi again, and the huge claws seemed like a mountain, rolling towards Tang Yi.

This time, in the face of the attack of the three-headed Sacred Dragon Beast, Tang Yi did not move, so he stood so calmly.

The face is full of disdain.

Tang Yicai moved his position a bit before to save Yang Xiaotian, the owner of the God Gate.

At this time, there is no need to rescue Yang Xiaotian, the goal of the three-headed holy dragon beast is himself, and Tang Yi does not need to move his position.

Of course, apart from the necessity of no movement, the reason why the position is not moved is also because Tang Yi looked down on the three-headed Saint Dragon Beast.

For Tang Yi, the monsters of the eight-star holy **** level are nothing.

What's more, it is an eight-star sacred beast with only 50% strength left.

This level of strength, Tang Yi can easily kill.

Not to mention the remaining 50% of the strength, even in the heyday, even the eight-star holy beast, Tang Yi can easily kill. Kiki's novels are launched online

Therefore, seeing the three-headed Sacred Dragon Beast coming quickly, Tang Yi was very calm and even disdainful.

In this way, Tang Yi stood in the same place as before, extending his arm and blocking it in front.


The three-headed holy dragon beast attacked, paws slammed down, hurled towards Tang Yi, but still blocked by Tang Yi's arm, unable to score an inch.

But this time, the three-headed Sacred Dragon Beast retreated without a blow, but hovered continuously over Tang Yi, claws continued to fall towards Tang Yi, bombarding Tang Yi.

This paw, like a mountain peak, is rushing towards Tang Yi violently, trying to crush Tang Yi directly into the powder.