Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 2557: Finally remembered

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Yunza sneered disdainfully and said, "Want to kill me and want to destroy our holy door? Do you have this qualification? I think you still don't want to dream in daytime, or Think about how to resist my men, and how to survive in my men’s hands. If you can’t even deal with my men, how can you kill me, how can we destroy our holy gate?” 国噺繽奇Strange novel 蛧|w~w~

To Tang Yi, Yunza completely disdains. In his opinion, Tang Yi is so young, how strong can he be?

How can he threaten him at this age, and how can he threaten the Holy Gate?

So he didn't think Tang Yi could do anything to him or the Holy Gate.

Even thinking about it in Yunza, Tang Yi had difficulty in surviving under his own hands.

Tang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Survival in your hands? Do I need to survive in your hands? I think you have said the opposite. It should be that your hands are in my hands." Just come down. Of course, you cannot survive from my hands, because as long as it is the person I want to kill, no one can survive!"

Tang Yi said, raised his right hand slightly, and tapped his fingers gently.


The sound is not loud.

However, for the four black-robed warriors who were walking towards Tang Yi and others, it was a thunderbolt.

The brains of the four black-robed warriors burst into thunder, as if thunder blew in their ears.

At the same time, the body seems to be in the same place as the amulet.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yunza was still very puzzled and didn't understand what Tang Yi meant.

However the next second.

But saw the body of the four black-robed warriors settled in place.

However, when he wondered why the four black-robed warriors were set in place.

But I heard ‘wra’ a soft sound.

I saw the bodies of the four black-robed warriors suddenly turned into a blood mist.


Seeing that his four men were inexplicably transformed into a blood mist, Yunza glared his eyes, his face full of surprise and doubt, and, incredible!

He had no idea that his men would turn into blood mist!

I did not expect that his men would turn into blood mist in front of his eyes!

And his men turned into blood mist, he didn't feel anything at all!

I don't understand what is going on!

I didn't feel any power fluctuation at all!

He didn't know who did it, or who used what means!

This is incredible, and Yunza is stunned.

At the same time, an inexplicable fear arose in Yunza's heart!

The unknown is the most terrible.

Now, even people like Yunza feel fear.

After all, this scene in front of me is really shocking and shocking.

You know, his four men are the top holy gods!

The four top holy gods instantly turned into blood mist, what is this concept?

Who can turn the four top holy gods into blood mist?

Not even Yunza himself!

And who is Yunza?

He is supreme!

Not even the Supreme can do this, so who can do it?

the most important is!

Someone killed his subordinates in front of him, but he knew nothing about it!

Not only do I not know who the opponent is, but also do not know what method the opponent used!

Even his supreme, could not find the opponent, did not know what method this opponent used!

This makes Yun Zun himself, how can he not be afraid!

After seeing this scene, the original cloud, which was originally self-confident, was slightly frightened, and the whole person was no longer as calm as before.

But at this time, Tang Yi said: "What, I said, it is not me who needs to survive, but your men! And your men, in my hands, cannot survive!"

When Tang Yi spoke, his smile was very bright. Kiki's novels are launched online

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yun Zun suddenly realized, pointing to Tang Yidao: "Is that you? Just snapped fingers? No, impossible! How is this possible, they are the top holy gods, how can you kill them with a snap of fingers! "

Tang Yi smiled and said: "What the weak cannot do is naturally impossible in the eyes of the weak. But for the strong, it is very easy, very simple. Do you understand? Cloud Block? "

"You? The strong? Impossible!" Yunza still doesn't talk.

Tang Yiwei smiled and said: "I don't need you to believe. Now I will give you two choices. One, tell me where your Holy Gate headquarters is. Second, you are killed by me. Now you choose!"


Hearing Tang Yi’s words, Yunza didn’t make a choice, but narrowed his eyes and said, “I’ve never seen such an arrogant young man. Since that’s the case, let me teach you the trick! I’ll see See how amazing you are!"

With that said, Yunza took on a posture to teach.

However, Tang Yi smiled.

Cloud Block is just a newcomer, and what is his strength?

He is a million supreme.

It's still millions.

Newcomer Supreme wants to challenge his authority?

This is simply death.

Can Tang Yi not laugh?

I saw that Tang Yi didn't speak, stretched out his finger, and slightly pointed towards the cloud seat~lightnovelpub.net~ Puff! "

Yunzao hadn't reacted yet, but saw his hands turned into a blood mist.


His hands were discarded, and the screams of the pain in the cloud, the look became extremely painful.

Looking at the appearance of Yunza, Tang Yi sneered and said, "Do you believe it now?"

This time Yunza did not believe it, but he did not speak, but gave Tang Yi a deep look, with a trace of perplexity and a trace of fear in his expression.

With the eyesight of Yunza, I still don't know what this young man is doing right now!

I can't see the strength of this young man at all.

What kind of strength can it achieve?

In order to instantly abolish his two arms?

After taking a deep look at Tang Yi, Yunza asked: "What the **** are you?"

Tang Yi replied: "Did I not say that before? My name is Tang Yi! Your branch of the Holy Gate in the Dream Moon Empire was all pulled by me."

"Tang Yi?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yunza still couldn't remember who Tang Yi was.

It is not clear when the Meng Yue Empire emerged with such a powerful person.

At this time, Tang Yi pretended to think of something and said: "Oh, forget to say, I come from the Tang family in Tianxingyu. Our entire Tang family was destroyed by your holy door. I got caught, now I don’t know life or death! Do you remember now?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Yunza glared, and finally thought of something, and was surprised: "It's you! You are Tang Haotian's son!"

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