Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2514: Dream Moon Empire earned

Seeing Yang Wen's apology toward the men of the moon, Tang Yi sneered, and still dissatisfied toward Yang Yang: "He doesn't bow his head and doesn't worship, is this an apology?"

With that, he slapped it again, and the other side of the Yang document was swollen. With just two slaps, the Yang document was beaten into a pig's head.

The three masked warriors on the side, when they saw the Yang document being beaten, did not dare to say anything at all, nor did they dare to take action, not even the atmosphere!

After all, what dare they say?

Even the million-level giant puppet and the Realm King avatar were destroyed.

What can they say, these little ones who can't even reach a million-level combat power, even the world king's avatar can't reach?

Dare to say?

Don't say that the other party is playing the Yang document at this moment, even if they kill the Yang document, they dare not say a few words or even take any action.

However, when Tang Yi slapped, Yang Wen was frightened again and hurriedly fell down on his knees in the direction of Mengyue Warrior, banging his head.

After knocking several heads, he apologized again: "Sorry, I was wrong!"

Wen Yan, the warriors of Mengyue still don't buy it, everyone sneered.

Tang Yi also sneered and said to the Yang document: "Where is my woman?"

After hearing the words, Yang Wenji turned his head again, and in the direction of Mu Xianling and others, he suddenly kowtowed, and after a few bangs, Yang Wenpo apologized: "Miss Mu, every girl, I was wrong. !please forgive me."


Mu Xianling sneered and did not speak.

The other girls were also sneering, looking at Xiangyang's gaze as if they were looking at a dead dog.

Yang Wen confessed that he had apologized and said to Tang Yi: "After finishing the apology, can you let me go?"


Tang Yi looked at the Yang document like a fool and said, "When did I say I would let you go?"


"Then why do you want me to apologize?"

Yang Wen was surprised.

When he wanted to come, Tang Yi did not actually want to kill him, so he was asked to apologize.

That is, after thinking that he had apologized, Tang Yi would not kill him, so he apologized.

If the apology is still dead, why should he apologize?

"I asked you to apologize, but I haven't said I will spare you! I have already said to your father, you must die today! I am a credit-bearer and I have never said anything! Your father has been provoked, and your father has said that the entire Tianyang Realm will chase me down. If so, why should I let you go? Do you have a brain?" Tang Yi sneered.


Now that the Yang document is clear, Tang Yi deliberately humiliated him!

He was deliberately playing him!

After playing, kill him again!


So cruel!

Yang Wen now hates! Also desperate!

However, there is no way!

At the same time, he regretted it.

I regret why I came to Mengyue.

Regret why I have to rob someone else's wife.

This is all right, kicking the iron plate.

However, regret at this moment has no meaning.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with you, go on the road."

Tang Yi said.

Speaking, he extended his right hand.

When Yang Yi stretched out his hand, Yang Wen was frightened.

He was still young and not alive enough. He did not want to die, nor did he want to die.

I saw that he pushed the three masked warriors out and said, "Stop him, stop him! You save me, as long as you can save my life, I will give you whatever you want in the future!"

Hearing the words, the three masked and brave warriors hesitated slowly up.


Does it make sense for the three masked and brave warriors to stand up?

It doesn't make any sense.

Tang Yi waved his hand slightly.

These three masked fighters suddenly turned into fly ash.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Tang Yi pointed at Yang Wenshu again.

The next second,

The Yang document also flicked, turned into blood mist, and disappeared.

Only in a flash, those who had just bullied the dream moon royal family, all disappeared in this world.

After resolving the Yang document, Tang Yi clapped his hands as if he had just done an insignificant trivial matter, not at all in his heart.

Aside, seeing that Tang Yi solved the Yang document, the emperor of Mengyue suddenly greeted him, and worried Tang Yi said: "Tang Yi, will this harm you? To know this Yang document, but Tianyang The son of the realm king of the realm, you killed his son, he will certainly not be willing to give up, and will definitely come to you for revenge."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about the emperor. According to his avatar, the strength of Tianyang Realm King is the same. There is no threat to me. He wants to come, then just come and let him let me He has come and gone!" Tang Yi said confidently.

Seeing that Tang Yi was so confident, Emperor Mengyue immediately reassured: "I heard Tang Yi saying this, then I'm relieved. Since that's the case, I'll go to clean the site first to see the loss. I won't bother Tang here. Yi You and your wives are reunited."

"Well. Okay, Lord, go busy first."

Tang Yi said.

Tang Yi was slightly embarrassed when he heard Emperor Mengyue say'Wifes'. He glanced at Mu Xianling and others with Yu Guang and found that Mu Xianling and others did not notice this sentence. Come to heart.

On the other side, Emperor Mengyue nodded toward Mu Xianling, and then left the scene to clean the battlefield.

This battle was extremely tragic. The Mengyue Empire died a large number of warriors, and the losses were extremely huge. Almost all the top fighting powers fell.

Even the Chinese ancestor who had reached the supreme rank was also hit hard and his life and death were unknown.

The Mengyue Empire can be said to have been completely maimed and there is not much fighting power left.

In addition, in addition to a large number of powerful men of the Moon family fell.

In order to resist the Yang document and others, the ordinary martial artsmen of Mengyue used their lives to fill them, and also fell a large number of martial artsmen.

At that moment, at least tens of thousands of people died!

The entire Mengyue Palace is a sea of ​​corpses!

Therefore, not only the Mengyue royal family was maimed, but the entire Mengyue kingdom was martial, because of the Yang document, it was hit hard!

The national power of the Dream Moon Empire has declined significantly.

If at this time, other empires come to provoke provocation, if Tang Yi does not take action, I am afraid that the Mengyue Empire will soon be overthrown.

It can be seen how miserable the Dream Moon Empire is at this moment.

How hard it was.

Of course ~lightnovelpub.net~ Although the loss is great, although many people have died.

However, for the Emperor of Dream Moon, for the entire royal family of Dream Moon, it is still worth it!

After all, some people died, but they won a supreme strongman, which is still earned for the dream moon royal family!

Although the national strength has declined slightly due to the death of a large number of strong men, it has increased substantially because of Tang Yi.

With Tang Yi in it, who dares to provoke Mengyue?

Even the powerful existence of Tianyang Realm King was wiped out by Tang Yi. Who dares to challenge?

No one dares!

Therefore, their dream moon actually earned!

Some strong men died, earning a supreme strong man.

Big profit.