Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2256: Hunt down the highly toxic 0 head worm

The highly toxic Hundred Crawler King looked at the scary and the huge. In fact, the most troublesome thing was the poisonous body.

As long as it is immune to the highly toxic, this highly toxic Hundred Bees King is actually not difficult to fight at all!

Although Tang Yi is not immune to the highly venomous poisonous king of worms, can he quickly detoxify?

This is no different from being highly toxic.

Just consume some holy value!

Therefore, Tang Yi mentioned that Red Moon Apophis came to a fight with the hundred giants of the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King.

Not only did it fall into the downwind, but it also prevailed.

Directly pressing the brains of the hundreds of highly venomous kings of beetles is beating.

I am afraid that this highly venomous chlorella king did not expect Tang Yi to be so fierce!

Unexpectedly, Tang Yi was actually immune to its highly toxic!

While playing, the highly venomous king of chlorella can't stand it anymore, so much so.


A certain head made a deep voice, and suddenly all the heads stood upright one by one.



Spit green silk towards the sky one after another!

In an instant, the endless green thread descended from the sky and turned into a net, covering the whole square.

With such a scale, such a quantity, and such a shrouded range, Tang Yi simply cannot avoid it!

"Space-time barrier!"

No accident, Tang Yi summoned the space-time barrier to resist the green silk net above his head.

Although these green silk nets are special and highly toxic, they are not energy of time and space.

Therefore, after falling down, it was absorbed by the space-time barrier cast by Tang Yi.

The vast green silk nets are simply unavoidable, but Tang Yi does not evade, nor does he need to cover the vast green silk nets. It is enough to ensure your own safety.

Of course, with the fall of the green silk net, the entire square is filled with a highly toxic substance, and it has reached an extremely rich point.

Inhale some, there is a huge risk of death.

Fortunately, Tang Yi swallowed Jiedu Dan constantly, so there was no poisoning.

"Is it fierce? I want to see if you are fierce or me!"

Tang Yi also launched a ruthless, after resisting the green silk net of the highly venomous helminth king, he suddenly gritted his teeth, his right hand was constantly waving, and the sky chopped continuously, blasting towards the venomous helminth.

Tang Yi didn't have much time, but here, he spent a lot of time with the highly poisonous chlorella.

In addition, before being in the tunnel of the cave, he was suppressed by the highly poisonous Hundred Beetles extremely uncomfortably and extremely embarrassed, so for this highly poisonous Hundred Bees King, Tang Yi was very unhappy.

"Wow, bang, bang!"

One after another, the sky was cut out.

All the sky dome superimposed, suddenly formed a huge, extremely horrible, extremely scary giant sky dome.

In an instant, the giant white sword light roared, enveloping an immense immense momentum, tearing the bursts of space and flying towards the highly venomous king of worms.

When the highly venomous Hydra King saw such a sword light roaring, his body trembled abruptly. Then, hundreds of heads turned into hunchbacks and panickedly retreated.


Yes, the highly venomous king of beetles is afraid!

Seeing such a terrifying sword light, even the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King, who is a top holy beast, was terrified.


Is it enough to be scared?

Can you escape if you want to escape?

Of course impossible!

In front of him, this giant sword light was created by Tang Yi displaying 108 sky domes.

The power is unimaginable.

It was wrapped with a huge sharp force, with a huge sword, and with an unimaginable force of terror.

Where can such a blow be escaped like escape?

Of course not.

The giant sword light roared.


Passing directly through the body of the highly venomous Hundred Beetle King, countless green blood splatters.

This blow did not hit its big meatball body.

But he passed through the hundreds of heads and cut off the hundreds of heads of the highly venomous Hydra King, so that the hundreds of heads of the highly toxic Hydra King were separated from the body of the big meat ball!

It stands to reason that the head has been cut off, and this highly venomous king of chlorella should be killed.

But this is not the case!

Suffering from the fatal blow of Tang Yi, the head of the highly venomous chlorella was separated from the body of the big meat ball. However, the separated head can still move!

And the independent big meat ball, covered with green blood, looks green and bloody, extremely terrible, but still able to move!

"It's cut in half, can it still move?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was a little embarrassed.

However, he was only slightly surprised, and then recovered.

The reason why the recovery is so fast is because these hundreds of heads and the big meat ball, like a broken army at the moment, are escaping towards the other side of the square.

Seems to want to hit the rock wall and then escape through the rock wall?

The highly poisonous Hydra King can enter the ground.

If he really got him into the ground, then Tang Yi wanted to chase, it was difficult.

So seeing this scene, Tang Yi was shocked.

With so much time wasted and so many detoxification dans, how could Tang Yi let the highly toxic Hundred Crawler King escape?

If you really let the highly venomous Hundred Bees escape~lightnovelpub.net~, wouldn’t Tang Yi do everything in vain?

So, seeing that the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King wanted to escape through the rock face, Tang Yi immediately took the Red Moon Apophis to catch up.

However, when Tang Yi chased the hundreds of heads of the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King, these hundreds of heads had already begun to hit the rock wall, and through some method, half of the residual body had already penetrated in.

"Want to escape! No way!"

Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately launched an attack.

At the moment, the sky is cut, the effect is not very good, because there is a thick layer of rock blocking.

So Tang Yi did not choose to continue to cast the sky, but chose the more fierce destructive wave sword!

The attack wave caused by the ground fissure wave sword can destroy the terrain, and the power is also good. It is displayed here and the effect is very good.

In this way, Tang Yi raised the red moon Apophis and then bombarded the ground heavily.

"Ground fissure wave sword!"


Once you hit the ground, the shock wave oscillated, and everything you passed was turned into nothing.

Although the rock walls were thick, although they were built with special materials, they were suddenly impacted and suddenly collapsed!

The heads of the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King who had penetrated into the rock wall were immediately affected.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

One after another, his head turned into powder under Tang Yi's bombardment.

In this blow, Tang Yi bombed at least half of the head of the highly venomous Hundred Crawler King!

However, Tang Yi was not satisfied with this.

Because all he has to do is to kill the highly venomous king of chlorella, not just kill his head!

So, after a blow, he attacked again.


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