Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2237: The road to the empire begins, enter the


Hearing the announcement of the top prize announced by Emperor Mengyue Xia text, the scene was once again in an uproar.

Three pieces of celestial tier high-grade weapons and equipment, three pieces of special treasures, and 12,000 excellent Maya gems! This and this, the reward for this first name is too rich.

The number of 12,000 Mayan gemstones, no matter which team of the kingdom is acquired, will greatly increase the strength of that kingdom, and the national power will be unstoppable!

Although the special quibble does not know what quibble is, but since it is a special quibble, it must be very extraordinary. My goodness, Emperor Mengyue is too bloody, actually gave such a rich reward to the first name, and every reward is so extraordinary.

Three pieces of celestial tier high-grade weapons and equipment! It is difficult to get one piece of the top-grade weaponry of the Holy Heaven Order. The Mengyue Emperor actually took out three pieces at once! This is top-level weaponry and equipment. Where did Lord Mengyue come from so many top tiers?

I don't care, this time the name of the Empire Road, our kingdom is bound to be won and finalized.

There was an uproar at the scene, and the top prize announced by Emperor Mengyue instantly made the atmosphere of the scene extremely hot.

At the same time, it also makes the eyes of the current martial arts become extremely hot.

Of course, most of the warriors on the scene heard that the rewards were very exciting, but Tang Yi was excluded.

Hearing these rewards, Tang Yi didn't feel anything at all. After all, Tang Yihun's body was almost all top-grade Saint-Earth equipment, and he had many special treasures and a large number of treasures with holy values.

What is his heart?

There is no reason to be excited.

He did not want any of these things announced by Emperor Mengyue.

On the side, seeing Tang Yi in such an indifferent manner, the warrior Ji Hongru, also from the Zijin Kingdom, asked Tang Yi curiously, wasn't the top three rewards announced by Emperor Mengyue bad? Why are you indifferent?

Yes, Tang Yi, are you not interested in these rewards? It shouldn't be, these treasures, whether it is Divine Pill or high-grade weaponry of the Holy Tier, or a special quibble, or 12,000 superb Mayan gems, each of which is among the best Need, everything has great use, you should not be uninterested. Don’t you want to have the top-grade weaponry of Saint Celestial Order? Don’t you want a special quibble? Don’t you need Divine King Pill to break through the Holy Spirit level?

Another warrior, Mu Zhenghao, also from Zijin Kingdom, also puzzled.

Hearing the words, Tang Yi nodded and replied lightly that he was right, really uninterested.

Hearing uninteresting words from Tang Yi's mouth, the faces of the two Zijin martial artists were incredible.

Ji Hong Confucianism, my God, aren’t you interested? That Tang Yi, what interests you?

Tang Yi did not want to answer the Taoist consciousness of God, I am interested in this.


The two purple warriors were defeated by Tang Yi, who felt that Tang Yi's brain circuit was completely different from normal people.

Who doesn’t want to get the top-grade weaponry of the Holy Heaven?

Who doesn’t want to get the **** king pill?

Who doesn't want to own a special quibble?

Who doesn’t want to get 12,000 top-quality Maya gems?

No one else!

Only Tang Yi!


And the so-called spiritual knowledge

This fruit is the best, the rare is rare, but it is too difficult to get it.

And the effect is only to enhance the mental strength, for the general warrior, it is not a necessity.

Tang Yi was interested in this kind of thing, which made the two Zijin Wuwu very uncomprehensible.

And while Tang Yi and others were chatting here, on the high platform, the Mengyue Emperor who introduced the first three rewards paused for a few seconds, let the people below digest it, and then spoke again. Everyone knows the rewards, so let’s get started! The road to the empire is about to start for everyone!

With that said, Emperor Mengyue gestured towards the strong side of Mengyue.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the Mengyue strongman nodded, then stretched out his right hand and took out a milky white stone.

After taking out the milky white stone, the Mengyue Qiang rubbed the stone gently, as if to activate some switch.

In an instant, I saw this stone shining brightly and changed into a small sun.

Holding this glowing stone, Mengyue Qiang gently threw it, and suddenly threw it into the air.


The dazzling stone flew into the air and then floated in the air.


At this moment, a wave of Brahma sounded, and the mysterious and vast power continuously flowed towards the stone, so that in addition to the dazzling light, the stone gathered a strong force.

at this time.


There was another soft sound.

I saw the shining stone in vain shoot all the gathered energy into the air, this wave of energy suddenly swayed in the air, forming a circular arch made of energy.

Seeing the arch appear, the Mengyue Qiang gestured towards Xia Wenwen, the emperor of Mengyue. The latter nodded. The Mengyue Qiang then bowed back slightly and retreated behind Xia Wenwen.

Xia text of Emperor Mengyue said to everyone at this time that the gate of the empire had appeared, and the road to the empire could be entered through the gate of the empire. By the way, I forgot to tell you that in addition to the major kingdom teams of our dream moon empire, there will be other kingdom teams in the Empire Road, so you not only have to face the monsters in the Empire Road, but also Not only face the kingdom team of this empire, but also face the kingdom team of other empire! This time the Road to Empire ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is full of challenges! However, no matter how big the challenge, glory is waiting for you, I believe you can submit a satisfactory answer to me, go, the geniuses of the major kingdoms!

When Xia Wenwen said here, the Mengyue strongmen rose into the sky and flew to the top of the ranks of the major kingdoms, shouting at the warriors of the major kingdoms. If you do not want to enter the road of the empire, please quit now, we will It will be regarded as elimination, well, give you three seconds to quit, start now!

After hearing that, no one responded, and no one wanted to quit.

Seeing that no one responded, the Mengyue strongman shouted again. Since no one quit actively, then start to enter the door of the empire, enter the door of the empire, life and death are only in your own hands, I hope you can do it for yourself, and now start from the Kingdom Line up to enter!

It is said that the warriors of the Sky and Moon Kingdom did not hesitate, and they all took off and entered the energy arch standing in the air.

Through the arch, the figures of these warriors suddenly disappeared.

The other kingdom teams also followed one after another and entered the arch one by one.
