Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2418: After the forging, the dark golden giant


  After the baptism of two days of catastrophe, the courtyard of Tang Yi is already a broken wall.

   Even the outside of the courtyard is a mess.

   Such a terrible sky-tribulation, falling two, has already caused such great power.

  If I come a few more times, I am afraid there are no houses in the surrounding streets.

   But simply.

   This moment was organized by the strong man of the Temple,

  All the people have retreated,

   exited the safe distance.

   Even if there will be a catastrophe next,

   And the power of Heavenly Tribulation is more powerful,

The buildings around    were destroyed,

   will not hurt the lives of people in the Tiangong.


that's it.

  After everyone exited,


  The golden heavens fell one after another.

   shakes the Temple of Heaven repeatedly.

   If it is not Tiangong is strong enough.

  If you don’t know that Tiangong is a magic weapon,

   Seeing Tiangong shaking so strongly,

  Everyone may think that the Tiangong Temple is about to collapse.

   If the Tiangong Temple collapses, the joke will be even bigger.

  Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

   And as time went by, Golden Sky Tribulation dropped a total of twenty-five.

   Twenty-five days of the Heaven Tribulation fell, and the dark clouds in the heavenly palace dispersed, all the visions disappeared, and the breath of terror finally converged.


  The Golden Sky Tribulation dropped 25 times in a row,

   And each one is stronger than the other,

  Under such a powerful attack,

  Tiangong did not collapse,

  It can be seen how strong Tiangong is.

   And after 25 days of baptism,

  Within kilometers around Tang Yi's residence,

   has become a ruin.

   This is also fortunately in the Tiangong.

   Fortunately, Tiangong is strong enough.

  If it’s not Tiangong,

   such a horrible sky-tribulation,

   crashed down,

   I’m afraid the range of influence will be larger,

   is not as simple as a kilometer range.

   is a city,

   There are even several cities,

   or a huge range of mountains.

   And these twenty-five golden heavens crashed down,

  In addition to the destruction of the Tiangong building,

   really terrified everyone in Tiangong.

  Everyone in Tiangong has not seen a sky-tribulation fall in Tiangong for years.

   And now.

   This is 25 views.

   This is really terrified.

  Everyone was shocked by heaven,

   Everyone's face is incredible.

   "What the **** is this forging! Twenty-five days of catastrophe actually happened."

   "This is the Tiangong Temple, and I want to introduce the difficulties of the Sky Tribulation. However, the representative of Mengyue has introduced 25 Golden Sky Tribulation. This is too terrible."

   "Tiangong hasn't seen Sky Tribulation in such a long time. I didn't expect it to be twenty at once."

   "And what kind of sky-tribulation? I have never seen such a sky-tribulation! Golden, this day-tribulation is actually golden!"

"The power of this catastrophe is particularly terrible. With my cultivation practice, the general catastrophe has not affected me. However, in the face of this golden catastrophe, I felt a heart palpitation and had a huge fear. Just now Under the impact of Heavenly Tribulation, I also suffered a lot."

   "Dreams of Mengyue are too strong, and they can forge items that lead to twenty-five days of catastrophe."

   "I'm so curious, Mengyue represents what was forged."

   "Look, the representative Mengyue's residence is lit up with a white light, and a strong breath is emitted!"

   "That's a vision of equipment molding! The items he forged were molded!"

   "So terrible, what kind of equipment is this!"

   "Go, let's hurry and take a look!"



   Tang Yi's original residence.

   Now Tang Yi's residence can no longer see the original appearance.

  Because the site is within a thousand kilometers, it is already in ruins.

  Not to mention the original appearance, it is difficult to see a complete building.

   However, this is not important.

   It is important.

   at the moment.

   Tang Yi stood among the ruins.

   And the top of his head.

   A five-meter-long giant sword floats in the sky, exuding a dark golden light.

   The light is very dazzling, like a dark golden sun.

   And the giant sword in the dark golden light, about five meters long, looks very heavy.

   The shape of this dark gold giant sword is very different from the ordinary giant sword.

   Although the sword body is also long and wide, it is like a steel plate.

   But the difference is that the sword **** of the dark gold giant sword should be thicker.

   Thickness is at least **** wide!

   In addition, the tip of the sword is also longer than the average giant sword,

   The body of the dark golden giant sword is only about four meters away from the entire giant sword.

  From the hilt to the end of the sword body, it is like a large golden plate.

   And the remaining one meter is the tip of the sword.

   The tip of the sword looks like a long sword attached to the original steel plate.

   It's just that this long sword is very perfect, and it can't be seen that it is connected~lightnovelpub.net~ In addition, the tip of this dark golden giant sword is very strange.

   At the ends of the sword's tip, two sharp horns were extended.

   This makes the tip of this dark golden giant sword look like a trident with long horns.

   In short, the shape of the dark golden giant sword is different from the usual giant sword shape.

  In addition to the appearance, the details on this giant sword are also very profound and mysterious.

   I saw four black lines in the middle of the hilt.

  The four black lines divide the giant sword into five parts.

   looks like five giant swords fused together.

  In these five parts, inscriptions of different colors, different numbers and different appearances are inscribed respectively.

  The leftmost part is inscribed with yellow inscriptions.

There are six yellow inscriptions, all of which are special inscriptions.

   These inscriptions are like ghost symbols, the shape is very strange and very mysterious.

From the appearance,   guang can't understand the meaning of these inscriptions at all.

   And the second left part is inscribed with red inscriptions.

There are three red inscriptions in total, which are also special inscriptions and pictographic inscriptions. They do not understand what they mean, and they seem very mysterious.

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