Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2288: Kingdom Warriors gather

When Tang Yi looked at the property panel, he suddenly discovered something.

That is, the Holy Spirit Pills that have been unavailable for a long time and can't see the attributes, actually have attributes.

Holy Spirit Pills: Can increase the Supreme Strength Index by 0.000001 points.


Can it directly improve the Supreme Combat Strength Index?

No wonder!

Now Tang Yi finally understands why the Holy Spirit Pills cannot be swallowed before, and why they cannot be converted into the Supreme Combat Power Index.

It turns out that the Holy Spirit Pills cannot be converted into the Supreme Combat Power Index, but because the Holy Spirit Pills themselves can enhance the Supreme Combat Power Index!

A supreme combat power index that improves by 00:00?

Although not much improved, but one!

To know that Tang Yi's Holy Spirit pills are extremely huge!

There are 20 billion pieces!

One will increase by 00:00, then 20 billion pieces... will be able to increase the 20,000 points Supreme Battle Power Index!

20,000 points!

Before the 10,000-point Supreme Battle Power Index, you can easily kill a second-order Supreme, and now add 20,000-point Supreme Battle Power Index, what a concept!

Tang Yi took all the Holy Spirit pills without any hesitation!

In fact, Tang Yi only used Holy Spirit pills in the system backpack, not really taking them.

Even if it is used in the system backpack, the Holy Spirit Pills have also turned into a warm current and entered into Tang Yi's body and are absorbed by Tang Yi.

More than 20 billion pills of the Holy Spirit were used by Tang Yi in this way.

The more than 20 billion Holy Spirit Pills added a total of 25,114 Supreme Combat Strength Index to Tang Yi.

Coupled with the 25,114 Supreme Combat Power Index, Tang Yi's Supreme Combat Power Index increased again, reaching 89196 points!

Will soon break through 90,000 points!

Six digits are just around the corner!

After the Supreme Combat Strength Index reached 89196 points, how strong he is now is not clear to Tang Yi himself.

He only knows his current self, very strong.

Not only is the body strong and unparalleled, the attack power is also terrifying.

Tang Yi felt that, like the second-tier supreme lion face king Ansaki like before, Tang Yi could blow countless people in one breath!

In short, for the present Tang Yi, even the ants are not counted.

"It seems that I am many times stronger than the general second-tier supreme. I am afraid that even in the face of the third-tier supreme, I have the power of a battle, even... even the higher-level supreme, I can fight."

Tang Yi guessed slightly.

As for whether it is true.

You have to try before you know.

"Now the conversion is complete, the items on my body are almost finished, and the road to the empire...I think it is almost over. Then I am here to wait for the road to the empire to finish. It should not be long."

Tang Yi thought slightly.

"Oh, uh!"

However, just as Tang Yi planned to wait for the end of the Empire Road, there was a strange noise in the distance.

Tang Yi turned his head, and suddenly saw not far away, a figure fluttered in a flash.

These figures, the number is very large, at a glance, at least thousands of people, densely packed!

Seeing these figures, Tang Yi froze for a moment, thinking, there are so many people on the road to the Empire?

But just after such an idea appeared, he came back suddenly.

After all, the road to the empire is not just about one empire participating in the Dream Moon Empire. It is said that several empires participated together.

Although Tang Yi only encountered the Beitian empire, there were other empires on the road to the empire.

Thousands of people still participated in the participation of several empire warriors.

"In front of me, the warriors of the kingdoms of several empires have come together? Ha ha, interesting."

Tang Yi smiled, and he stood on the spot, waiting for the arrival of thousands of warriors from the kingdom.

In a moment, thousands of martial artists finally came to Tang Yi's place.

Seeing Tang Yi standing on the spot, thousands of warriors suddenly surrounded Tang Yi.

Among these thousands of people, there are Mu Zhenghao and others from Zijin Kingdom and Sun Xiaofu and others from Tianshui Kingdom.

Several people saw Tang Yi not far away, and their eyes lit up.

Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru flew directly to Tang Yi with a happy heart.

Sun Xiaofu and three other warriors in the Tianshui Kingdom, because they had a small conflict with Tang Yi before, did not approach, but stood not far away, embarrassed.

"Tang Yi, why are you here?"

"Yeah, Tang Yi, didn't you say that you're going to find the spirit and the spirit? Have you found it?"

Seeing Tang Yi, Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru said excitedly.

"Why are you here too?"

"Spiritual knowledge of God, naturally found it. Don't look at who I am, if I am out of the horse, is there anything I can't find?"

Tang Yi answered with a smile.

"Just now we saw a ray of magical light here, and then came, I didn't expect to see you here."

Mu Zhenghao said.

"Yeah, originally I was looking for a place to wait for the end of the empire road, but here the gods were dazzling, I couldn't resist the curiosity in my heart, so I came to take a look. As a result, who knows who is here More. What I didn’t expect was that Tang Yi actually appeared here."

Ji Hongru also said.

"Oh? You came here only after seeing the divine light? So that is to say, those people over there all came here because they saw the divine light?"

Tang Yi suddenly realized.

He was originally curious as to how these kingdom warriors could find here.

After all, we must know that this is already the depth of the Empire Road.

And this place is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will encounter a holy spirit monster.

Holy emperor-level monsters are also as many as ox.

This level of monsters is nothing to Tang Yi, but to the warriors of the major kingdoms, it is very deadly.

However, now these warriors of the kingdom, despite the danger, dared to go deep in the road of the empire, dared to come to such a dangerous place, which made Tang Yi very surprised.

Before Tang Yi did not know the reason.

Hearing the words of Mu Zhenghao and Ji Hongru, he now knows.

Originally, these kingdom warriors~lightnovelpub.net~ was because they saw the **** light.

It is estimated that these kingdom warriors saw the Divine Light and thought that a baby was born, so they came here for adventure.

I want to smoke heart!

These warriors of the kingdom are also bold, for the sake of darling, they don't even care about their lives.

While Tang Yi was talking, one of the thousands of warriors stood out.

The warrior was dressed in grey tights and had a beautiful face. Although his face was serious, he was full of arrogance.

I saw that the young man in gray tights asked Tang Yi: "Are you the man of our dream moon empire?"

Aside, Ji Hongru apparently knew this person.

Hearing the speech of the youth in gray tights, Ji Hongru whispered to Tang Yi: "This person's name is Lei Ji, but he is the leader of the Eastern Qi Kingdom of our dream moon empire. At the same time, the Eastern Qi Kingdom is also our number one seed team ! So this Lei Ji is very prestigious in our Dream Moon Empire. Many people are afraid of Lei Ji."