Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2432: Unbelievable, my woman, can you move...

Huo Hong heard that Bing Lian rejected himself so determinedly,

Suddenly angry,

A huge anger hit his head,

Because of his anger, Huohong shook his heart and said cruelly: "You are such a bad woman, I am so infatuated with you, and I have paid so much for you. You said you would not marry if you did not marry. Okay, you Very good! Seeing that Mengyue is powerful, I want to climb it, right? Knowing that Mengyue has high potential, I want to marry him, right? Well, since you want to climb high, then I’ll take a look Your tolerance is ruined, you can't climb high branches, see if you can marry the representative of Mengyue!"


Huo Hong shone,

Bypassing Tang Yi,

Straight towards Binglian!

Very suddenly,

Very violent.

Huo Hong looked extremely crazy at the moment,

There was a terrible face,

The original handsome face disappeared,


Only ugly left.

It seems that Huo Hong really wants the fish to die, which is bad for Bing Lian.

Hearing Huo Hong's words and seeing Huo Hong's actions, everyone at Bingjia was shocked.

On the one hand, the owner of Bingjia worried about Binglian's comfort and hurriedly shouted, "Huohong, dare!"

Bingye, the representative of the Bingjia, also shouted: "Huohong, you are looking for death! Dare to be detrimental to our Bingjia? I think you are living impatiently?"

"Huojia representatives, stop your hands quickly!"

"Representative of the Huojia, are you going to fight with our Bingjia?"

"Representative of the Huojia, I advise you to stop your hand quickly, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"


The others at the Bingjia also scolded.

And everyone in the Huo family was shocked,

I didn’t expect Huo Hong to be so radical,

I didn't get Binglian,

Will destroy her?

This is too extreme.

"Honger don't want it!"

Huo's owner quickly stopped.

But because it was too far away, it was too late to stop Huo Hong.

"Honger, don't be impulsive!"

"Honger is back!"

"Huohong quickly stopped!"

"Huohong, there is something to discuss!"

The Huo family also exclaimed and dissuaded Huo Hong.


Huo Hong completely ignored these people,

Continue to look fierce and madly rush to Binglian.

It seems that at this moment, he is really determined to shoot Binglian and wants to destroy Binglian.


How could he succeed.

Tang Yi is right in front of him,

Tang Yi is here,

How could Tang Yi let Huohong hurt Bing Lian?

Obviously impossible.

Seeing Huo Hong's movements, Tang Yi sneered and said, "You can't be stupid! How can you move my woman? Want to ruin my woman's face? It's up to you? Oh!"


Tang Yi waved his hand gently.


A tremendous force poured out and rushed to Huohong's door!

Of course,

Although Tang Yi just waved,

But what is Tang Yi's strength?

What is Huo Hong's strength?

Although both parties are supreme,

But now Tang Yi,

The supreme combat power index has reached 1.5 million points,

And Huohong?

It would be nice to have a thousand points.

The gap between the two sides is a million points of supreme combat power.

Such a huge difference in the Supreme Combat Power Index,

Tang Yi waved this lightly,

The power that can be exerted,

That is very scary,

It's not Huohong's half-hanging supreme,

Can withstand it! !


I saw this moment,

Huo Hong has not been able to get close to Binglian,

He suffered a blow from Tang Yi,

Was gently waved by Tang Yi,

A huge force hit his face.


Huo Hong screamed,

The body was hit hard,

Tossed out like a p bomb.

At the moment of flying out, countless blood splashed.

The next second,

It hit the wall of the Temple of Ripples heavily,

The walls were knocked out of a big pit.

Countless gravel smoke splashes.


Seeing this scene,

Huo Jiazhu exclaimed,

Later, together with a number of Huojia seniors, they went to check Huohong's situation

At this time, Huo Hong climbed out of the ruins.

I saw his face covered with blood,

The whole face, as if smashed, is full of rotten meat,

In some places, bones are deeply visible,

And eyes, nose, ears,

Have not restored the original look,

Even the body is sloppy,

The clothes are ragged, like a beggar,

Generally speaking, Huo Hong was a blood man with a smashed face at this time, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

However, this blow obviously did not take his life,

It just smashed his face.

of course.

This is also because Tang Yi's men are merciful,

If not,

Huo Hong is not as simple as his face being smashed,

But fly directly to annihilation,

It disappeared in this world.

After all, with Tang Yi’s current strength,

Want to annihilate Huo Hongfei,

It’s simple and easy,

It's much easier than chopping melons and vegetables.

If Tang Yi thought,

Huohong cannot die.

It's just that Tang Yi doesn't want to.

Of course.

The reason why Tang Yi is merciful,

The reason is just to smash Huohong's face, not to kill Huohong,

It’s not really about leaving Huo Hong’s life,

But just,

Want to teach Huo Hong a lesson,

Also tell Huohong,

And tell everyone in the Huo family,

Some plain truth.

I saw Tang Yi at this moment, and said lightly towards Huohong and Huojia: "First, I won’t kill you at this moment, I just smashed your face, not because I couldn’t kill you, but just because I want to give you Lesson, at the same time I still have something to say,

Secondly, my woman, not anyone who wants to move, can move. The woman who wants to move me has to ask if I can agree.

Third, I am a person who pursues that people do not offend me, I do not offend, if people offend me, I must return to the rule, it is best not to provoke me,

Fourth, I am a very short-term and a very stingy person, whether it is my family or my woman or my friend, these are my most important people, if someone Those who dare to move me, I will return ten times and one hundred times. "

After talking, Tang Yi showed a smile,

The smile is very bright in the winter sun,

Still warm,

It's still brilliant.

But with such a smile,

In the eyes of everyone in the Huo family,

But terrifying,

Like a demon in hell.

It was like a fierce devil.

"You, you, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

Seems to hear the meaning in Tang Yi's words,

Huo Hong was a little scared,

The body shivered slightly,

At the same time the body keeps retreating.

The face that was already smashed,

With a frightened expression,

It seems even more terrifying.

The original face was smashed, it was extremely painful and uncomfortable,

As a handsome man, Huo Hong couldn't bear the result of his face being smashed.

However, Huohong has no time to take care of his face at this moment,

Because at this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ his life was threatened.

At this moment, he is facing the huge risk of losing his life.

In such a huge vortex of risk,

He still has the mood to take care of his face?

Ruin Binglian's face?

Not only is it not destroyed now,

Instead, he was destroyed,

Even life is threatened.

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