Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2402: Terrifying Supreme Strengthening Stone

In addition to the Supreme Special Items and the Weapon Fusion Stone, Tang Yi also received a Deputy Professional Supreme Scroll.

Looking at the name, think of it as a scroll to promote the sub-professional to the supreme level?

This item is also a rare item with a very high value.

In short, in this mission, Tang Yi probably obtained at least several thousand worth of items.

The harvest is still very rich.

After looking a little at the rewards obtained by the mission, Tang Yi immediately opened the attribute interface of the Supreme Strengthening Stone. I wanted to see if the Supreme Strengthening Stone was really the kind I had bought in the Angel Store.

[Supreme Strengthening Stone]: It is used to strengthen weapons and equipment, which can greatly strengthen the attributes of weapons and equipment.

Quantity: 10


It really is!

Sure enough, it can strengthen weapons and equipment.

Moreover, it is also a supreme level of strengthening stone. The upgraded version of the strengthening stone is more advanced than the ordinary strengthening stone and can improve more attributes of weapons and equipment.

After reading the properties of the Supreme Strengthening Stone, Tang Yi thought about it for a while, and then decided to use the Supreme Strengthening Stone as a weapon.

After all, weapons are particularly important compared to other items. This is about whether Tang Yi can move the BOSS, it is about the efficiency of Tang Yi’s killing monsters, and it is about the strength of Tang Yi’s attack.

Therefore, Tang Yi decided to use the Supreme Strengthening Stone on the weapon to strengthen its attributes.

As for which weapon to strengthen...

Need to say this?

Of course it is Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

"Use the Supreme Strengthening Stone to strengthen the Supreme Red Moon Apophis!"

Tang Yi meditation.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in my mind.

"Ding, the player Tang Yi chose to use the Supreme Strengthening Stone to strengthen the Supreme Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, strengthening success, the Supreme Red Moon Apofis strengthened once, the Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 1000 points, so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by cumulatively 1000 points, and the Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme Battle Power Index increased to 6000 point."


"Only once strengthened, the Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 1,000 points? The Supreme Red Moon Apophis's Supreme Power Index increased by 6000 points?"

Tang Yi was shocked, but after the enhancement, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis could get such a huge improvement.

After all, you must know that Supreme Red Moon Apophis is not an ancient artifact such as Gypsophila that increases the battle power index of 150,000 Supreme, but only Tang Yi has undergone various means of strengthening, evolution, transformation, enchantment and enchantment. Lifted up.

After many upgrades, this has the attribute of today.

However, even so, the increase in the Supreme Power Index of Supreme Red Moon Apophis is only 5000 points!

However, now, I didn't expect to strengthen it only once, and actually increased the Supreme Power Index by 1000 points!

Increased by one-fifth!

This is incredible.

Tang Yi really did not expect the Supreme Strengthening Stone to bring such a huge improvement!

Originally he wanted to come and strengthen it once, which can improve the index of hundreds of supreme combat power, which is already very good. After all, Supreme Red Moon Apophis was originally only 5,000 points.

To strengthen at this level a few hundred at a time, it is already a very good improvement.

Seeing that the Supreme Red Moon Apofis was so enhanced, Tang Yi was excited and extremely excited. He continued to strengthen and said: "Use the Supreme Strengthening Stone to strengthen the Supreme Red Apofis!"

Tang Yi began to continuously strengthen the Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

Under Tang Yi's intensification, hints rang in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, the success is strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis is strengthened twice, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by 1,000 points, and so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by a cumulative of 2000 points."

"Ding, the enhancement is successful, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthens 3 times, the Supreme Combat Strength Index increases by 1,000 points, and so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased cumulatively by 3000 points."

"Ding, the success was strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthened 4 times, and the Supreme Combat Strength Index increased by 1000 points. So far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by 4,000 points."

"Ding, the success is strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis is strengthened 5 times, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by 1,000 points, and so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by cumulatively 5000 points."

"Ding, the success was strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthened 6 times, the Supreme Combat Strength Index increased by 1,000 points, and so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased cumulatively by 6000 points."

"Ding, the success was strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthened 7 times, and the Supreme Combat Strength Index increased by 5000 points. So far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased cumulatively by 11,000 points."

"Ding, the enhancement is successful, the Supreme Red Moon Apofis is strengthened 8 times, and the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by 10,000 points. So far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased by a cumulative increase of 21,000 points."

"Ding, the success was strengthened, the Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthened 9 times, the Supreme Combat Strength Index increased by 20,000 points, so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased cumulatively by 41,000 points."

"Ding, strengthening success, Supreme Red Moon Apophis strengthened 10 times, the Supreme Combat Power Index increased by 40000 points, so far, the Supreme Combat Strength Index has increased cumulatively by 81,000 points."



Tang Yi strengthened the Supreme Strengthening Stone on the Supreme Red Moon Apophis, so that the Supreme Red Moon Apophis continued to improve.

However, what Tang Yi did not expect at all was that his luck would be so good, ten consecutive enhancements, and ten consecutive enhancement successes without any failure!

This is almost **** luck!

What surprised Tang Yi most was that Supreme Red Moon Apophis started to strengthen the seventh time, and the increased Supreme Combat Power Index actually doubled.

Strengthen the first time to the sixth time, each time only increase the Supreme Battle Power Index by 1,000 points.

And strengthened to the seventh time, actually increased to 5,000 points of supreme combat power index!

After strengthening it for the eighth time, it doubled again, and it was increased to 10,000 points.

The ninth time of strengthening has doubled again, increasing to the 20,000-point Supreme Combat Power Index.

And when the tenth time was strengthened, the Supreme Combat Power Index increased to 40,000 points!

After the seventh strengthening, the Supreme Combat Index increased every time the strength increased doubled.

After ten times of strengthening, the cumulative increase of the Supreme Combat Strength Index actually reached 81,000 points!

This is incredible.

Ten times of strengthening ~lightnovelpub.net~ actually increased the Supreme Battle Power Index of 81,000 points!

This made Tang Yi Wan Wan did not expect.

With the original 5,000-point Supreme Battle Power Index of Supreme Red Moon Apophis, the enhanced Supreme Red Moon Apophis has increased the Supreme Battle Power Index by 86,000 points!

Eighty-six thousand points of supreme combat power index weapons, this is already equivalent to half of the supreme artifact!

Already has half the power of the stars!

Ten times of reinforcement, actually a common weapon...

Oh no, it can't be said to be an ordinary weapon, it should be a slightly better weapon.

Ten times of strengthening, actually turned a slightly better weapon into a half artifact.

This is incredible.

The Supreme Strengthening Stone is terrifying.