Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2553: Meet Lord Moyun

Chai Zhengwan's eyesight is very good.

He could see that the guard leader just now was the top holy god.

The top sacred **** is only one step away from the Supreme.

The strength of this level is very scary!

Perhaps in the face of the guard leader, Chai Zhengwan couldn't resist even one finger.


This strength exists.

It was actually turned into a blood mist by this young man who seemed to be ordinary around him.

This is incredible.

In addition to Chai Zhengwan's shock, Tang Mingtian on the side was also very surprised.

Tang Mingtian could not see the strength of the guard leader because of his low strength.

But he could know that the guard leader was absolutely strong.

After all, the guard leader just flew very fast, and his body was very powerful.

The speed of flight can be so fast, the momentum can be so strong, what is this not the strong?

And such a strong...

It was actually killed by Tang Yi with a finger.

This is incredible.

"Yi Di seems to have grown to a point where I can't understand it. With his current strength, he may really be able to deal with the Holy Gate and be able to get a fair deal for our Tang family." Tang Mingtian thought at the moment .

And the other side.

After Tang Yi killed the guard leader of the top holy **** level with one finger, he immediately turned his head and smiled at Chai Zhengwan, and said, "It’s solved, how is it, Chai Louzhu, I said he can’t run away Right?"

Hearing the words, Chai Zhengwan returned to the gods, and said: "The young man's means is through the sky, his strength is extremely high, and he is admired."


At this moment Chai Zhengwan was completely convinced of Tang Yi.

The tone of speech also became extremely respectful.

Although Chai Zhengwan still can't see Tang Yi's strength at this moment, he still doesn't know what level Tang Yi is.

But he knew that Tang Yi's strength was very powerful and terrifying.

At least the top saint-level warrior can't block one of his fingers.

Now even if he is stupid, he can guess that Tang Yi's strength must be above the level of the top holy god.

There is even a great chance of being a supreme strongman.

Smiling slightly, Tang Yi ignored Chai Zhengwan's fart, but said: "Okay, Chai Louzhu, now the small debris blocking the door has been resolved, we can go in."

Little miscellaneous...

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Chai Zhengwan couldn't help but stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly in his heart: "Just now that the top holy **** has been said by the son to be miscellaneous, then wouldn't I... even miscellaneous?

Thinking of this, Chai Zhengwan's mood became complicated.

He originally thought he was very good, and he felt that his talent was strong enough. After all, how old was he?

Forty years old.

At this age, you have reached the level of the Eight-Star Holy Spirit.

This is enough genius and good enough.

And the guard commander who was just now, although not as young as him, is also in his forties.

Forty years of age is the top holy god, which is also very powerful.

Chai Zhengwan felt that he might not have reached this level in his forties.

Therefore, the top holy **** just now is more genius than him.

However, such a genius, in the mouth of the young man beside him, is actually just a jumble. Does this make Chai Zheng omnipotent not complicated?

And he wouldn’t it be just as a mess?

"It's all right, it's better to be miscellaneous. It's better to be in front of this son, it is the existence of miscellaneous."

After thinking it over for a while, Chai Zhengwan accepted the identity as if it was not as good as this.

"You follow me."

After calming down the complex emotion, Chai Zhengwan made a polite gesture.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi and his party walked into the Moyun Palace.

A few minutes later, a group of people came outside the main hall of the Magic Cloud Hall.

Entering the hall, a group of people suddenly saw a gray-haired old man sitting on the throne in the center of the hall.

The old man held his chin and stared blankly in a certain direction, his face pale and his eyes filled with hollows.

The clothes on his body and the hair on his head were also a little messy, as if he hadn't sorted it out for many days.

He looked as though he had lost hope and faith, sitting in the same place without moving, and looked especially pitiful.

If it weren’t for the old man’s chest, he seemed to be dead. Kiki's novels are launched online

His appearance, although not dead, is no different from that of a dead person.

Seeing the appearance of the old man, Chai Zhengwan felt particularly distressed. He hurried to the old man's side and knelt down and said, "Father and emperor, the children are late."

That's right, the old man in front of him is Lord Moyun, Chai Gaomeng!

The former Chai Gaomiao was not the one in front of him.

Even if he is more than sixty, he is still old and strong, looking like a middle-aged man.

The whole person is full of a sense of majesty, imminent, immense talent.

In short, let people see, is the emperor of the world.

But now!

But it is such an old-style dragon clock. The whole person is sloppy, dirty, and clothes and hair have never been sorted out.国幺赽蹽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~

It can be seen how he has experienced torture since this time.

What kind of despair has gone through.

Looking at such an old man, Chai Zhengwan felt distressed~ lightnovelpub.net~ The whole body shivered slightly.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, people are still there. Although they are no longer as majestic as before, life is intact.

Hearing Chai Zhengwan's familiar voice, the old man was slightly puzzled, and then turned his head.

Turning his head, he saw Cai Zhengwan kneeling in front of him.

Seeing Chai Zhengwan, the old man was taken aback.

The old man and Chai Zhengwan have not been seen for many days.

For Chai Zhengwan, the old man is also particularly missed.


I saw Chai Zhengwan at this moment. Although the old man missed it, there was no surprise and joy on his face.

Instead, a panicked look appeared.

I saw him hurried to Chai Zhengwan, helped him up, and asked, "Zhengwan, really you? Why are you here?"

"Father Emperor, the son-in-law is late! These days, the son-in-law is missing the father-in-law day and night, and he is worried about his father's safety. At this moment, seeing that the father-in-law is all right, the son-in-law is relieved. Wan looked at Chai Gaomei and said.

Chai Gaoming asked again: "I ask you, Zhengwan, why are you here? How did you come in?"

Chai Zhengwan replied: "Father and Emperor, how else can I come in, naturally I walk in. Otherwise, how can I come in!"

Chai Gaoming said: "I'm not talking about this. I mean, hasn't Cloud Block blocked the entire Moyun Temple? Outside the Moyun Temple, there must be a strong guard of their holy gate, and their holy gate's people , Certainly won't let you enter the Magic Cloud Hall? Since you are not allowed to enter, how are you fooling them in now?"

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