Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2412: Received a new mission to explore Haoyue

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"So it turns out! It turned out that Ling Zun came to me for this matter."

Tang Yi suddenly realized that he finally found the reason why Jie Wang Ling Fengtian found himself.

"Yes, I don't know if Tang Zun is willing to explore the remains of the Void Forest with me?" Jie Wang Ling Fengtian asked.

At the next moment when Jie Wang Ling Fengtian asked, Tang Yi's mind sounded a hint.

"Ding, receive the main task, and form a team with Ling Fengtian to explore the ruins of Haoyue in the Void Forest."


"Received the task? And it is mandatory? Didn't let the choice accept?"

Tang Yi froze for a moment, and then he was very happy, but on the face, he replied towards Jie Wang Ling Fengtian: "No problem, I am willing to explore the remains of the void forest with Ling Zun."

"Tang Zun is willing to participate, that's really good, so that I don't have to go to find other landlords to go together. After all, compared to other landlords, I am more at ease with the supremacy of our heavens."

Jie Wang Lingfeng Tian said happily, and then said: "Tang Zun, please rest assured that you will explore the ruins with us, we will not treat you badly, when the harvest is reached, we can evenly distribute. Or according to demand . It will definitely not let you go back empty-handed."

"So good!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled.

After all, it's better to be able to talk about remuneration and distribution in advance.

Otherwise, when you get the treasure, and you don’t talk about how to divide it, you will be infighted, or you will fight because of the distribution problem.

So hearing the words of Jie Wang Ling Fengtian, Tang Yi nodded slightly, and very much agreed with Jie Wang's approach.

"Although we have gathered people and prepared well in this line, it is still full of danger. Therefore, we must prepare more fully. I don’t know if Tang Zun has anything you need. If you need it, you can say that if I can do it, and I will try my best to help you do it." Jie Wang Ling Fengtian said.

"Need? I don't need anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Yi seemed to think of something again and said, "Oh, no, I need it!"

Tang Yi shook his right hand and took out the weapon fusion stone, supreme fortified stone and armor fusion stone that he had previously exchanged in the Pagoda Pavilion. He said: "I previously exchanged these kinds of items in the Pagoda Pavilion. I don’t know if Ling Zun still has the most needed items."

"this is……"

Jie Wang Ling Fengtian glanced slightly and said, "These three kinds of stones...Of course I have these, but not many."

Jie Wang Ling Fengtian flicked his right hand with a total of eleven gems, including three red weapon fusion stones, four yellow armor fusion stones, and four white supreme strengthening stones.

Seeing these eleven gems, Tang Yi's eyes lit up slightly and said, "I didn't expect that Ling Zun you really have this kind of item! I don't know how to exchange these things with Ling Zun!"

"No exchange, if you like, I can give it to you, but you have to tell me what they do."

Jie Wang Ling Fengtian said: "These gems were found by accident when I was exploring in the Nether Forest. On the top, I felt some special breath, so I brought them all back, but what role do they have? I don’t know yet, Tang Zun, if you want, just tell me their role, and I will give you these gems."

"Ling Zun, this is what you said."

Tang Yi said in his heart, "These three red gems, called weapon fusion stones, are used to select two weapons for fusion, one as the main fusion weapon and one as the secondary fusion weapon. The fusion is successful, The attributes of the main weapon can be improved to a certain extent, while the secondary weapon is consumed as a consumable. If the fusion fails, the primary and secondary weapons will be damaged. So the weapon fusion stone has a certain risk."

"Oh? Weapon fusion stone? Can fuse two weapons? After the fusion is successful, the main weapon can be improved? If the fusion fails, both weapons will be damaged? Interesting!"

Hearing Tang Yi's introduction, Jie Wang Ling Fengtian froze for a moment, his eyes showing interest, and he seemed interested in the weapon fusion stone.

Tang Yi continued to introduce: "These four yellow gems are called armor fusion stones. Its role is the same as weapon fusion stones, except that the weapons are replaced with armor, and two pieces of armor are selected for fusion, and one is used for fusion. The main armor, one of which serves as a secondary armor for fusion. If the fusion is successful, the attributes of the main armor will be improved. If the fusion fails, both armor will be damaged, and the fusion stone of the armor also has certain risks.

"Armor fusion stone? Fusion two armor? Interesting." Jie Wang Ling Feng suddenly.

Tang Yi continued: "The four white stones named Extreme Strengthening Stone can directly enhance the quality of equipment. The higher the number of times the Supreme Strengthening Stone is used to strengthen equipment, the higher the quality of the equipment being strengthened."

"Supreme Strengthening Stone? Can the equipment be strengthened directly? The more times it is strengthened, the higher the quality of the strengthened equipment? Interesting!"

After listening to Tang Yi's introduction, Jie Wang Ling Feng said suddenly: "I have some regrets for the previous decision. I didn't expect these gems to be good things."

"Ling Zun, you can't regret it." Tang Yi smiled.

"Just kidding, although it's a good thing, but if you promise Tang Zun you, it will naturally be fulfilled. Give."

Jie Wang Ling Fengtian handed all 11 gems to Tang Yi.

"Thank you!"

Tang Yi took the gem and thanked him.

At the same time, at the moment of getting the gem, he quickly unlocked it and then put it in the system backpack.

"Don't thank me. Helping Tang Zun is actually helping myself. After all, if you are strong, Tang Zun will be of great help in exploring the void forest~lightnovelpub.net~. Help Tang Zun you." Ling Fengtian smiled.

"Anyway thanks."

Tang Yi arched his hands again.

Jie Wang Ling Fengtian smiled and said, "Do you still need anything, Tang Zun? After all, I live longer than you. I have collected many treasures. If you still need it, as long as I can get it, Can give it to you."

"Thank you Ling Zun, I have no more needs."

Where will there be demand for Tang Yi, even if there is demand, he will no longer reach out to Jie Wang to ask for something at this moment, after all, if he wants to go on, this is a bit cheeky.

Immediately afterwards, the two agreed to meet in the Jingu Temple on the 15th of next month, and then discussed the details. Tang Yi suddenly arched his hand, said goodbye, and left the Jingu.

And as Tang Yi left the shrine, Tang Yi's imperial martial arts and his party arrived here, even if it was all over.

In Tiangong, Tang Yi has completed his task.