Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2421: Buy a mat? Fusion weapon?

After a slight look at the devil's slave,

Tang Yi already had a decision in mind.

When he hadn’t thought about integration,

Who is the main weapon,

Who will be the deputy weapon!

But now seeing the attributes of the giant sword of the devil's slave,

Tang Yi decided.

Use the giant sword of the devil's slave as the main weapon!

Supreme Red Moon Apophis,

As a secondary weapon!

However, Tang Yi will not directly integrate Supreme Red Moon Apophis!

Because of the direct integration of Supreme Red Moon Apophis, it is full of risks.

After all, Supreme Red Moon Apophis is also a good weapon.

It's too wasteful to use it directly for fusion.

Therefore, Tang Yi thought of a perfect solution!

That's... "Mat"!

Tang Yi decided to use ordinary weapons for fusion first,

After the fusion has failed or there have been bad results several times, then the Supreme Red Moon Apophis is merged!

In this way, the probability is greatly reduced.

After all, after several consecutive failures, can't you still fail?

No matter how dark your face is, can't it be so dark?

Therefore, Tang Yi intends to do just that.

First use "mat" to pad the failure rate.

Then merge with Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

Because before Tang Yi obtained many weapon fusion stones.

So, now he also has enough weapon strengthening stones to support him in this operation.

And this operation is actually not what Tang Yi thought of.

Instead, it draws on a game from the earth world, poisonous milk powder.

In other words, borrowing from the enhanced mode of this game, Tang Yi thought of using "mat".

Thinking of this, Tang Yi was very excited.

Because I was so excited,

At the moment he didn't care about the eyes of others,

No matter if others are surprised or not

Just in front of everyone, such an operation began.

Tang Yixian sinks into his mind first,

Opened the system store,

Then in the system store,

Find the right ‘mat’.

Now Tang Yi has been promoted to supreme,

So in the system store,

Want to buy a weapon ‘mat’ up to the supreme level,

This is not difficult.

After a little searching, Tang Yi found a suitable'mat'.

[Moonlight] Supreme Class

Attributes: Strength, Attack Power, HP, Armor Break, Damage Percentage.

Passive special effects: Moonlight, the suppression of the moon

Moonlight: When attacking, it can produce a half moon-shaped moonlight special effect. If moonlight hits an enemy target, it will cause a lot of damage.

Moon Suppression: When attacking, a strong momentum will be generated. This momentum will turn into a moon momentum, making the enemy target feel as if the moon has fallen down, forming a huge momentum impact.

Additional supreme skills: Round Moon Town Kill, Luna.

Full Moon Kill: Cast a round moon to attack enemy targets, which can cause a lot of damage to enemy targets.

Luna: By using this skill, users can become Luna, and their status is greatly improved.

Extreme combat power index increase: 1500 points.

Price: 100 Supreme Coins.


Moonlight is also a great sword.

The attributes are very common,

Passive special effects are also quite satisfactory,

Extreme skills are also ok,

The price is one hundred yuan, which is acceptable.

Used as a ‘mat’,

Very suitable.

Tang Yi bought it without hesitation.

And it cost one thousand Supreme Coins at a time and bought ten.

After buying the ‘mat’, Tang Yi began to integrate directly.

As for many people still watching Tang Yi...

Take care of them!

Tang Yi didn't care.

after all.

The noise he just made has been extremely scary.

Has attracted the attention of the entire Tiangong. First Literature Network

More amazing at the moment,

It's no big deal.

Before Tang Yi advocated low-key,

That's because Tang Yi is still very weak,

If it's too public,

Maybe it will attract some peeping,

Before he grows up, he attracts big people to peep,

This is an extremely dangerous thing.

But now it’s different,

Now he has grown to a very strong point.

No one in the entire Tiangong can threaten him,

Even if it exists like a realm king,

It's completely impossible to threaten.

So, what is Tang Yi worried about now?

What's wrong with Zhang Yang?

Now he has the publicity capital!

He disregarded the capital of everyone in Tiangong!

If everyone loves watching, let them watch,

Do they dare to grab their own weapons?

Can they afford it?

Not to mention the people in Tiangong,

Even Wangjie Fengtian of the world can't afford it.

Therefore, Tang Yi was afraid of something.

Open the system backpack, Tang Yi began to view the weapon fusion stone in the backpack.

Tang Yi originally had only one weapon fusion stone.

But on the third floor of the Pagoda Pavilion, Tang Yi exchanged three more.

In the hands of Jie Wang Ling Fengtian, Tang Yi won three more.

Together, Tang Yi has a total of seven weapon fusion stones.

In other words, Tang Yi was able to merge a total of seven times.

According to the probability of weapon fusion stone,

The probability of fusion failure is 5%,

It will appear once in twenty times.

This probability is very low,

As long as the face is not dark,

Basically, no such result will occur.

So what Tang Yi wants to prevent is not the result of failure.

It is fusion and exclusion.

The probability of fusion exclusion is 15%,

It will appear three times in twenty times,

It will appear once every ten times.

So, as long as there is a result of fusion exclusion,

The probability of this result appearing for the second time is very small.

I thought about it a little bit,

Tang Yi decided to merge Supreme Red Moon Apophis first,

Using Supreme Red Moon Apophis as the main weapon,

Moonlight as a secondary weapon,

First pad two waves,

Look at the situation.

After all, now he has the weapon of a demon slave,

Even if the bad luck is the result of the failure of integration.

It doesn't matter.

It's a big deal to lose a good supreme weapon.

Although Supreme Red Moon Apophis followed Tang Yi for a long time,

For this weapon,

Tang Yi also has deep feelings.

But weapons are not humans after all,

If the fusion really fails,

Supreme Red Moon Apophis disappears

Then he had no choice.

If it's gone, it's gone.

After making a good decision, Tang Yi began to merge.

In the system backpack, the weapon fusion stone was activated.

"Ding, the player Tang Yi uses the weapon fusion stone. Please read the rules for using the weapon fusion stone carefully and select the main weapon and auxiliary weapon you want to fuse."


"Main weapon~lightnovelpub.net~ Supreme Red Moon Apophis."

"Secondary weapon, moonlight."

Tang Yi chose these two weapons according to previous considerations.

"Ding, the player Tang Yi used the weapon fusion stone for fusion, chose Supreme Red Moon Apophis as the fusion main weapon, and the moonlight as the fusion secondary weapon. It has been selected. Will the player start fusion? Risk, players should choose carefully."

"Start fusion!"

Tang Yi decided not to think.

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