Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2555: Chai Zhengwan's confidence

Chai Gaomeng finished speaking, and then persuaded Chai Zhengwan to say: "So Zhengwan, you still listen to my advice, leave the magic cloud quickly, before the cloud has not responded, you quickly leave, so still Can escape a life. Otherwise,..."

Hearing Chai Gaomiao's words, Chai Zhengwan immediately wanted to say something.

However, I haven't said that I saw a voice outside the main hall.

"Want to go? Kill the person of my holy door, just want to go? How could it be so easy!"

At the same time as the sound came, several figures jumped into the main hall.

Everyone looked at it and suddenly saw five figures walking in from outside the main hall.

These five figures are very breathable.

Four of them, dressed in black and black robes, looked cold.

The man in the middle is an old man in white with a silver headdress and a silver medal hanging on his chest.

The old man was ugly, his face was full of horizontal meat and scars, as if he had experienced many fierce fights, as if he had suffered a very serious injury and looked very infiltrating.

At the same time, the old man's body is full of the temperament of the superior, the incomparable majesty, and the momentum is very strong.

The temperament of his body is much stronger than the Devil Cloud Lord!

Emperor Moyun was like a baby in front of this old man in white.

"Cloud... Cloud Block!"

Seeing this old man in white, Devil Cloud Lord Chai Gaomiao seemed to see a demon, his eyes widened, and he was terrified.

at the same time.

He hurriedly guarded Chai Zhengwan and pleaded: "Cloud, all wrongs are my fault. If you want to punish, just punish me! I will accept all punishments instead of Zhengwan In addition, if there is any need for your holy door in the future, I will do my best to cooperate, as long as you can let Zhengwan go, you can do whatever you want me."

"Oh! Accept all the punishment? Cooperate? Can you do anything? Let Chai Zhengwan go? You think it's so beautiful!"

Yunza sneered: "Your bold courage, dare to take action against our holy gate, and dare to kill our elite elite. Are you living impatiently? Do you know that those guarding outside the Demon Hall People, but our elite has spent a huge price to cultivate the elite? But know that they are important treasures of our holy door? You dare to kill them! Really do not know life and death! At this moment, even if you pay their lives, Can't make up for the loss of our holy door!" Kiki's novels are launched online

Then, Yunza turned his head again, looked at Chai Zhengwan, and said, "And you! Chai Zhengwan, our holy gate allows you to freely enter and exit the Moyun Palace, and also allows you to take charge of the Moyun Tower. It’s already a great gift. I didn’t expect you to dare to hit our holy door, but also to dare to fight against the warrior of our holy door. You really don’t know what to do!"

Yunza seemed extremely angry, and when he spoke, there was a burst of anger.

Of course, can you not be angry?

A top sacred god, eight nine-star sacred gods, placed in any force, is a good fighting force.

However, at this moment it is said that it is gone, such a great loss, how can Yunza not be angry!

The top sacred **** and the nine-star sacred god, but not the strong wind.

It was their holy gate that they spent years, using a lot of resources and treasures to cultivate hard.

It took so much time and cost so much to train such a strong man.

But at the moment, he was killed by Chai Zhengwan of the Royal Family of Moyun.

Although Yunza does not understand what happened, although Yunza does not know exactly what Chai Zhengwan did.国幺赽蹽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~


No matter what happened, no matter what Chai Zhengwan did, he would have to pay the price!

However, when hearing the words of Yunza, Chai Zhengwan sneered: "Let me go in and out of the Moyun Palace and let me take charge of the Moyun Tower, is it a gift from the heavens? Ha ha! The Moyun Palace was originally our Chai family's , As the three princes of Moyun, what's the problem with free access to the palace of Moyun? How can you be the gift of the Holy Gate? The Moyun Tower is our industry, and I hold the Moyun Tower. What's the matter? Question? Why is it your great gift? It’s so ridiculous. This world is your holy door? My three princes have to ask you even when they are in and out of the palace freely. You have to get your permission even if you are in charge of a restaurant. ?"

"Also! The Magic Cloud Palace is my home, and the Magic Cloud Palace is where my father and emperor live. As the three princes, I want to see my father and emperor without the consent of your Holy Door. And I came The Demon Cloud Temple is blocked by your holy gate, so I'm going to take action against those who are blocked by your holy gate. What's wrong with this? I ask, am I doing something wrong?"


In the face of Chai Zhengwan's question, Yunzao glared at him with anger, but he couldn't answer it!

Because, their holy gates were not taken care of. They were just taking away the territory of others. What could he answer?

"Ha ha!"

"A good pair of teeth! You said that, there is really no problem~lightnovelpub.net~ You were indeed able to get in and out of the palace, and the Devil's Cloud House is indeed your chai's property. Our holy gate prevents you from entering the Devil's Palace. , You can indeed shoot our holy gate! But! Do you know one thing?"

Yunza sneered, and said, "Do you understand that this world is a world of power? Although you can enter the palace, but because our holy gate is stronger than your Chai family, our holy gate will not allow you to enter the magic cloud palace, Then you will not be able to enter the Moyun Palace. Because our holy gate is stronger than your Chai family, and our holy gate will not let you control the Moyun Tower, then the Moyun Tower is not yours. Because our holy gate is stronger than your Chai family, then, you treat us There is a price to pay for the Holy Door! Understand? This is not a world where you want it to be, but a world where the strongest is respected! Your own strength is not good, then you must listen to the powerful."

"Hehe! I have never seen it before. Someone can make the theory of robbers so grandiose! But, even if you say it grandiosely, it is also a robber! Anything a robber says is a robber! Whatever you say You can’t get rid of the essence of robbers!"

Chai Zhengwan said.

If today, Chai Zhengwan came here by himself, he naturally dared not speak these words, nor did he dare to contend with Yunza directly, nor dare to clamor with the powerful Holy Gate.

But today he is not here alone!

Behind him, there is the mysterious youngster who has the hatred of the door and can easily kill the top holy god, Tang Yi!

With Tang Yi behind, Chai Zheng is full of confidence!

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