Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 227: Enter Xiaoji Holy Land

Tang Yi slowly entered the door of light with everyone.

He was also very surprised at what a crystal ball turned out to be a ‘little holy place’. He looked at it curiously, like a dumpling entering the city.

Of course, not only he is so, all candidates are like this expression.

With curious and excited eyes, everyone entered the light door shot by the crystal ball.

Originally Tang Yi was in the front, Mu Xianling, Tang Piaomiao, Tang Shu, Tang Baijie and others were behind, and entered the door of light together.

But when Tang Yi stepped into the door of light, he suddenly found that everyone was gone, the surrounding area was dark, and there was a feeling of twirling, which made Tang Yi uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took before this whirlwind feeling disappeared, and then Tang Yi felt down to earth.


After falling to the ground, Tang Yi hadn't stood still, and a roar of the monster was heard, and a dark shadow rushed towards him quickly.

"Humph, beast!"

Feeling attacked by something, Tang Yi didn't look at it, but flicked his hand and slapped towards the shadow.

Suddenly, with the sound of ‘poo’, this shadow was flew out by Tang Yi, and then hit a big tree heavily, screaming.

Tang Yi didn't take the shot seriously, but just acted casually, and shot an unknown creature to life and death.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for killing a fourth-level monster beast red bone wolf, gaining 65754 experience points and the **** of war value of 0 points.

After slapping the black shadow to death, a long-lost reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

Only then did I know that what I had just killed was a Level 4 monster.

Although it is just a level 4 monster, the experience value does not bring much to Tang Yi, but...

Tang Yi was still very happy at the moment.

"This is the feeling, this is the feeling!"

The feeling of gaining experience value made Tang Yi very enjoyable, just like what nutrients his body gained, making him very comfortable.

After enjoying it for a while, Tang Yicai looked around and found that the place where he was standing at the moment was a dense jungle surrounded by towering trees.

Here, Tang Yi felt a familiar feeling, and felt that it was very similar to the Fengyue Forest outside Fengyue City, except that the trees were not so high and not so dense.

The familiar breath makes Tang Yi feel at home and is very excited.

This is Xiaoji Holy Land?

It looks pretty good.

Coming to the Xiaoji Holy Land, Tang Yi suddenly remembered that there was a demon land outside the Jiujie City, ‘Barren Valley’.

According to Tang Haotian, the Valley of Desolation is countless times larger than the Fengyue Forest, with more monsters and stronger monsters. It is the largest monster beast in the Western Region.

At the time, Tang Yi agreed to enter the Xifu because of a part of the "Barren Valley".

He also wanted to see how many monsters there are in the Barren Valley, and how powerful those monsters are.

How many levels can so many monsters help him to upgrade?

When he thinks of the Valley of Desolation, Tang Yi is out of control. The more he thinks, the more excited he is, and he wants to quickly put an end to what he has lost.

It's a cool feeling that the level is rising.

Of course, now he can only think about it. At present, he still has something to do, that is, the entrance examination.

Walking to the monster that had just been slapped by a slap, Tang Yi took out the residual shadow sword and gently stroked the monster's head. Suddenly, the monster's head was cut, Tang Yi took a shiny piece of it out of it.

This thing is what Murong Liu said about the "crystal of the monster".

If you want to pass the entrance exam and want to enter the West House, you must obtain ten crystals of monsters within seven days. However, Tang Yi just got to the Xiaoji Holy Land within a few minutes, and immediately got one, which looks extremely Simple.

Of course, this cannot be said that Tang Yi’s luck is good. If it is another person, he will encounter a sneak attack of a Level 4 monster just after landing. , Seized the crystal of the monster.

"It's interesting. Although it's not a barren valley, there are a lot of monsters waiting for me to kill. It looks pretty good."

Tang Yi raised the corner of his mouth, smiled, and then moved, disappearing in place.


On the other side, Pyongyang double embraces the square.

When all the candidates entered the door of light and entered the Xiaoji Holy Land, Gong Liansheng collected the crystal ball back, then took out a black box and laughed: "I know everyone is very anxious I want to see what's inside, so I won't hang your appetite and just go to the video."

With that said, Gong Liansheng threw the black box again. Suddenly, the black box floated in the air, and then the lid suddenly opened. From inside the box, a huge light curtain was shot, illuminating the center of Shuangyong Square .

This black box is called the Eye Magic Screen, which can present the images in the ‘Little Pole Holy Land’ to the eyes of everyone through the light curtain.

The image in the light curtain is very clear, and the light curtain shining on the center of Shuangyong Square is large enough, not only the elders on the high platform can see, but also the thousands of disciples on the seats on the west side Chu.

Thousands of disciples from Xifu and Fufu, why are they waiting for the plaza to watch the ceremony today, waiting for this moment, that is, waiting for the high level of the inner government to pass back the images in the'Xiaoji Holy Land', and then look at Of the candidates~lightnovelpub.net~Who is better, who will enter Xifu and become his own fellow.

Of course, the images on the light curtain are random. You can't see the performance of everyone in the Xiaoji Holy Land. You can only see where the fight occurs, and the light curtain will appear.

If there are fights in several places at the same time, the light curtain will randomly select one place and broadcast it for everyone in Xifu.

This is just like watching the live broadcast of the game, which is very interesting.

Of course, there are nearly 10,000 candidates taking part in this entrance exam. Maybe the seven-day period is over. Some candidates' performance may not be able to be presented to everyone through the light curtain.

Only some lucky candidates who were selected for broadcasting by the light curtain can make his performance known to the people of Xifu through the light curtain.

It is very coincidental that when Gong Liansheng throws out the illusionary spirit screen and the light screen presents the first image in the Xiaoji Holy Land, Tang Yi's figure happens to appear in the light screen.

At this time, Tang Yi had just come to the Xiaoji Holy Land, and before he stood firm, a shadow hit him.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Xifu and the strongmen of Xifu who watched on the Shuangyong Square couldn't help but feel sorry for Tang Yi. The secret candidate was really unlucky. He had just entered the Xiaoji Holy Land and had no time to join other candidates , And did not have time to prepare, was attacked by a Level 4 monster.

Under such circumstances, this disciple has no hope of survival, and even the'Success Stone' is too late to crush.

After all, candidates are basically about the strength of the war division, a little more powerful, that is, the war spirit.

Such strength, against a fourth-level monster alone, there is no possibility of winning.

However, when everyone thought that the candidate who appeared in the light curtain would definitely be killed by a fourth-level monster beast, suddenly...