Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2392: Guang Yongnian began to challenge the re

"Yeah, and we only saw the representative of Mengyue lifting his finger, but did not feel any energy from the finger of the representative of Mengyue. If the representative of Mengyue really hit the twelve with one finger, A Protoss representative, it should produce very powerful energy. After all, the 12 Protoss representatives are not ordinary people."

"Yes, it is indeed too weird. This empire discussion of martial arts is the most weird one I have ever seen. Of course, it is also the least boring one. It is because we simply cannot anticipate what we want in the next second. What happened, and in the past, even with our eyes closed, we can know that Bingjia, Huojia and Jinjia will win."

"Yes, this empire of martial arts is surprising and shocking. Very interesting. Although I still don’t understand what happened or how the twelve **** clan representatives flew out, it’s not Influence me to watch the game."

"No matter what just happened, in short, this empire representative is about to rise. Now there are only three people left in the ring, including two empire representatives, which means that at least two empire representatives have entered the top three this year. In addition, the representative of the Protoss left on the ring at the moment is Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family. Prior to this, the representative of Mengyue had defeated Jin Kaifeng with one finger! This means that the winner of this session of the imperial martial arts , No more suspense!"

   "This month's representative of Dream Moon is indeed too strong and too strong. It can be said that it is the strongest representative of the empire in the past! No, it should be said that it is the strongest representative in the past! It is not limited to the empire representative!"


  In the auditorium, there was a lot of discussion.

   Somewhere in the auditorium, Bing Lian stood up excitedly, and the whole person was excited and happy and said: "Brother Tang Yi is too great! Brother Tang Yi is great!"

   Aside, seeing the situation on the ring, Yun Yun no longer knew what to say.

   Today, she was shocked by Tang Yi again and again. She didn't know how many times she was shocked, and she was a little numb.

   In the area where the empire representatives are far away, the two eliminated empire representatives are gratified. Although they are not promoted, they are not the people who achieved the top three results at the moment.

   But they are very pleased.

  After all, this is the first time in so many years that an Empire representative has reached the finals, or the first time an Empire representative has won the top three!

  The representative of the empire can get such a result, which is a good start. Affected by this, maybe the future representative of the empire can get better results.

   Therefore, although the two empire representatives have been eliminated, they are extremely pleased and very happy.

On the high platform, Jie Wang Ling Fengtian looked at Tang Yi and whispered to himself, "No, when I saw him before, his strength should be slightly weaker than me. Now what... Interesting, it seems that this is from Tang Yi, the representative of the Mengyue Empire, is indeed a talented generation. Fortunately, we have such a character in the sky screen realm. This is the blessing of our sky screen realm, which will make our sky screen realm more powerful! In addition, maybe That matter can also let Tang Yi try it."

   on the ring.

   The Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng was completely stunned. At this moment, he couldn't figure out what was happening, let alone the blink of an eye, only him on the ring?

   What the Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng did not understand is, why is he left on the ring?

  Since all the representatives flew out of the ring, why didn't he fly out of the ring?

But when the Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng was puzzled and saw the other side of the ring, Tang Yi said to Guang Yongnian on the side: "Brother Guang, the ring is handed over to you, now you are the protagonist, and I will look at you next. 'S performance!"


  Guangyongnian was just shocked by Tang Yi's methods. After all, he flew the twelve representatives with one finger. Whoever sees it is not shocked.

  Guang Yongnian knew that Tang Yi was very strong, and knew that Tang Yi should be able to deal with other representatives besides the representatives of the Jin family, but he did not expect to be so strong.

   did not expect to deal with the twelve Protoss representatives, Tang Yi only used one finger!

   And lightly tapped out!

   One finger lightly tapped out, and defeated the 12 representatives of the Protoss. This was too strong, and Guang Yongnian looked ignorant.

   Hearing Tang Yi's speech at this moment, he came back and said, "Okay, leave it to me."


  Tang Yi nodded and retreated to the edge of the ring, giving up the entire ring.

  Guang Yongnian suddenly stepped out and came to the front of the Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng.


   Seeing Tang Yi and Guang Yongnian's actions, the Jin family was a bit stunned on behalf of Jin Kaifeng.

  What is this for?

  Why did Mengyue retreat to the edge of the ring?

   And another empire representative came to himself?

   This empire representative who came to him, would he want to challenge himself?

   Are the empire representatives so crazy now?

  Don’t forget the representative of Mengyue, what are the empire representatives of Ama and Agou now?

  If Jin Kaifeng remembers correctly, is the representative of the empire in front of his own eyes the representative of the blood martial empire?

  The blood martial empire this term of imperial martial arts said that it performed well, and it was not much more difficult than the general **** clan representatives.

   However, the strength is comparable to the general Protoss representative, compared to his winning candidate, the strength still seems to be a thousand miles away?

   The gap is so big~lightnovelpub.net~He dares to challenge himself?

  Mengyue also assured him to challenge himself?

  Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, could not understand what the representative of Mengyue and the blood martial artist were doing.

   "Blood Martial Empire representative Guang Yongnian, come to ask for advice!"

  Guang Yongnian said to Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family.

Wen Yan said, Jin Kaifeng was slightly stunned. He really came to challenge himself. He looked at Guang Yongnian suspiciously and said, "You? Challenge me? It's not that I look down on you. It's just that your strength is so far from me. Challenge me, you don't have any chance of winning. If the representative of Mengyue comes, I will definitely not say a word and admit defeat directly, but you...you can't!"

   Jin Kaifeng's face was full of disdain, and he looked down on Guang Yongnian.

   "No, how do you know I can't?"

  Guangyongnian said unconvincedly.

   "I said you can't do it, you just can't do it, do you think everyone is a representative of Mengyue? You..."

  However, Jin Kaifeng, the representative of the Jin family, had not finished speaking, but I saw that Guang Yongnian exuded his momentum!

   At the beginning, Guang Yongnian exuded the momentum, which was only equivalent to the general Protoss representatives. However, with his outbreak, the momentum became stronger and stronger. Slowly, there was a tendency to catch up with the Jin family representative Jin Kai. .

   A moment later, Guang Yongnian's momentum rose to a very strong point. Although he hasn't caught up with the Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng, he is not much more than the Jin family representative Jin Kaifeng!

   Even if there is a gap, it is not much difference!