Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2320: Dream Moon Ring

After Tang Yi left the courage tavern, he drove the Supreme Warship and quickly returned to Mengyue Kingdom.

Although it's okay now, he still has to wait in the capital of Mengyue Kingdom.

After all, the ghost knows when the king of the world will come.

In the next few days, Tang Yi hangs out in Mengyue Kingdom every day. Here, take a look there. In addition to spending time, Tang Yi's footprints also traveled throughout the trading grounds of Mengyue Kingdom.

Whether it's the trading floor on the bright side or the black market, I went all over.

The reason for visiting these places is because Tang Yi is looking for special materials!

Now Tang Yi has 95 special materials stored in the system backpack, and there are only five of them, which can be one hundred.

Tang Yi went to these exchanges and wanted to take a chance to see if he could find one or two.

However, what Tang Yi did not expect was that his luck was really very good.

In a black market in the capital of Mengyue, I really found two special materials for him, and I also found two in a regular trading market.

After a round of shopping, Tang Yi obtained four special materials.

At this time, there were ninety-nine kinds of special materials on Tang Yi's body. Only the last one was enough to fill a hundred kinds.

I wanted to come to Tang Yi, if he continued to go shopping, he was likely to be able to buy the last special material in the Mengyue Kingdom and get together a hundred special materials!

However, there is no time.

Tang Yi just found four kinds of special materials, and Emperor Mengyue sent someone to inform Tang Yi that the special envoy of Jie Wang had arrived.

Hearing this news, Tang Yi immediately rushed to the Mengyue Palace, and saw the special envoy of Jie Wang in the meeting room.

The Special Envoy of the Realm King is a middle-aged man, aged forty or fifty, who reveals an arrogance all over his body. Even standing on the spot, he slightly tilts his head and looks so lifeless, his eyes above his head.

And this special envoy does indeed have proud capital. After all, he is a top-level sacred god, and he also carries many pieces of celestial tier high-grade equipment.

Compared with the strong men of the moon, I don't know how much stronger I am.

I am afraid that even Mengyue's ancestors will face him, and they will be easily defeated by him.

Of course, although this special envoy is very strong, it is still far away from Tang Yi, with an insurmountable gap.

So Tang Yi didn't take this special envoy seriously, but just glanced at it, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

"Tang Yi has seen the emperor."

Tang Yi respectfully salutes.

"Tang Yi, you are here. Let me introduce you to you. This is the special envoy Geng Wenshi and the special envoy sent by Master Jie Wang. After a while, you will set off with him and go to the Realm of Realm."

Emperor Mengyue turned his head and introduced to Special Envoy Geng: "This is the representative sent by Mengyue this time, named Tang Yi."

"Tang Yi has seen Special Envoy Geng."

Tang Yi politely said.

And this special envoy Geng gave Tang Yi a slight glance, but he frowned, and said to Emperor Mengyue: "Xia Hongzhang, he is your representative of Mengyue? You Mengyue will not be so emperor this year. Isn’t Wu Wu in your eyes? Actually sending such a young warrior to participate in Imperial Martial Arts? Is it a play for you to be an Imperial Martial Artist?"

In Geng Wenshi's view, the most powerful warriors in the empire can participate in the discussion of empire.

And of these warriors, which one of the empire is not in the year? Which one is not gray-haired?

At least in the past, the most powerful soldier of the empire was not young.

But now, the Mengyue Empire actually sent such a young warrior, so how could he have no opinion?

The imperial war on martial arts is not a play for children!

"I didn't treat the imperial war on martial arts as a child's play, and Geng made you not to spit out blood. Tang Yi is now the strongest warrior of our dream moon! And this time, we are looking forward to let Tang Yi replace our dream moon. How can it be regarded as a child's play when it comes to imperial warfare. In addition, imperial warfare is very important for our empire, and it is related to the rise and fall of our empire. You think we will treat this matter as a childlike play. ?"

Emperor Mengyue retorted.

"He? Take the lead for your dream moon?"


Geng Wenshi glanced at Tang Yi, revealing disdain, and despised, said coldly: "Yes, who is sent to participate in the imperial discussion of martial arts, this is the freedom of your empire, I have no right to interfere, but I still have to warn you of dreams One month, the imperial discussion of martial arts is a major event in our entire sky world, and we can’t afford to be negligent and contempt for a long time. I hope you will take it seriously! Since you said that he is your representative this time, then I will take him to the world. God Realm. However, if he has any bad performance, or his strength is not satisfactory, I will definitely tell you in front of Lord Jie Wang, I hope you can do it yourself!"

With that, Geng Wenshi turned around and walked out of the hall, and said without looking back: "Give you five minutes, the advice of the instructions, the hurried explanation of the explanation~lightnovelpub.net~ Wait for him outside!"

After talking, he left the meeting hall.

In the palace, only Tang Yi and Meng Yue Emperor were left.

Looking at Geng Wenshi's back, Emperor Mengyue smiled bitterly and said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, don't mind, this is the case with the special envoy under the throne of the world, and his nose is up to heaven."

"The emperor is assured that he will pay for today's arrogance."

There is no mood swing on Tang Yi's face, as if to say a trifle of sesame and green beans.

"Of course! Look down on you, he will definitely pay the price! I believe you have this ability!"

Emperor Mengyue nodded and said with relief: "This time, Tang Yi, you represent our Mengyue to participate in the empire of martial arts. This is the honor for our Mengyue! Say thanks to you! In addition, this is a bit of my care, I hope you can come in handy in the imperial martial arts."

During the speech, Emperor Mengyue delivered a ring to Tang Yi's hands.

This ring was inscribed with many inscriptions that Tang Yi could not understand, as well as some strange wavy patterns.

Of course, this is not the most important place.

The most important thing is that at the top of the ring, a huge purple gemstone is set. The gemstone emits a purple light and looks very mysterious.

"this is……"

Tang Yi looked at this ring suspiciously, not understanding what Mengyue Emperor meant.

"It's called Mengyue Baojie, but it's a treasure that our royal family inherited for many years! Now we give it to you and hope it can help you! Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not that we don't Believe you, to you, we believe very much, but the imperial war on martial arts has a certain degree of danger, so we want to give you a life-saving means, so that it is also more secure." Meng Yue Di The Lord explained.