Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2423: Key fusion

Tang Yi entered his mind.

Suddenly, a hint appeared in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for successfully using the weapon fusion stone, the fusion result is a general fusion! Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme combat power index increased by 1500 points."


Actually succeeded!

Looking at the hint in his mind, Tang Yi was surprised.

Quickly open the interface of Supreme Red Moon Apophis to check the properties after fusion.

[Supreme Red Moon Apophis]: Growth sword spirit weapon

Basic attributes: Strength, Lifesteal, Speed, Penetration.

Passive special effects: Dark Attribute Attack, Suppress Offensive, Bloodthirsty Instinct, Red Moon Repair, Sword Realm, Master Wanjian

Dark Attribute Attack: When using Supreme Red Moon Apophis to attack, players can add additional red special attribute damage for each ordinary attack. (Red special attribute damage will change with the player's strength, this damage is real damage, ignoring the target defense)

Suppression Offensive: In the case of using Supreme Red Moon Apophis to fight against enemy targets, players can ignore the attributes of the enemy target and ignore the strength of the enemy target to suppress the attack.

Bloodthirsty instinct: If you hit an enemy target, you can make the enemy target enter a special non-stop bleeding state. If you do not use special methods to stop bleeding, the enemy target will lose blood to death. (Bleeding damage depends on the situation of the injury, the heavier the injury, the higher the damage caused by the bleeding injury)

Red Moon Repair: No matter how serious the damage is, the Red Moon Apophis can be repaired slowly as long as there is one piece of debris left. (The speed of repair depends on the strength of the aura, the stronger the aura, the faster the repair speed)

Sword Realm: When using Supreme Red Moon Apophis, a large area can be formed. In the realm, sword weapon attack power and sword skill damage will be greatly improved.

Take control of Wan Jian: When the realm of sword is used, all sword weapons in the realm will be controlled by the player.

Additional skills: the spirit of the magic sword, the unity of the sword and the man, building space

Magic Sword Spirit: Activate this skill, and Supreme Red Moon Apophis can transform into Magic Sword Spirit and automatically attack enemy targets. This skill will change accordingly as the player's strength increases and equipment changes.

Duration: 600 seconds.

Cooling time: 2 hours.

Human Sword Unity: Activate this skill, the player can be integrated with the Supreme Red Moon Apophis, and the Supreme Battle Power Index instantly increases by 10,000 points.

Duration: 90 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 seconds.

Build Space: Activate this skill to build a space formed entirely by sword weapons. The size of the space will depend on the time the player builds.

Extreme combat power index increase: 87,500 points

(This weapon is a growth sword spirit weapon. There is no upper limit for enhancement and increase, and you can increase and increase without limit. Therefore, the value of enhancement and increase is reset to zero, and it is no longer displayed on the panel. The attributes are still valid, and the future enhancement and increase effects will not be reflected on the panel, only the value of the Supreme Combat Index will be changed)


Slightly glanced at the attributes of Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

Tang Yi probably counted.

Weapon fusion does not change the attributes of the main weapon.

Nor will it change or increase the special effects and skills of the main weapon.

It's just the sub-weapon's supreme combat power index,

Added to the main weapon.

For example at the moment.

There is no change in the attributes of Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

And the Supreme Combat Power Index,

But from the original 86,000 points, rose to 87,500 points.

An increase of 1,500 points.

And this 5,000-point supreme combat power index,

It is the supreme combat power index of the Moon Sword.

In other words,

The supreme combat power index of the light of the moon,

Added to the Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

After strengthening it once, Tang Yi had experience.

Begin the second fusion.

Open the system backpack and use the weapon fusion stone.

Continue to select the main weapon as the Supreme Red Moon Apophis,

The secondary weapon continues to choose the light of the moon.

After selection, the second fusion begins.

Moonlight and weapon fusion stone fly into mid-air at the same time.


In this way, Supreme Red Moon Apophis once again merged with the Moon Sword.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for successfully using the weapon fusion stone, the fusion result is a general fusion! Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme combat power index increased by 1500 points.



Tang Yi was slightly surprised.

Then began the third fusion!

Aside, the people in Tiangong are ignorant!

No one knows what Tang Yi is doing.

At the same time, the people in Tiangong are also very shocked.

Because everyone did not expect,

Tang Yi has so many supreme weapons.

It just seems to keep coming out without money.


What makes them even more puzzled is that

Tang Yi's supreme weapons are all exactly the same!

Tang Yike ignored their surprise,

The'mat' is still merging.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for successfully using the weapon fusion stone, the fusion result is a general fusion! Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme combat power index increased by 1500 points.

The third fusion is average!

Supreme Red Moon Apophis,

Increased the 1500 Supreme Combat Power Index again.

From 89000 points to 90500.

This luck is simply.

If Tang Yi used a demon slave as the main weapon before,

Then Supreme Red Moon Apophis came to serve as a secondary weapon,

Perhaps the weapon of the devil's slave has exploded.

Of course, not necessarily.

Continue the fourth fusion.

It is still the main weapon of Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

Or the light of the moon as a secondary weapon.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for successfully using the weapon fusion stone, the fusion result is a reluctant fusion! The main weapon Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme remains unchanged.


Finally failed once!

Although the main weapon attributes remain unchanged,

But it was a failure.


The fifth fusion!

It is still the main weapon of Supreme Red Moon Apophis.

Or the light of the moon as a secondary weapon.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for successfully using the weapon fusion stone, the fusion result is a reluctant fusion! The main weapon Supreme Red Moon Apofis Supreme remains unchanged.

"It's reluctant to merge again?"


The sixth fusion!

This time the integration is quite critical.

Because Tang Yi has only seven weapon fusion stones.

Can only be merged seven times.

In other words,

After the sixth fusion,

Tang Yi only had the last chance to merge.

Therefore, this sixth fusion is quite critical.

This is related to the next time ~lightnovelpub.net~ Whether Tang Yi uses the giant sword of the devil's slave for fusion.

If the result of this fusion is not good,

Then next time,

Tang Yi used the devil's slaves for fusion.

If the fusion result is good this time,

Then Tang Yi ended the integration and waited for the next opportunity to continue the integration.

So this fusion result is quite critical.

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